Saturday, October 31, 2020

Difference between Russian Revolution and Western 'Wokeness' — Dionysian Capitalism — America as Experimentation than Civilization — Imperial Individualism & Tri-Supremacism — Communism as Neo-Protestantism — Jewish Control over Northern European Types

Far from feeling hostility, for many years (at least since the early sixties) Russians considered the US a model to follow. Nikita Khrushchev, the powerful ruler (1953-1964) who ditched Stalin and removed his remains from the Mausoleum on the Red Square, was fascinated with the US. He imported US corn (maize) and considered this American staple the key to Soviet prosperity. Those were the days Russia discovered jazz.

Surely, the Soviet elites and Soviet youths were fascinated with different features of Americanism. Leaders and managers were impressed with American industry, enterprise, and engineering. The youths were into American popular culture. But even in the US, there was a division as well as a connection between industry and leisure. Industry had roots in Protestant Work Ethic, self-restraint, discipline, organization, moderation, and delaying gratification. In contrast, especially with the rise of youth culture in the Rock n Roll Fifties, the new expression among the young was "Let's Live for Today", a variation of the Negro "Let the Good Times Roll". The American Sixties mocked the 'conformist' Fifties. Hippies gave the middle finger to the military-industrial complex, good ole patriotism, and the traditional family. And blacks rose up and burned US cities and triggered mass white flight from.
The mantra of the youth culture was, "We wanna be young forever and don't want to be like our parents with their middle class 9 to 5 jobs." Like Dustin Hoffman's character in THE GRADUATE says, he wants to be different. It went from THE WILD ONE(where normal small town folks are the good people harassed by bikers as neo-barbarian outlaws who need some taming) to EASY RIDER(where drug-dealing bikers are the good guys searching for truth whereas the small town folks in the South are vicious redneck villains). Youth culture merged with the anti-war movement, giving the impression that the New Culture was anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-bourgeois. But was it truly leftist? Not in the classic sense because much of youth culture and counterculture was based on consumption of capitalist products like TV shows, youth fads, Rock music, and other forms of pop behavior. As it was said of the May 68 Movement in France, it spoke Marxism but drank Coca-Cola and wore Blue Jeans. The hippies were likely to have posters of both Che Guevara and the Beatles. In a way, it didn't make much sense. Guevara and Viet Cong were about discipline, organization, self-sacrifice, and sober commitment to the revolution. In contrast, Beatles, Beach Boys, and the Rolling Stones were about having fun and leisure made possible only by industrial civilization of capitalism. Hippies could be merry pranksters because they could afford vans mass-manufactured in factories. Youths could put off growing up because there was an over-abundance of food and other products; unlike youths in the past, they could put off the future and live it up.

But many in the Capitalist West feared that the fruits of capitalism would rot from too much leisure and self-indulgence. Many felt that the Communist East would eventually win. Not because communism was more productive but because capitalist prosperity fostered decadence, narcissism, hedonism, immaturity, and impossible expectations. The spartans would defeat the athenians. And when US couldn't prevail over rice-and-rat eating Viet Cong, the morale sunk further in the West. But the 60s generation eventually had to grow up and be productive. Also, the ever-adaptive and fluid character of capitalism found a way to incorporate 'youth rebellion' and 'leftist subversion' and turn them into corporate brands. New Capitalism would stress rewards than virtue. The capitalism that was rooted in the Protestant Work Ethic stressed the virtue of hard work, sobriety, saving, delaying gratification, and long-term planning. The new capitalist 'ethos' was 'get paid, get laid'. The danger of Dionysianism was lack of focus and discipline in favor of fun and pleasure; but, it could be made to fuel ambition and industry if a shameless society told everyone, "It's glorious to be stinking filthy rich." In earlier times, there was always a sense of capitalism being sinful, greedy, and dirty. This owed to Christian influence, especially the puritanical kind. So, capitalism back then had to be justified as a means of hard work, saving, and using wealth for social good. Also, the rich were less ostentatious, especially in Protestant countries. It was seen as bad form to show off one's wealth. When rich Americans displayed their wealth more conspicuously in the late 19th century, it was called the 'Gilded Age' and the oligarchs were called 'robber-barons', and there was a backlash.
There was a fusion of Dionysianism and capitalism in the Jazz Age and Weimar Period of the 1920s, but the Great Depression and the sacrifices demanded by World War II sobered up the elites and masses again. The Depression led both FDR and Adolf Hitler to power. During the New Deal, capitalism had to be revised and justified on moral grounds. And during WWII, capitalism was redeemed a force of patriotism. During the Cold War, capitalism was made synonymous with democracy and the free world in a struggle against communist tyranny.

But with the rising Middle Class and the explosion of youth culture, capitalist ethos underwent a fundamental transformation. It faced the danger of being seen as the enemy of youthful spirit and mini-revolutions unleashed by the Counterculture. It was the Power of the Man. It feared being associated with the norms of earlier times. It didn't want to be seen as 'square' and 'lame', or 'bourgeois'. So, capitalist 'ethos' went from the Apollonian to the Dionysian model. Capitalism figured that the masses could be made to work hard not for greater virtue and saving but for more vice and spending. "Work harder, get paid more, get laid more." The people in THE WOLF OF WALL STREET are indeed motivated to work harder and longer... in expectation of more drugs, more women, more fun. There are already signs of this in Billy Wilder's THE APARTMENT.

The US military followed a similar trajectory. During the Vietnam War, the rock-and-youth culture seemed antithetical to military discipline and organization. The military didn't know what do about young men in Vietnam who were more into smoking dope than shooting guns.
Ultimately, youthful Rock n Roll mindset was incorporated into military 'ethos'. Rejigger war as a grand Wagnerian Rock and Roll spectacle. We Will We Will Rock You. Shock and Awe. In JARHEAD, we see the military use a scene from APOCALYPSE NOW as pep rally for war. In a way, youth culture was rebellious, but it also made young people more immature and easily manipulable, like dogs. While John Wayne war movies like SANDS OF IWO JIMA is no great work of art, they make the viewer focus on stories and characters. Same goes for TWELVE O CLOCK HIGH. In contrast, New Hollywood made violence far more immediate, visceral, and spectacular. So, even an ostensibly 'anti-war' movie is more exciting than old pro-war movies. And the thrilling moments can be screened to soldiers to pump up their fighting spirit. Like Rock n Roll. The Clash was a leftist rock band, but 'Rock the Casbah' became the anthem of American Soldiers bombing and invading the Middle East.
Even when Ron Kovic joined the military, it wasn't for fun and good times. He joined to serve his nation, to be a patriot and hero. It was a self-sacrificing act. Today, soldiers still get killed and many end up maimed, but the idea is the military is a fun, cool place to be. Recruitment centers bait young men with video games. And the military serves much better food, even lobsters. And if you get killed, family gets big bucks to blow at Las Vegas.

Anyway, the US found a way to fuse hard-work mentality with house-party mentality. No more need to appeal to virtue, dignity, and sacrifice to make people work harder. No more talk of saving money to take care of your family. Just appeal to how they're gonna have more money, spend more money on fun stuff, and come closer to living like their favorite skank-ass celebrities. And there is always debt and more debt. But can this last forever? While more fun is an effective incentive to make people work more, it degrades morals, souls, and families, and that means more kids will grow up in dysfunctional environments. Also, when a society has gotten so permissive, more fun isn't as enticing anymore. There are tattoos, piercings, video-games, gambling, pornography, hook-up sex, countless TV shows, free music, and etc. easily accessible all over. At least in the 70s and 80s, teens had to flip burgers to make extra money to buy records and go to movies. Now, some young slob can sit at home and get all the free music and free movies he or she wants. And many young skanks can make easy money by showing their bare butts on some internet sites. And when so many are taking drugs, legal or illegal, they may be further sapped in energy. Dionysianism has failed all those children of parents ruined by or dead from opioids and other drugs.

They can’t possibly understand why this great civilization is committing suicide; but then, who does?

America is not a great civilization. It is a great experimentation. As a civilization, it is an outgrowth of European History, mainly that of Anglos and Germans(and Irish). Anglos laid the foundation, Germans did much of the hard work, and Irish did much of the dirty work. Negroes in the South did a lot of the hard work too, but unlike Germans, Negroes are worthless when left to their own devices. Germans have an inner-overseer. There doesn't have to be an overseer to whip them and say, "work harder, you Kraut". They have an internal overseer or inner-seer who guides them to work and be disciplined. In contrast, unless an overseer is threatening blacks with the whip and calling them 'no good lazy ni**er', blacks just want to go jungle-boogie mode and tear things apart(as they done in Detroit and so many places).

America is both a continuation of Western Civilization and a break. This break led to a grand experimentation that resulted in many fruits, often as poisonous as sweet.
Americans as individuals were freer to pursue whatever works. They were more pragmatic and result-oriented. There was less sentimentality about the past and less reactionary forces to hamper the advancement of whatever worked better. This led to rapid advances in technology and industry. But this relentless American pursuit of the 'better' was more questionable in other fields, especially pertaining to pleasure. Pursuit of Happiness could be a positive thing. But so often, what offers immediate pleasure comes with dangers. The Protestant Work Ethic mentality and Christian morality once served to counterbalance the primacy of pleasure. But as social restraints eased through the years, the pursuit of better-pleasure led to the rise of ever more licentious pop culture and social attitudes that, though 'liberating' in the short term, had long-term negative consequences. But because of the popularity and profitability of the 'better' in entertainment, the norm spread worldwide and has become global. Rap music is a good example. As most people are dolts, they find immediate pleasure in rap culture. Michio Kaku praises it as an example of global culture. But what is its effect on the souls of youths? It's utterly degrading. A world full of youths yapping like moronic ghetto jivers in da hood? This is progress? Seeking the better in science/technology and the higher(or deeper) in the arts/culture is surely different from seeking the 'better' in pop culture and lifestyle. (But then, the advancement in science leads to more technological ease of access in pursuit of pleasure. Paradoxically, achievements of higher intelligence encourage more mass stupidity. Video-games are more advanced than ever but people who obsess over them are more immature than ever. Smart phones have created an army of dummies. Smart people know that most people are dumb, and so new technology must cater to mass-stupidity for mega-profits, which explains all those superhero comic book movies. Lots of high-tech wizardry in service of utter nonsense.) And yet, they all have something in common in that they're part of the American obsession with unfettered pursuit of the better. In some cases, there is better truth and better depravity as a unity, as in PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT. Philip Roth was artist enough to bare his soul and explore his psycho-cultural self. But what does it say about humanity if the light at the end of the tunnel is 'boing'?

