Sunday, April 28, 2024

How White Superiority, White Equality, and White Inferiority Are All Spun to Serve Jewish Supremacism and Its Proxies


The spin is more important than the facts in matters of political control. Thus, the ‘facts’ of white superiority, white equality, and white inferiority can all be used to make white people tolerate, welcome, celebrate, ‘include’, and serve the Other. The current order manipulates all three modes among whites to make them serve Jews and/or nonwhites(usually blacks as proxies of Jews).

1. How white superiority is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are made to feel special, rich, powerful, and accomplished. They are great whereas the other peoples are pathetic, especially those half-starved or diseased black Africans. Therefore, superior white people need to be decent and take care of those nonwhites by allowing mass-immigration and providing endless aid. The White Knight or White Savior Syndrome in other words.

Jews manipulate the psychology of white superiority as well. Jews paint themselves as forever Holocaust Victims, and great-good whites must step up to the plate to protect Jews from the ‘new nazis’, such as Iranians and any ‘Anti-Semite’ who dares to criticize Jewish Power or Zionism. Steven Spielberg gave the game away in THE FABELMANS where his alter ego makes a Leni-Riefenstahl-like film that idolizes a blond Aryan-looking popular kid to curry favors with him, especially against the ‘Anti-Semites’.

There is also an aspect of white superiority in LGBTQXYZ stuff, i.e. whites are ‘more evolved’ than the rest of humanity for being more enthused about queer culture, therefore whites should guide the world to celebrate homosexuality and trannies.
So, feelings of white superiority are made to either serve nonwhites or spread Jewish-concocted ‘Western Values’ via globo-imperialism. (Globo-Homomania is totally the brainchild of Jewish supremacists.)

Of course, no one explicitly states that whites are superior, but the implication of White-Savior-ism is premised on something akin to enlightened superiority, a variation of the White Man’s Burden.
Even ‘white guilt’ is intrinsically white superiorist in judging whites by a higher standard. All of humanity practiced slavery and waged murderous wars. So, why