Anyway, because America is an experimentation than a civilization, it can go terrifically well or spectacularly wrong. In some ways, it's more dangerous than in Russia. Russia had deep civilization prior to the Revolution, and this civilization persisted through the Revolution and outlasted it. But because America is an experimentation, when it goes wrong, it really goes wrong and there isn't much to fall back on.
Now, America could have developed as a civilization IF it put race, history, and identity above ideas, ideology, and 'values'. And there was a time when America was gloriously race-ist and laying the foundation of a race-based civilization. But in the end, largely due to neo-puritanical preference for principles & values, the impact of mass-immigration, rise of Jewish Power, and white 'guilt' & 'fever' about blacks, the bedrock of white race-ism crumbled away, and Americans came to defend, justify, and promote their country as an experiment in ideas and 'values' than as a unique civilization. Or, in one of the great ironies, Americans came to claim that what was unique about Americanism was its total universality. Anyone can come here and become an Insta-American, and American Values can be spread around the world and people can become Ersatz-Americans in their own nations. Never mind the melting pot; America became a pop-tart. In time, this vision of a nation as an experiment in ideas than a civilization with roots & culture took hold in Western Europe as well, which is why Ireland is now a New-York-San-Fran wanna-be. And it is also the future of Poland as idiot Poles have the Polish Disease and feel inferiority complex as Slavs associated with those 'Oriental Despotic' Russians and desperately want to win approval from the 'more evolved' West that is now all about globo-homo and Negro-worship.

But, this experiment-uber-civilization didn't happen overnight. The Nixon and Reagan landslides from late 60s to the 80s suggest that there was a silent-majority of America as a mostly normal white Christian majority nation-state. The sentiments were there even if inchoate and vaguely articulated. Back then, the insane experiments of the Counterculture could be weathered because the US still had many older folks who came of age in a more civilizational America. Though George McGovern was a decent man, his support from freaks and weirdos got a big NO from the American People. But fast-forward to today, and all the older folks from the Nixon era are dead and gone. And the 'Greatest Generation' are dropping dead like flies or are senile. Today, the boomers are the old folks, and their formative experience was pop-culture-as-main-culture. They aged badly and ungracefully. Compare boomer Jews with older generation of Jews who were more serious. Whatever one thinks of George H.W. Bush, he was a better man than his clownish sons. Billy Boy Clinton? Hillary? Trump and Biden? With elders like these, who need immature punks?

In a way, PC was a continuation of boomer culture and a rebellion against it. It was the product of the 'long march through the institutions' by the boomers but also a Generation X rebellion against what they perceived to be boomer slovenliness, sloppiness, and excesses. Many of the X-generation felt things had to be cleaned up. Gentrification of neighborhoods also led to gentrification of ideas and speech. Of course, there are two sides to PC. One aspect emphasizes niceness, i.e. we should watch what we say to get along better. But another aspect of PC is aggressive and actually urges certain groups to be nasty in order to be 'authentic'. So, blacks must be enraged, homos should be fuming(more often than flaming), Jews should be pushy & obnoxious, and yellows/browns/hindus/etc. should take cues from Jews and hate on whitey; and 'good' whitey should be nasty toward 'bad' whitey deficient in 'white guilt'.

Granted, the seeds of global experimentalism were in the concept of civilization itself. In its emphasis on the city and its connections to other cities around the world, the civilizational ideal de-emphasized the link between city folks(especially the elites) and their roots in the countryside, their bond with common folks, & deep sense of culture. So, the Civilization vs Kultur conflict in the 19th century.

With boomers as the elders, with PC as the reigning ideology, and with Jews-Negroes-Homos as the official idolatry of the US, is there anything remaining of the vestiges of American Civilization? Even so-called 'conservatives' are apt to say American Values or Western Civilization are not about people, race, culture, or heritage. Rather, they're just a set of ideas and values. But this is stupid. If one defines a civilization by its ideas and values, is America not America if democracy were to be replaced by autocracy? Was America not American when it had slavery? Was Germany not part of Western Civilization when under National Socialists? Were the Middle Ages not part of Western Civilization because it was semi-theocratic and had no use for liberal-secular values?
Also, if ideas and values define Western Civilization, then all the world is part of Western Civilization because they've adopted so much from the West. There are parts of India and China, even Iran, where a white Westerner can go and find much that is familiar and in line with the Western lifestyle.

Look at most American youths, and they have no sense of history or roots. The entirety of their mindset revolves around the two PC's of Political Correctness and Pop Culture. For many young people, the defining 'identity' is as potheads. They belong to the nation of grass and the memory of Bob Marley & Jerry Garcia. Many Antifa types only know drug culture and 'ideas' they gleaned from Kurt Cobain, The Clash, Rage against the Machine, and Tranny-mania. Their mentality is entirely experimental without any vestiges of the civilizational, let alone kultural. And US 'conservatives' aren't much better. Their idea of 'conservatism' is 'money is good'. Notice their total subservience to Wall Street, Las Vegas, and Big Tech even as they spread degeneracy and shut down genuinely conservative voices.

Russians perceived the US as a dynamic and orderly society, allowing ample space for individualism, seeding its pop culture and making no ideological demands. This last quality was so attractive to Russians that they enshrined it in their new post-Soviet constitution...
Even when the new orthodoxy was already forming in the US, but it took a few years until an awareness of this change seeped into Russian minds. By 2010, the Russians were so free of ideological limitations that Westerners could no longer even grasp the shocking possibilities.

And yet, it was American dynamism and individualism that led to the current state of affairs: The Rise of the New Idolatry. It's wrong to believe that the US became increasingly ideological under PC. Rather, it became more idolatrous, which is the true underpinning element of PC and 'wokeness'. There are two meanings to individualism, one humanist and the other narcissist. They are apposite and opposite. The humanist idea of individualism says that each individual is deserving of basic dignity, freedom, and set of rights. No matter how humble you are, you should be free and responsible for what you do. This has been the good side of American individualism. But there is another side to individualism, often associated with celebrity, wealth, glamour, and etc. This leads to idol-worship of certain individuals as demigods, the new royalty, the superduper heroes, or awesome beings. Take the Elvis Cult. Or Beatlemania. The worship of Jerry Garcia. The mindless adulation of Michael Jackson when he died. Chris Hedges calls it the 'empire of illusion'. In a way, it's about individualism as the classic American success story. Elvis, a truck driver, becomes a great star, makes millions, and becomes idolized by millions of fans. But if one person can become so great an individual, it means other individuals are losers and nobodies who exist only to idolize the super-stars. It is a kind of imperial-individualism founded on vanity, narcissism, and egotism(even megalomania). It is what Pier Paolo Pasolini warned as 'consumist fascism', the tendency of capitalism to make the masses idolize the rich, famous, and glamorous as super-human and to pathetically ape their image and style. Rather than being content with oneself as a human with dignity, one fixates on the super-stars and dreams that he/she can be a mini-mussolini as pop idol. This is the Trumpian Irony. He came to political prominence as the champion of the little guy. He said while the Hillary Campaign was about "I with Her", his is about "I'm with You". But Trump would be nothing if not for his celebrity, riches, and sham-glam antics. He is an American Idol.

How did imperial-individualism shape current PC and 'wokeness'? How did it lead to the Tri-Supremacism of Jews, Homos, and Negroes? It's simple. Jews are rich, smart, & powerful, therefore objects of awe to anyone who aspires to be successful. Even Trump relied on Jewish connections to make his billions. Jews favored the homos, and besides, homos are creative and stylish, and this has great appeal in a capitalist world that is obsessed with vanity, narcissism, fashion, and the image. People, especially women, can't get enough of 'gay' froopy-doopery because it's associated with dressing well and looking good. And Negroes dominate sports, music, and sex culture, what most Americans are obsessed with. Because Jewish individuals succeeded in business & brains, homo individuals succeeded in arts & fashion, and because black individuals succeeded in sports, funky music, & sex, their imperial-individualism have turned them into godlike beings worthy of worship.

There is no real ideological underpinning to PC and 'wokeness'. If PC is really about equal justice, one of the main moral themes would be, "We need to treat Palestinians and Jews equally in foreign affairs." But where do you see anyone saying "Palestinian Lives Matter"? And if 'marriage equality' is so crucial, shouldn't there be calls for Same-Family Marriage(or incest-marriage), and polygamy? Yet, most people are not interested because incest-sexuals and polygamists are hardly fashionable. Also, they have no support from Jews and powerful groups. (Trannies, in contrast, have come far because of support from homos who are supported by Jews. And pedo-sexuals have made more strides than incest-sexuals and polygamists because there are elements in the Jewish and homo community that are into child-sex.)
So, if we connect the dots, a strain of American Individualism led to the current PC, which is more about idolatry or 'idology' than ideology. In foreign affairs, it all comes down to "Is it good for Jews?" And we must all serve Jews because they are so rich, smart, and awesome. Both political parties are all about Jews, Jews, Jews. Biden and Trump compete to suck the Jewish dong. If PC were truly for equal justice and anti-imperialist, it should demand that the US leave Syria. But PC folks have done everything to hamper Trump's effort to leave Syria because Jews want US to remain and undermine Assad. When PC is predicated on appeasing certain groups than applying moral logic to world affairs, it is not about ideology. Same with BLM. If PC is truly ideological and predicated on racial justice for all, it would condemn not only white bigotry but black thuggery that does harm to so many non-black groups, as well as to other blacks. But blacks are sacred, blacks are cool, blacks are badass. So, one must never criticize blacks or condemn their behavior. Even when blacks do wrong, we must rationalize and find excuses for black pathology, such as 'systemic racism'.

Now, why do Jews and blacks have such power? Because so many Jews and blacks have succeeded as imperial-individuals. GOP officials kowtow at the feet of billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer. So many Americans worshiped Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson. Naturally, narcissistic form of individualism had the effect of lionizing certain individuals who happened to be Jewish or black. This turned so many people into mindless Philo-Semites and/or Philo-Negroids. And no one dares to blame the HIV crisis on homo behavior because homos are so very holy. Why does the Pope refuse to judge the homos and even speak in favor of 'gay marriage'(so-called 'civil union' is just path to 'gay marriage') when he surely objects to incest-sexuals and same-family-marriage? It's because the current pope-a-dope is likely a closet-fairy or some shallow idolater of whatever is fashionable. Still, the vaunted status of Jews, blacks, and homos owes to their success as imperial-individuals in key fields. This is especially due to the factor of psychological association. While it's true that the success of Michael Jordan or Michael Bloomberg doesn't mean that all blacks are good at sports or all Jews are good at wealth creation, when enough blacks or Jews become dominant in a certain field, public psychology begins to feel awe for that group as a whole. "Jews are so smart". "Blacks are good at basketball." And such mass perceptions pave the way for idol-worship.

Of course, there is also the factor of the Holocaust, Black Slavery, and past 'homophobia', but none of these guilt-trips would amount to much without the success of Jews, blacks, and homos. If Jews had an average IQ of 90s and dominated nothing, the Holocaust would now be a footnote in history books. Holocaust is seen as tragic because GREAT JEWS were killed. And if blacks sucked at sports & pop music and didn't excite whites with jungle fever, most people would yawn about slavery and Jim Crow. White people would feel, "So, a bunch of losers picked cotton and had to drink from another water fountain. Big freaking deal." It's like no one cares about Jim Crowitz in the West Bank because Palestinians are regarded as 'losers'. Most people think of Ukrainians and Arabs as losers, so who cares if millions of Ukrainians died in the Great Famine or if hundreds of thousands of Arabs perished as the result of Wars for Israel. That the biggest victims of American History, the American Indians, hardly get any love is testament to the lack of moral logic in PC and the power of imperial-individualism in determining which groups receive the most awe and admiration.

The lesson for Russians is that they should embrace humanist-individualism but be wary of narcissistic-individualism or imperial-individualism. Given human nature, people are hardwired to idolize others as stars, celebrities, heroes, and the like. I mean, what Russian doesn't look up to Alexander Karelin as a 'national hero' for scaring wrestlers around the world half-to-death? Still, this mustn't be allowed to become cancerous. The problem of capitalism is it's an never-ending hype-machine. Under communism, there were famous actors and athletes who were much beloved, but there was a limit to their fame, fortune, and glory. In communist Cuba, athletes win medals for the nation, for the people. It's not just about me, me, me. But under capitalism, the imperial-individual becomes a superstar and there is no limit to his/her fame, fortune, and idolatry. This leads to the sick culture of celebrity-obsession.

Jews weren’t a problem either, for the majority of Russian Jews had already emigrated to Israel or to America, while those that remained in Russia were the assimilated children of mixed marriages.

While many Russian Jews may cause little problem, Jewish Globalist Power has been a huge bane on the Russian nation. It goes back to the Bolshevik Revolution. Then, it returned with the Globalsheviks in the 90s who were about gangster-capitalism than communism. And all the sanctions and encirclement of Russia have been engineered by World Jewry. The fact that Jews openly and rabidly defame and smear Russia while Putin and Russian government must either keep mum or praise Jews/Israel is downright insulting to Russian dignity and pride. Jews pulled off the foul Russian Collusion Hoax, but Putin can't even say, "The damn Jews done it". That is shameful. Jews can be rabidly and virulently hateful toward Russians, but no one better say anything about Jews lest it be ANTISEMITIC! Now, there's no use hating Jews for no reason, but when Jews hate your kind, you should hate them back.

There were no racial tensions; Russia had very few blacks, and they were extremely well treated... People with different ethnicities weren’t discriminated against historically. Tatar and Georgian, Ukrainian and Polish nobles were accepted equally at the Tsar’s Court, and later their representatives sat in Soviet parliament. So while Russians could never understand America’s problem with race, they could always congratulate themselves for being cutting-edge progressives.

This isn't really true. How does one understand so much anti-Russian sentiments among Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, Georgians, Chechens, and so many groups? And part of the reason why the USSR fell apart was due to increasing ethnic tensions within the empire. Russians got tired of dealing with non-Russians who seemed resentful and parasitic. If all was hunky-dory within the empire, why did the Soviet Union fall apart, as Yugoslavia did as well?

One difference between the US and USSR was the former lacked the totalitarian power to enforce everyone to bow down to the prevailing narrative of harmony among the races. In the US, there was far more freedom for Jews, blacks, and white masochists to call attention to social injustice. Especially as Jews took control of the media, the powers-that-be could make everyone more aware of race problems and get upset. In contrast, even though racial and ethnic tensions did exist in the USSR, the state had total power and could enforce everyone to go along with the narrative that all groups were equal, happy, and harmonious. In the US, Jews and blacks had the power to organize on their own and cause problems. In the USSR, if any ethnic group wanted to set up a Civil Rights Organization and criticize Russian chauvinism or the Communist Party, it would have been crushed. The same was true in Yugoslavia under communist rule. Everyone had to agree that everyone got along well with all others and that there were no ethnic tensions; they were all happy comrades under the sun. If Anglo-Americans had totalitarian power in the US, they could have used police-state tactics to suppress outward signs of racial tensions. It could have compelled the likes of MLK, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton to say, "America be da best country in da world, and white folks good and we all be gittin' along cuz da constitution say we be free and equal, and dat must be cuz da white man say so, and who we Negroes to say otherwise?"

At any rate, given the BAMMAMA factor(blacks are more muscular and more aggressive), the one great advantage that Europe had over the Americas was NO NEGROES. Russia could afford to treat its blacks nice because there were so few of them. But when blacks reach critical mass in demographics, they're trouble. Europe, despite WWI, WWII, and Communism, was a blessed place in having virtually no blacks, whereas the US, though rich and powerful, was burdened with a large presence of the most savage and monstrous race. But Western Europe gave up this advantage by letting in tons of black savages. Poland will likely follow suit as it suffers from the Polish Disease. Will Russia also follow suit? The problem with blacks is it doesn't take too many to undermine the system. It would take a lot of Chinese or Turks in Russia to cause problem. But even a few blacks can lead to disaster because blacks succeed in sports and undermine national idols. As people are so obsessed over sports, black faces in sports means the populace may come to accept and admire blacks as 'our heroes'. This weakens their resolve against black immigration. I mean, how can they say NO MORE to blacks when their heroes are black? This will be the undoing of Japan where black athletes are taking over. Same could happen to Russia, so Russians need to wake up to the Negro threat. Jews and Negroes are alike in that only a small number can do great damage. Even a small number of Jews can fleece an entire economy, as they did in Russia in the 90s. And even a few blacks can topple the native-national heroes in sports. Look at the UK. It used to have white boxing champions. Even if they lost to US blacks, they were national heroes. But now, blacks dominate sports in UK and France, and whites cuck to Negro Idolatry. When a people idolize members of another race as 'our heroes', they are psychologically finished. Even if Russian athletes aren't the best in the world, Russians need to support their own 'national heroes' and not let the ghastly Negroes take over. Just look at the psychological damage done by black domination of sports in the US. White men are now white boys, sappy cucks to Negro manhood, and white girls are jungle-fever whores.

US ‘wokeness’ is globalist, and is designed to undermine and supplant traditional cultures. However, it seemed at first to be an innocent fashion statement. Russia began to get used to the new crazy standards as though they were any other artefacts of America’s McCulture. The first showdown was over gay pride. Homosexuality is not a part of Russian culture...

Because it is globalist, it isn't really American. Or British, French, Irish, or whatever. Indeed, it wasn't long ago when American, British, French, Irish, and other cultures were resolutely against globo-homo nuttery and especially tranny lunacy. Globo-Homo didn't flow out of national cultures but was imposed on them by the Empire of Judea, or EOJ. So, it is less a case of 'US wokeness' than globalist PC imposed on the US. It's like the British Imperialists imposed reverence for British Queen and Country on the Hindus in India. Hindus on their own wouldn't have fallen for that crap. If the US and other goy nations had proud and independent elites, they could have stood up to Jewish Power and influence. But as goy elites have been colonized(intellectually, financially, and/or politically) by Jewish Power, they feel it is their duty and obligation to serve as proselytizers and enforcers of whatever Jews demand. As the masses are mostly sheeple or easily toppled dominoes, when their elites don't stand up for national values and culture, they just follow along. This was true throughout history. When the Romans defeated the rulers of rival domains, the masses just caved to Roman power. The only exception were Jews. Even though Jewish elites collaborated with the Romans, many Jews took up arms or prophecy to say NO. The difference between Jews and pagans was that most pagan folks had no sense of higher truth/power than of their own rulers. In contrast, Jews believed God was bigger than any bunch of Jewish elites, and they felt betrayed when Jewish elites cut a deal with the Romans. Also, the Jewish Covenant informs every Jew that he is equal in the eyes of God. This is why white folks need to invent their own covenant with the Power. It's been the greatest source of power for the Jews.

An attempt to import #MeToo into Russia was completely unsuccessful. The broad idea of harassment just doesn’t click in Russia. There were no witch-hunts like that of Weinstein, no show trials to entertain the masses.

Even though #MeToo got out of hand, the real outrage was that men like Harvey Weinstein were able to get away with that kind of behavior for so long, especially because Hollywood claims to be so 'progressive' and concerned with women's rights. In truth, Hollywood has been about Jewish Supremacism, and Jewish men and women there didn't care about 'shikse' whores being exploited by men like Weinstein and other nasties. (Hollywood is also where plenty of Jews and pedos exploited children.) Then, why did #MeToo happen? Why did the Power allow the bitches to scream foul about the likes of Weinstein and other Jewish men in the media? It could be that the scandal got so big that even Jewish Power couldn't suppress it any longer. There are limits to everything. It's like Anthony Weiner got so out of control that he had to be abandoned by the Power. But then, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell got away with their perversion for a long long time.
Some believe that the #MeToo movement was an unforeseen byproduct of anti-Trumpism. Jews were so obsessed about smearing Trump as a misogynist that they encouraged feminist fury, but it turned out that many women in Hollywood and media had bad things to say about hornball Jewish men who've been overly grabasstic. It's like Mao failed to foresee that the Hundred Flowers Campaign would get so out of control. Mao expected constructive criticism of the bureaucracy, but as more and more voices piled on, Mao and the entire party apparatus became the target.
Anyway, #MeToo was just a passing fad. So is BLM. Jews see them as attack hounds. Usually, the 'outrages' are kept inside the kennel but, when expedient, unleashed with coordination with deep state, big media, and globalist industry, all of which are controlled by Jews. Same with Covid. Would there have been this hysteria about Covid if Hillary were president? No way. Also, consider the difference between Ferguson and Minneapolis. While it's true that Obama and Eric Holder did play the race card, their thoroughgoing investigation of the Michael Brown case was to reduce racial tensions. They figured that, absent of a total investigation, a lot of blacks will spread the meme of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot". Blacks will say the incident was covered up as just another case of white police brutality. But due to the exacting investigation that interviewed everyone and combed over every piece of evidence, the final conclusion was that Michael Brown did charge the officer who shot in self-defense. But in the case of Minneapolis, there was no attempt by the Power to get to the bottom of what really may have happened. Rather, Jews in media, deep state, and big industry just pushed the 'systemic racism' trope, and it was directed at Trump. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Trump and Barr to get to the bottom of what really happened. By then, George Floyd wasn't just a 'victim' but saint-angel.

So, how much of this 'wokeness' is a genuine movement with legs of its own? Or is it just a tool of Jews who choose which outrage-dogs to let out? Too much of 'wokeness' falls into the category of "If Jews want it, they get it." If 'wokeness' is truly about social justice and has legs of its own, how come it hasn't led a campaign for PALESTINIAN LIVES MATTER or PLM? How come it doesn't organize mass protests over the blacklisting of BDS? How come it has said nothing about Obama's neo-imperialist destruction of Libya and Syria? How come it doesn't condemn the US's recruitment of quasi-nazi types in Ukraine? It's because such would upset Jews who hold the real puppet-strings of 'wokeness' and steer it toward "Is it good for Jews?" Now, Jews do miscalculate at times, and #MeToo was such, where much of the ire ended up targeting Jewish men. But more often than not, 'wokeness' is about making whites hate themselves and making non-whites hate whites. It's about making people suck up to Jews, homos, and blacks as the idols of Tri-Supremacism. No Jewish Supremacist Power, no 'wokeness'. Even though blacks are often the central actors in the Wokeness Play, the producers behind the scene are mostly Jews.

It appears that Russia and the US have developed in opposite directions, for the folly that Americans embrace today is the same folly Russians embraced and rejected a hundred years ago. After the Great Revolution of 1917, Russians also defaced and removed many memorials of its historical past, but those attacks against history did not last long

No, they are wholly different. Superficially, there are some similarities. But the fundamental differences is sincerity vs cynicism and idealism vs decadence. As dangerous and destructive as the communist revolution was, it was a genuine movement to create a just order and a bright future. It was driven by idealism and commitment, even if of radical and fanatical bent. Whatever one thinks of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, and the rest of them, they were true revolutionaries with a messianic view of history. And while Jewish communists may have subconsciously and even consciously had Jewish interests in mind, they were no doubt invested in creating a new future based on Marxist(or Marxist-Leninist) principles. So, even though communist violence was insanely and criminally destructive, one can at least credit the radicals as genuine idealists committed to a real revolution. This cannot be said for what is happening in the West. The power pulling the strings is utterly cynical. It's like George Soros doesn't care about migrants and refugees. If he did, he would use his money to stop the Wars for Israel that led to havoc that unleashed the refugee crisis. No, he is a cynical Jewish Supremacist who is simply seeking to undermine goy white nations to further the interests of Jewish Power. Same is true of globalist Jews who control the West. These people don't really believe homos are holy. They know BLM is utter BS. They know #MeToo bimbos are idiots who played whore to horny men. Their ONLY interests is Jewish Supremacism and personal wealth/power. That's it. And they figure they need to crank out 'wokeness' and other forms of PC to energize blacks and Diversity against whites and to make whites feel more 'white guilt'? Why is this so crucial to Jewish Power? Because Jewish Hegemony depends on Jewish control of white folks, especially Northern European types. Without Jewish control of Northern Europeans, Jewish worldwide hegemony becomes deeply compromised. So unlike Jewish communist leaders of the past who were sincere in their revolutionary commitment, the current bunch of Jewish globalists who fund 'woke' nonsense are cynical Jewish tribal-supremacists who are toying with idiot goyim to boost their own power, wealth, and influence. That is it.

Now, it may be true that the 'woke' footsoldiers on the streets are sincere in their commitment. They are true believers and really mean it. But, they are completely useless as ideologues because there's no rhyme or reason to their various manias, lunacies, and hysterics. A communist, high or low, knows what he is about all the time. But the wokemons have no clue. If the Power says they must be nutty about A, they get nutty about A. If the Power says they must be batty about B, they get batty about B. If the Power says they must be loony about C, they get loony about C. People who never cared about Confederate statues are suddenly overcome with rabid fury to bring them down. People who never cared about trannies are suddenly so sure that a man with balls can be a 'woman', and if you disagree, YOU SUCK! The very people who were okay with Stop-and-Frisk that curtailed black crime are foaming at the mouth about BLM. People who praise pornography, rap machismo, and slut-culture are suddenly shocked, shocked, that Trump said something about 'pussies' or there's misogyny in Hollywood. One day, they are marching with 'pussy hats' or vagina-costumes. Next, they are obsessed with Trump's 'Islamophobia'. These are people who cared nothing about all those Arabs/Muslims killed by Obama and Hillary. So, even if these clowns are sincere, they are more schizoid than ideological. Their minds are like TV-sets that simply pick up and replay signals from central command. They are indeed like NPC's, part of some hive mind.

Whatever one may say of communism, it was a sincere attempt to reform society and change the world. In a way, it was a form of Neo-Protestantism, with Karl Marx as much a modern Martin Luther as the Jewish Prophet of Old. Just like Luther and Protestantism struck at the corrupt, confused, cluttered, and elaborate structures of Catholicism and demanded a faith based on clarity of principles, Marx sought to clarify what History is really about and formulate a theory of justice based on that focused understanding. The Catholic Church was the product of the New Faith merged with paganism, Roman imperialism, contradictory canonical laws, moribund tradition, and obscure rituals. It was so labyrinthine and confusing that the idea was that most people would never understand it; they had to leave it up to the experts, the insiders, the hierarchy. But as far as Luther was concerned, anyone could read the Bible and realize for himself what Jesus and the Apostles really meant. And it was rather clear, not obscure. So, why not do away with the obscurantism and syncretism(with paganism) of the Catholic Church that only fostered confusion, ignorance, and lots of corruption, and instead found a new kind of Christianity based on clarity and principles drawn straight from the source? Likewise, Marx believed that historians and social scientists emphasized too many factors that were either secondary or illusory in the true movement of History. History was really a struggle for power. As the real world is a material one, control of material wealth determines true power. Those with more wealth are of the higher class, those with less wealth are of the lower classes. Then, class conflict is the key to history.

This idea had an impact not unlike Martin Luther's vision of the New Church. In this sense, the Russian Revolution was like a neo-protestant reformation writ large in the East. Russian History and Heritage were rich, varied, deep, multifaceted, and complex. But such layers of thought, values, traditions, and hierarchies also meant that the Russian Idea was never simplified and purified into a consistent principle or shining ideal. There was Christianity that spoke of compassion for the poor, but there was also Tsarism that reduced people to subjects of a tyrant. Did God belong to every man, or was the Tsar chosen by God to be father to his people? Is Russia European or Asiatic? Is it part of Western Civilization or a world unto its own? All this led to richness but also confusion, lethargy, and/or apathy. So, imagine the excitement generated by Marxism that promised to sweep away all the cobwebs of Russian history, culture, and politics. Society would be purified to make way for real reform based on the clear laws of history. Finally, Russians would be liberated and awakened from historical hibernation of Tsarist-Orthodox-Oriental byzantinism.

The hope was that Russia would benefit from communism in the way that the Anglo and Germanic world benefited from the Protestant Reformation. A house-cleaning of History and the Soul. But the Neo-Protestantism of communism had one major flaw. If Anglo Protestantism merged with Anglo Capitalism & the virtue of work ethic and if Germanic Protestantism merged with capitalism & moderate socialism, Russian Neo-Protestantism of Marxism-Leninism merged with communist contempt for property-and-investment economics. Even though Protestantism proscribed excessive individualism and self-indulgence, it provided sufficient leeway for individuals to engage in enterprise and build industry. In contrast, communist Neo-Protestantism totally snuffed out individual enterprise in favor of an economy that would be centrally managed by experts and commissars committed to the Revolution. This could work for huge public projects but was fatal to most forms of economic activity.

Anyway, for the Russkies, the Neo-Protestantism of Marxism-Leninism seemed amazing, at least for a moment. Imagine someone with blurry, fuzzy eyesight who is fitted with a pair of glasses that makes him see things with sudden clarity. Imagine a village shrouded in fog that is suddenly bright under sunlight. Imagine someone feeling hot and heavy under too many layers of clothing who is suddenly stripped down to essentials. Russian history and culture was rich and complex but also heavy and burdensome. At the beginning of the Revolution, the Russian people felt like Atlas with the burden of Heritage lifted from their shoulders. The future promised to be a fast train ride to progress and freedom. (But then, communism turned into another labyrinthine burden on the Russian people.) Despite its ultimate failure, one can understand why communism had such appeal to so many Russians. It was like going from the Old Testament with all its contradictions to the New Testament with consistency of vision and principles.
In contrast, there is nothing in today's PC that is about clarity of vision or purity of purpose. It is a decadent indulgence of freaks, gimps, tards, degenerates, perverts, and etc. It's revolution anime-style, with purple-haired fatso trannies, junkies, hipsters, and Negroes animated not by hunger or justice by 'Muh Air Jordans' and 'Muh X-Box'. It's not about Les Miserables but Les Imbeciles.

For Jews, the communist revolution was their last attempt to merge with rest of humanity. Even though many Jews became rich through capitalism, many Jews hated it as Jews became associated with avarice and greed. Business, high or low, is about haggling, and many young idealistic Jews got tired of being associated with money-grubbing. And yet, they didn't want to be proles either. Communism promised them positions as intellectuals, commissars, scientists, engineers, and managers. A society run by idealists than based on haggling and competition among greedy businessmen. Marx himself said the Jewish Question could only be solved by eradicating capitalism that brought out the worst in Jews. Communism would destroy much of the goy order and goy culture, but it would also entail Jews favoring a new identity of 'comrade' over tribal identity and personal wealth. With communism, Jews would leap at the opportunity they missed in the formation of Christianity that could have merged the Jewish World with the goy world.

And perhaps, Jews might have merged far more with the larger humanity if not for Nazism, Zionism, and Americanism. Nazism led to greater solidarity among Jews and a deep sense of tragedy that made Jews feel obligated to preserve Jewish identity. Zionism and Israeli power made Jews proud of Jewishness as national identity. And Americanism made Jews rethink capitalism. If anti-capitalism and anti-Jewishness had been far more prevalent in Europe — with capitalism often associated with Jewish greed — , capitalism wasn't something to be ashamed of in the US. A rich Jew might feel defensive in Europe as the 'dirty Jew', but a rich Jew in the US could feel pride as a successful businessman. There was far less shame in enterprise and profits in the US. So, if many Jews in Europe felt compelled to forsake capitalism in favor of communism, many Jews in the US indulged in capitalism without inhibition.

Now, Americanism also offered Jews a way to merge with humanity. Jews could choose to be American along with so many other Americans. Jewishness could be secondary or forgotten. But over time, Jews became more mindful of their Jewishness. For one thing, they had less reason to be apologetic for being Jewish in the US. Being a Jew in the US was far less problematic than being a Jew in Europe. And if Jews were anxious about their wealth in Europe, they could be proud of being both Jewish and rich in America. Also, unlike communism that had a leveling effect between the talented and the untalented AND unlike Europe where Jewish advancement was hampered by discrimination & restrictions, Jews in the US were far freer to succeed. This meant that American Jews, in gaining far greater success than other groups, were more likely to swell with Jewish pride and feel contempt for dimwit goyim. At one time, many American Jews sincerely believed in nurture-over-nature, but over the years, Jews realized that nature beats nurture by a mile. Of course, Jews will not admit it, but they KNOW.

But all said and done, Jewish Hegemony owes to Jewish control of Northern European types. Core America was created by Northern Europeans, especially Anglos and Germanics, the two most talented white folks. Jewish Power would have been limited if only latched onto Latins, Slavs, Hungarians, and the like. The white folks that really broke through the sound barrier of history and exploded all over the world are the Anglos and Germanics. Even though Germany failed as a world empire, German-Americans became the backbone of much of US industry and management. Anglos were excellent elites, and Germanics were the best managers and engineers. And Irish were good at doing the dirty work that needed to be done, like being policemen and beating a Negro upside his head when acting crazy.

In a way, the very advantage of Anglos and Germanics made them vulnerable to Jewish manipulation. More scrupulous than most peoples, Anglos and Germanics founded and operated a far cleaner and efficient system based on principles, rights, and rule of law. They were more fastidious and conscientious. This led to more wealth and power for them, and more racial pride in their achievement. But the primacy of rules and principles could mean that smarter Jews could beat them at their own game. Beat Anglos in schools and beat Germans in business. Naturally, Anglos and Germanics reacted with some degree of prejudice, resentment, and discrimination, BUT their commitment to principles and culture of conscience meant that Jews could guilt-bait them for having failed to honor and practice their own rules.

Given that Anglo-Americans had the most power in the US, it's surprising that Jews were more successful against Wasps than against 'micks', 'wops', and the like. Irish were ruffian potato-munchers and not above dirty machine politics to keep the power among their own kin. And if a Jew appealed to Eye-talians for fair play, the 'greaseballs' acted like Joe Pesci in CASINO and told the Jew off. It's like Jimmy and Tommy decide to 'whack' the pestering Jew Morrie in GOODFELLAS. So, Jews could only go so far in organized crime and machine politics. In contrast, Anglos were more committed to fair play and were loathe to be seen as tribal and atavistic. Germans were more volk-oriented(and this accounts for Anglo disdain for Germans in WWI and WWII), but Germanics in the US were happy to play second-fiddle to Anglos and be good citizens. So, Jews could more effectively embarrass and pressure the Anglo elites to clear the way for Jewish success and advancement.
Now, this wouldn't have been so bad if Jews who took over as the elites shared in the same sense of honor and shame. But even as Jews baited Anglo hypocrisy and moral failures, they as the new elites were shameless in their tribalism, supremacism, arrogance, and contempt. Whatever rules that apply to Anglos don't apply to Jews. If anyone criticizes Jewish Power in the way that Jews once did with Anglo power, he is hounded and destroyed as an 'anti-semite'. Bill Buckley for all his duplicity could be shamed into a corner. But forget it with the likes of Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Alan Dershowitz, and Sabrina Rubin-Erdely. Jews denounce whites for Jim Crow but then compel whites to support Jim Crowitz in West Bank. Jews denounce apartheid South Africa while conveniently overlooking the fact that Israel supplied it with nuclear arms technology whereas Mandela was allied with Arafat and PLO.

In a way, Russian corruption, lethargy, and lack of conscience have a silver lining. Sure, they're a drag on Russian progress and productivity, but it means Russians are less likely to be morally manipulated by Jews. If a Jew goes to an Anglo, "Why didn't you let in Jewish refugees during WWII, the Anglo gets all apologetic and pledges to do all he can to right past wrongs." But if a Jew denounces a Russian for killing all those Chechens, the Russian says, "Maybe too much vodka. I need go sleep." A bear is harder to manipulate than a hound.


Friday, October 30, 2020

Muslim Demand for Respect is Valid in the Current Illiberal West that has No Use for Free Speech, Individual Conscience, and Rational Justice — Jihadi Phenomenon is Primarily the Product of Zionist and Western Intervention in the Middle East & North Africa

While we should all condemn the grisly violence carried out by Muslim lunatics, is there anything worth saving in current France? It chose Globo-Homo-Mania over Catholicism. It has 'gay marriage' like the rest of EU that is under Jewish Supremacist control. Also, what is secular France? Is it about philosophy, science, arts & culture, and reason? No, it's all about pop culture, mostly of dumb Hollywood movies and savage black jungle jivery. Pornography is the ONLY domain left for 'free expression', and it's controlled by anti-white Jews. If the choice is between Jihad and the Jungle, the former is better as the Muslim World is at least civilized whereas blacks turn more places into New Detroits and New Haitis.

Steve Turley foolishly praises Emmanuel Macron for his sudden hard-line stance against Islam, but what is globo-boy or globoy defending? Is he being nationalist? No, he's the same globalist. He wants more immigrant-invaders to replace white Frenchmen. He is denouncing aspects of Islam because they give a bad name to Diversity. He seeks to suppress the most violent aspects of Islam but only to increase mass immigration-invasion and hasten the Great Replacement. "You see, apart from the few bad apples, most are good and more than welcome."


And on occasions when the likes of Macron defend French or 'Western' values against 'Islamo-Fascism', they are not defending Europeans and their civilization. They denounce aspects of Islam as too conservative and antithetical to open sewage pornification of culture that they promote as 'empowering' and 'liberating'. It mainly means celebration of ACOWW or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs and BAMMAMA or blacks-are-more-muscular-and-more-aggressive, i.e. because blacks kick white butts in sports, whites should cuck and worship blacks as the superior race of heroes who deserve to take white women. When Macron and such ilk denounce Jihad, they are defending the Junglization of the white race. (Muslim acts of beheading, cruel and grisly as they are, affect only a tiny number of people. In contrast, black 'bewombing' is affecting millions of white women. White women who could be using their wombs to create more white babies are now creating more blacks, the natural enemy of the white race as black males have the power to emasculate white men into a bunch of fa**oty-ass wussy-boys. Every time a white woman is 'bewombed', a potential white child is being pre-murdered in favor of creating a black child. A Muslim sicko beheading a 70 yr old woman is less threatening to the West than a bunch of Simon Mols 'bewombing' millions of white women in the West.)

In a way, Jews love the presence of Muslims in the West. Sure, there are downsides. It means more attacks on Jews and their property. But this very fact makes whites side with Jews against Muslims. So, Jews get to kill two birds with one stone. By pushing for non-white mass immigration-invasion, Jews undermine white power and white majority. But because Muslims are seen as hostile to Jews, whites become ever more protective of Jews. Now, in a sane world, whites would hate Jews for pushing mass-immigration. Whites would connect the dots and say, "Jews are increasing diversity to play divide-and-rule among goyim." But whites cannot say or even think this because of the cult of the Holy Holocaust. Whites have been inculcated to feel that it's 'antisemitic' to be critical of Jews in any way. One mustn't believe Jews can be wicked or have hostile intentions. One must believe in JEWISH POWER KNOW BEST and LEAVE IT TO BEAVEROWICZ. Also, whites have been so brainwashed with the wonders of 'diversity' and 'inclusion' that they can't say NO to mass-immigration and the Great Replacement, supposedly a 'far right' conspiracy-notion.

Goy Dog John McCain and His Jewish Master Joe Lieberman

Then, the ONLY option left for whites is to find a way to oppose mass-immigration that might flatter and please Jews. And that, of course, is anti-Islamism on account that Muslims are 'antisemitic'. So, the likes of Tommy Robinson can't say NO to more black immigration-invasion even though blacks cause the most problems in the UK. He can only oppose too-many-Muslims because... uh... they hate Jews and, of course, homos. So, never mind white identity and white interests. (Using his logic, More Muslims would be welcome if they were pro-Jewish and pro-homo.) Robinson and his crew don't oppose mass-immigration to save historic Britain of white folks. No, they oppose certain features of mass-immigration, mostly of Muslims, because nasty 'Muzzies' hate the Jews(and homos and feminists too). This is why Jews actually value Muslim Immigration. More Muslims in the West means more whites cozying up to Jews and saying, "We want to protect you Holy Holocaust Jews from those nasty Islamo-Fascists." Of course, Jews feel contempt for such white toadies. Jews go on pushing for mass-immigration to reduce whites into minorities throughout the West. But they play both sides. So devious and cunning.
Jews feel as gods over whites. Whites must make offerings to Jews. Jews take the offerings, but there's no guarantee of appreciation. After all, gods feel entitled to be served by humans. A master doesn't feel much appreciation for what the slaves do for him. He feels entitled to be served whereas the slaves are obligated to serve. Jews and white 'conservatives' are like a glutton and the cook. The cook makes lots of dishes for the glutton who gobbles up everything but pays nothing and doesn't even leave a tip.
As far as Jews are concerned, white 'conservatives' who oppose mass-immigration and rag on Muslims are merely variations of the Old Anti-Semite, and Jews aren't entirely wrong about this. White 'conservatives' have merely transferred their ancient distrust of the Jew as the Other onto other groups, such as Muslims. And yet, Jews also encourage such hatreds as they foster white support for Wars for Israel. Jews loathe anti-Muslim whites as arche-Anti-Semites(archetypal anti-semites) but also value them as useful attack dogs for Zion against Muslims as the 'other Jews'.

As for Free Speech and Muslims, I side with the Muslims. They have every right to call for curtailment of denigration of Islam and Muslims. Now, I prefer a world of total and unfettered free speech. If the West were genuinely committed to free speech for all, I would side with free-speechers against the Muslim hotheads. Back when the West stood for the right of Salman Rushdie to write a controversial book, I was on the side of free-speechers against Iran and Muslim firebrands.
But the notion that the current West is a 'liberal democracy' committed to free speech is a joke. Europe and Canada trample on free speech all the time. And Jews, once the biggest defenders of free speech(to say their say and gain power), are now the biggest enforcers of censorship(to defend the immense power they've accumulated). Jews killed free speech along with white identity and Christianity. So, the real dichotomy is NOT liberal West that respects free speech VERSUS atavistic Muslim dogmatists. The real situation is Muslims calling for respect for Islam on par with enforced respect for Jewish Supremacist Power, globo-homo vanity, and the Jungle Cult of the Noble Negro(and maybe feminist bitchery). In current UK where people are fined and/or hauled off to prison for making a mocking tweet about Nelson Mandela, exposing the dirty machinations of Jewish Power, questioning aspects of the Shoah(as the iron-clad 6 million figure is more numerology than history), making fun of homos, and positing honest questions about racial/sexual differences, where is the commitment to Free Speech? France and Canada are notorious for fining and imprisoning people for offending Jews. It began with the criminalization of denying the Holocaust, but now one can end up in the can for offending Jews in any way. Macron even supported a measure that would criminalize condemnation of Israel for its near-genocidal policies against Palestinians.
Given this context, Muslims have just as much right as Jews, blacks, and homos(and other groups) to demand respect and call on the state to ENFORCE the respect. Muslims are not going against the prevailing wind of Western Values. As the current 'Western Values' are about PC, 'wokeness', and the Tri-Supremacism of Jews, blacks, & homos, the Muslim demands are very much in sync with existing currents of 'Western Thought'. Even in the US, the so-called 'liberals' are supportive of silencing voices, censoring alternative news, and denying basic services of finance to thought-criminals. They are not for more debate, more discussion, more controversy, and more contention of opposing views. They think along doctrinal lines and insist that their 'values' of the Current Year are canonical and cannot be questioned. So much for 'liberalism'. They are 'doctrinals', not liberals. Notice how these mobs are in the habit of chanting slogans together than thinking and speaking as individuals.

In such a climate, Muslims are only conforming to the current 'Western' trend of demanding respect for certain groups and damning all those who don't comply. How many people have been 'canceled' in the West, not least in the US, by institutions and industries for refusing to 'take the knee' before the Negroes? How many people have a chance in business or politics in the US or EU were they to stand up to the power of Zion and dare name the evil of Jewish Supremacism? The new church puts up 'gay' flags and signs that say "All Are Welcome", but of course, you are NOT welcome if you are a moral traditionalist and refuse to accept the 'sodomization' of Christianity. In an illiberal West that worships the Tri-Supremacism of Jews, homos, and Negroes as the new holy trinity, Muslims have every right to demand that they too be included in the canon. Besides, if black violence is always excused in the name of fighting 'systemic racism' and if Zionist violence is always rationalized as Israeli self-defense — you see, Israel must continue bombing Syria and giving aid to ISIS Jihadis to 'defend' itself, the only nation in the Middle East with nukes — , why shouldn't Muslims use violence to get what they want? Is black and Jewish violence okay but Muslim violence isn't?

Finally, all this Jihadi business is the product of Western support of the worsts elements in the Arab-Muslim world. Following World War II, the Arab World did try to modernize and even secularize. Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and etc. all sought modernization and some degree of secularization. While some of the regimes were repressive and cruel at times, the last thing they wanted was Muslim rule. The main reason Iran went with the Islamic Revolution was not because most Iranians were opposed to secular power per se but because it became associated with the Shah puppetry to the Americans. Prior to CIA's installation of the Shah, Iran had a national secular government that could have developed into something decent. Gaddafi who came to power in Libya in 1969 was an unapologetic Muslim but not a hothead. If anything, he did everything to suppress Jihadi elements while modernizing much of the country; he also secured basic rights for womenfolk. Same was true of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. The regimes there could be cruel, but they were NOT pro-Jihadi. Also, even when Iran became a Islamic republic, it didn't support Jihadi violence but usually fought against it. The main support for the Jihadis in Pakistan and Afghanistan came from US and Saudis.
Indeed, Saudi Arabia and other arch-conservative Muslim states in the Gulf were backed by the West. The so-called Liberal Democratic West had more cordial relations with theocratic and/or monarchic Saudi Arabia and Gulf States than with the modernizing and secularizing Arab/Muslim nations. Whereas most secular Arab nations were friendly if not allied with the USSR, the arch-conservative Muslim states remained close to the US. When Jews gained dominance in the West, the 'Arabists' were purged and US foreign policy became even more hostile to secular Arab nations and friendlier with arch-conservative Muslim nations that support Jihadi violence. Jews figured Jihadis are most useful in undermining stability in nations like Libya and Syria. When Syria was on fire, Western Europe did NOTHING to stem the flow of Jihadi types from Europe to the Middle East. European policy was "Let Muslims in Europe go to Syria to mess that place up and create a refugee crisis that will lead to more mass-migration to the West. It will please Jews, and we white cucks have no higher value that appeasing and pleasing the Holy Holocaust Jews who have so much money and carrots to dole out to the biggest cucks like us."
So, all this Muslim-bashing is disingenuous on so many levels. Truth is 'liberal democracy' is dead in the West, which is really under Jewria, Gayria, & Negria Law that are as stringent as Sharia Law. Also, Jihadis are to the Middle East what BLM and Antifa are to the West. They've been recruited, enabled, and funded by the proxies of the Jewish-controlled West. Saudis are happy to support Jihadis in Syria to appease Zionists and the West for favorable deals. And which power nudged the Muslim radicals to attack the US on 9/11? Look at the fingerprints. Zionists knew what was up and nudge-nudged the Jihadis to complete their mission. But all we get from the likes of Tommy Robinson and the Trumpkins is 'Muh Israel'.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

White Awe of Black Prowess nullifies White Awareness of Black Criminality — White Awe of Jewish Riches nullifies White Awareness of Jewish Perfidy — The Low Crimes of Blacks and High Crimes of Jews collaborate against White People and American Nationalism

Would a Biden administration make it harder for citizens to access data on crimes committed by blacks versus whites? ...Back during the Bush administration, the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics posted homicide count graphs online in convenient HTML format... Under the Obama administration... that was deep-sixed and only the much more awkward PDF format remained. PDFs... are pretty useless for informing the general public.

Does it matter? Everyone, truly EVERYONE, knows that blacks commit the most crime. Even those who chant BLM slogans know deep down inside that blacks are the top criminals — how can blacks in da Hood not know this as they're killed by other blacks and call the cops on other blacks? Gentrification is predicated on 'blacks are dangerous and must be migrated elsewhere.' The data may be suppressed and it may be taboo in respectable(or even in general) circles to discuss the Black Problem, but black crime has been a well-known fact since the 1960s(and prior).

The real problem is contextualization, the narrative, and the idol-factor. US and Allies committed lots of war crimes in World War II, but they're generally overlooked within the contextual narrative of the Good War. Maybe US and UK(and the USSR) did bad things, but the enemies were so evil and beyond the pale that the Allies were Heroes who crushed the Villains.
What is the reigning Narrative of the US(and its empire)? The evil of 'white supremacy' and 'systemic racism'. So, it doesn't matter that blacks commit lots of crime. It's regarded as the result of poverty caused by 'systemic racism'. Or black crime is a crude form of rebellion against 'white supremacism', or Nat Turner Redux. In other words, 'By Any Means Necessary'. Such views were especially fashionable in the radical chic 60s, but things went south so fast in big Liberal Cities that there was a 'counter-revolution' of sorts with the victories of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. It reverberated well into the New Democrat Clinton 90s with the tough anti-crime policies. But because of the Civil Rights iconography and vilification of 'racism', even those who woke up to the reality of black criminality and violence were loathe to speak honestly. The 'conservatives' were just as disingenuous as the 'liberals'. Accordingly, the problem was never with blacks, genetically or culturally. Rather, it was the Great Society programs that replaced blacks in plantation-mentality. Or it was lack of libertarian principles in Detroit. Just like white 'liberals' blamed white 'conservatives' and never blacks, white 'conservatives' usually blamed white 'liberals' whose policies failed blacks. So, either way, blacks were guiltless and victimized, either by 'lingering racism' or with 'good intentions' that paved them over with dependency. And this dichotomy is still the dominant political narrative. Granted, Donald Trump did it better than previous 'conservatives'. He made the case that US should slow down immigration and hire more blacks. He argued employment-policy is what blacks need. As the Democrats got too deep into mass immigration and foreign labor, they had difficulty countering Trump's offer. So, they decided to let blacks loot and get free stuff. "We can't offer jobs but we can offer loot." The idea was that blacks would loot the immigrant-stores, but blacks got over-ambitious and decided to also hit the tonier parts of town, resulting in broken glasses in posh districts as well. (The employment argument was also undermined by Covid hysteria devised by globalists to empower the state against populist nationalism.)

Given the contextualization and narrative, blacks are never blamed. And due to taboos around 'racism', which is focused mainly on harm to BLACKS, no one dares to mention genetics. (To be sure, it's okay to mention genetics when it comes to black superiority. No one gets in trouble by saying blacks dance better or sing louder. Or run faster. It's when people notice blacks inferiority in IQ and pathology in crime that the cry of 'racism' is heard.) So, it doesn't matter if data on black crime is more available or less. Indeed, even without such data, people know about black criminality from shows like THE WIRE and rap culture that exults in thuggery. And yet, THE WIRE has made so many white viewers empathize and even sympathize with black pathology. It's more realistic than most TV shows but also contextualizes everything within the history of American Inequality. So, the ultimate message one takes away is 'we still have a long way to go'. As for rap thuggery, it has actually made blacks more appealing with the 'cool' factor. It's like something outstanding is called a 'bad boy' than a 'good boy'. The association with the mafia never hurt the Italian-American community. If anything, it made Italian-Americans more popular than, say, Swedish-Americans or Estonian-Americans who are more law-abiding. People came to adore the Corleones, even the Sopranos.
So, black criminality is seen positively as well as negatively. No one wants to be a victim of black crime or see one's property values decline, BUT many people are enthralled with the notion that black criminality has the cachet of 'bad boy coolness'. (Also, there is the difference between knowing from afar and knowing up close. Whites who feel safe in their own communities may learn about black criminality, but as it doesn't affect them directly they don't take it 'personally'. It's like Michael Corleone knew about police corruption but got involved only when it affected him personally. People not 'mugged by reality' are more likely to go with the prevailing explanation, such as 'systemic racism'. People become less naive or gullible as they get closer to the violence. However, if one gets too close to the violence, a Stockholm Syndrome kicks in and results in cucking to the violence: "I'll kiss your ass, so please don't kick mine.") People are more likely to be killed by lions and tigers than by warthogs and wildebeest, but lions and tigers are romanticized far more. The reptilian part of the human brain admires thugs as natural predators. It's like audiences side with King Kong against humans. The cultural phenom of KING KONG is instructive when it comes to blacks. Pauline Kael in her review of the 1976 movie said all the black men she met liked the idea behind the movie. King Kong represented pop-Othello-in-gorilla-suit. In a way, it's a king/victim narrative. King Kong is the natural king of the jungle. He is awesome. But he is captured and shackled by puny little humans. He is a superior creature unnaturally placed in an inferior position. This leads to both admiration and sympathy in the viewer. King Kong, the naturally supreme beast of power. King Kong, the poor ape put in chains by greedy humans. A similar view applies to black violence. No one wants to be victimized by it, but, especially through rap music and the like, so many people associate black thuggery with the awesome power of natural predators, i.e. blacks are like tigers, the natural predators over natural prey races. Just like lions have a 'right' to kill wildebeest, blacks have a 'right' to prey on the weaker 'lame' races. People don't say this outright or even think it consciously, but it's somewhere in their reptilian part of their brains. So, the idea that more data about black criminality will somehow make people more aware and sensible about the black problem isn't necessarily true. So much of white(and non-white) mentality about blacks is irrational, a strange mix of sensuality and spirituality, or king-kong-christ, or Martin-Luther-King-Kong Syndrome: MLKKS.

With Philadelphia now being looted to defend the black man’s inalienable right to resist arrest... What does the future hold for this trove of impolitic data? Maybe rather than delete crime statistics outright, a Biden administration would merely append a warning saying: “If your race gets violently victimized by blacks a lot, that just proves you need to reflect very, very hard upon why you folks had it coming.”

That sounds like a case of chickens coming home to roost. US foreign policy for more than 100 yrs has been "If your nation gets violently victimized by the US a lot, that just proves you need to reflect very, very hard upon why you folks had it coming." Look at world statistics, and there's been far more US aggression than aggression against the US. But the empire keeps marching on. US encircles, sanctions, subverts, corrupts, and even invades other nations, but US is always the 'exceptional' and 'indispensable' nation. There was no serious reflection about Cuba, Philippines, World War I, Korea, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and etc. There was some about Vietnam, but with Zionists in power in post-Cold-War Era, who cares about all those dead Vietnamese and dire effects of war? It's time for empire. There was some anti-war rhetoric when Bush II decided to invade Iraq — the protests were predicated on it being a great success, thereby bolstering the power of Christian Zionists —, but when Obama expanded wars and conflicts even more, there was silence among 'progressives' and hardly a protest from 'conservatives' who, prior to Donald Trump, were supportive of just about any US aggression. US can drop bombs, carry out coups, engineer 'color revolutions', use sanctions to destroy countless lives, and invade nations, but the US is never to blame. Rather, the OTHER nations must genuflect and contemplate why they deserved to be punished by the empire. US encircles Russia, but Russia is called the aggressor. US allows Israel to load up with nuclear weapons but blames Iran for trying to get the Bomb. US and Israel aided terrorist psychos in Syria, but Assad is the 'tyrant'. Palestinians were clearly wronged by Nakba and Zionist Occupation, but US attitude has been, "Suck it up, you scum." White Americans supported all this madness, and now THEY are the targets of Jewish Power that controls the US. Now, THEY realize what it means to live under Occupation. And they have candidates like Joe Biden, a spineless collaborator and puppet of Zion. Biden is to whites what Karzai is to Afghanis, what Mahmoud Abbas is to the Palestinians. Trump also belongs to Zion, but he played with fire with 'white populism', and Jews can't forgive him, and he must go.

One thing for sure, the current black mess has been engineered and can be easily disappeared. It's like ISIS and reconstituted Al-qaeda wouldn't have messed up Syria IF NOT for the the backdoor intervention of US and its allies, especially Israel, Saudis, and Turks. And there would have been no Maidan mayhem if not for US dirty tricks in Ukraine. While black criminality is here to stay, weaponized black violence is often(if not always) an engineered event. If not for the media and institutions, the death of George Floyd would have led to limited riots that would have abated sooner than later. But we had city mayors throwing gasoline on the fire. There were top Congressmen kneeling at the altar of Floyd. 'Woke' Capital hoisted BLM signs. Oligarchs were washing black feet. It was all to make blacks hate "Trump's America" and to energize white 'progressive' anger.
Antifa thugs are a pathetic lot. They can be easily contained and controlled if arrested and prosecuted, but they were allowed to run riot in cities. It was all part of the plan by globalism against nationalism. Sure, some businesses suffered from the riots and violence, but globalists see it as a gambit. Lose a little to gain a lot by dumping Trump. "Mostly Peaceful Protesters" indeed. Paradoxically, this all happened precisely because 'literally hitler' Trump is president. If Hillary had won in 2016, the chances are there would have been no mass censorship on the internet. And the Power wouldn't have allowed Antifa to run riot. Under Biden, Antifa violence will swiftly be suppressed. Cops will be ordered to arrest the lot, and the book will be thrown at them. And the media will be silent about it. Antifa scum was coddled only because they are anti-Trump. They are useful, just like ISIS and Alqaeda were useful in Syria(and quasi-nazi types in Ukraine). Fools are tools.

Just like Trump presidency led to more black violence and Antifa craziness, the chances are Biden presidency will lead to less of both. Black leaders, who are mostly opportunists, will urge the black community to calm down as Biden, their guy, is the president. Also, Jewish media will NOT urge blacks to act crazy as their puppet is in 'charge'. Kamala Harris doesn't care about blacks or the underclass. She happily exploited prison labor in San Francisco. All such people pretend to care only when it's expedient. It's like the US elite class and 'progressive' opinion were suddenly so concerned about the noble KURDS when Trump threatened to pull out of Syria. Kurds, who never meant anything to anyone, were suddenly the holy reason why the US must remain in Syria.
In a way, the Democratic Party has been silently threatening all of America: If you don't make Biden president, we will give you more Covid-hysteria and more street violence. And as Jews control media, politicians, money, and institutions, they can pull off just about anything, like the wholly bogus Russia Collusion nonsense that hobbled Trump for three years. And just when that silliness faded, there was Covid and BLM-on-steroids, funded by globalists. With Biden in the Oval Office, funds to BLM will dry up. Antifa will be marginalized and locked up if it gets out of hand. Never mistake tools for trends. BLM and Antifa have no innate power or agency. They are mostly made up of second-rate idiots who are switched on or off by the Power.

Biden presidency can do things that Trump cannot. It's like Nixon and Clinton. Nixon could go to China and deal with Soviets because of his anti-communist credentials. (Its far-reaching impact on US politics was it fundamentally altered the Republican attitude from one of confrontation to conversation with the communist world.) And Clinton could get tough on crime and do welfare reform because he was the 'first black president'. So, the globalists know Biden is useful to shut down Antifa and calm blacks down once Trump is gone. Antifa will no longer be useful and without Trump will be less energized. Also, with Democrats in power, black 'leaders' will work with Jews and Biden to pacify the blacks. Blacks being stupid, most will go along. Black crime will go on, but there will be less black riots and mass protests. If another 'Floyd' dies under Biden, there will be far less media hype. Jewish-controlled Media will be less likely to sensationalize black deaths at the hands of cops. And white 'progressives' will just go along because their souls have been hollowed out. Their idea of good vs evil is purely a matter of control from above. And Covid will dramatically fade with Biden presidency. It was all a stunt.

In US discourse, there are 'Jews', 'Palestinians', and 'Nazis'. 'Jews' are whichever group that is deemed holy at the moment. 'Palestinians' are people who don't matter; they might as well be invisible. 'Nazis' are villains of the Current Year. In the first year of Trump's presidency, the Illegal Immigrants were the 'Jews' and those in favor of border control were the 'Nazis'. When Trump threatened to pull out of Syria, Kurds were suddenly the 'Jews'. With BLM raging, blacks are the 'Jews' whereas immigrants and other victims of black violence are the 'Palestinians' who don't matter in the Narrative. White Americans are, at best, the 'Palestinians' whose voices and interests don't matter. All those hapless whites(or browns or yellows) attacked by black thugs or fleeced by Jewish financiers are 'Palestinians'. All those whites dead of opioids peddled by the Sacklers are also the 'Palestinians'. Whites who voted for Trump are the 'Nazis'. So, whites either don't matter or they're evil. The notion of whites as 'Jews' is inconceivable in current politics. Whites can be scapegoated and hated like Jews were in Nazi Germany, but the anti-white haters are the 'Jews' and whites are the 'Nazis' who are stuck in a Nuremberg Trial with no end in sight. And Jewish Power is behind this madness. And it will go on because of the perverse dynamics between Jews and whites: When Jews are displeased with whites, they hit whites even harder, but when Jews displease whites, whites hug Jews even more. If whites say, "We don't want more wars in the Middle East", Jews do everything to make whites into lowlife 'Nazi' scum. If Jews say, "Whites are scum who must be blamed for everything", whites say, "We must remember the Holocaust and support Israel and hate Iran." Guess which side is winning? The nasty side or the dumb side.

Just like there's a need to consider black genetics and black criminality, there is perhaps a link between Jewish genetics and Jewish pathology. Could it be that Jewish history/culture bred a kind of nasty personality so obnoxiously on display by the likes of Jerry Nader and Chuck Schumer? Or Tim Wise and the creeps who make up ADL, SPLC, and NYT? If Jews were poor and powerless like gypsies, it wouldn't matter. But given the power of Jews, it should matter that Jewish genetics may incline Jewish personality more toward pathology. What happens when people with personalities akin to that of Sabrina Rubin-Erderly become Supreme Court justices or deep state operatives? What was the Russia Collusion Hoax but one giant 'rape hoax' pulled off by Jewish Media: Putin raped America on shattered glass? And the WMD lies. And the stuff about 'Assad gassed his own people'. And Jewish pathology can bolster black pathology because Jews won't hesitate to use black violence to threaten and intimidate white people. Summer of Floyd was really another mega-hoax engineered in large part by Jewish Pathological Power.

There are two kinds of criminality. The low kind and the high kind. Blacks are the kings of low-level criminality as thugs, hoodlums, robbers, rapists, looters, murderers, and etc. And we do need more useful data on this kind of crime. But Jews dominate high-level crime, and there is far greater need for data on Jewish power and criminality(wrapped in legal garb). Now, power isn't the same as criminality, but more power means more magnitude of abuse. It's like men are stronger than women, but that doesn't mean a strong man is a criminal and a weak woman is a victim. A strong man can be good, and a weak woman can rob and murder. But because men are stronger, they can do more damage to women; and unsurprisingly, most inter-sex crimes are male on female. Same goes for race. Blacks being physically bigger/stronger doesn't mean they are all criminals. But black thugs can do more damage precisely because more of them are built like Mike Tyson and George Foreman. And this factor must be addressed. Same goes for Jews. A rich, influential, or powerful Jew need not be a bad person. But he has far greater means to do evil with real impact on world affairs. US foreign policy has essentially become a Zionist gangster-operation. It destroys entire nations hated by Israel/Jews and has even been near-genocidal at times. The mechanism of this power and its victims need to be exposed and explored as data and statistics. Too many people are in the dark about what Jewish gangster-capitalists did to Russia and how many people suffered as a result. If people knew this, they wouldn't be so hostile to Russia or regard Putin as 'Putler'. Many people don't know that Israel has hundreds of nukes and that Iran has none. Many are in the dark as to the extent to which Jews on Wall Street fleeced the entire world. Many still don't know anything about White Death from opioids and how it's tied with the Sacklers.
In 2020, the high-level criminality of Jews allied with the low-level criminality of blacks to bring us the Summer of Floyd. Blacks loved it because they got to loot and have a big party, all the while being heralded as 'mostly peaceful protesters' on the side of angels. And Jews loved it because they could ignite yet another Anti-Trump campaign. (Still, in the long run, it may have done more harm to Democrats as the craziness went way out of control. It was the Covid nonsense and its impact on the economy that really undid Trump.) Anyway, with Biden in office, Jews will cut off funds to low-level blacks. As most black 'leaders' are puppets paid for by Jews, they will go along with whatever Jews cook up once their boy is in the White House.

Whites have a fatal attraction to blacks and Jews. Part of it has to do with 'white guilt', but white cuckery is the bigger reason. For one thing, 'white guilt' has no agency or true conscience. If it did, whites would feel the most guilt about the American Indians, but it's nowhere to be found. Whites would feel guilt about what they did to Palestinians by supporting Zionism. But when have whites, 'liberals' or 'progressives', called for a memorial in Washington D.C. to commemorate Nakba? The only 'genocide' that happened on US soil is that of the American Indians, but the Indian museum in the mall is bland and dull while all the moral authority is hogged by the Holocaust Museum, an odd thing as Jews are only 2% of US population and the Shoah didn't happen in America. So, 'white guilt' is mostly bogus. Whites do feel it, but it's not something that naturally flows from within the wells of their conscience but something implanted by mass media as the latest outrage. But more than feelings of guilt is the timeless tendency of humans to suck up to the powerful. Whether it's French collaboration with the Germans during WWII or Japanese collaboration with the US after WWII, it's a case of weak sucking up to the awesomely powerful. As US is all about Money Power and Music/Sports Mania, most whites are in total awe of rich smart Jews and tough loud blacks. And that partly explains why data on black crime or Jewish abuse of power doesn't matter to many whites. They are so in awe of Jews and blacks that they will just carry on in their fatal-attraction mode, even if the obvious sign on the wall is white doom. Ironically, even though whites are called 'Nazis' by Jews, the mentality behind white cuckery isn't all that different from German mentality that went down with Hitler in WWII. Germans had become so spellbound with Hitler as demigod that they cucked to his iron will and were willing to follow him to hell itself. Now, whites follow and obey Jewish Power as the New Hitler.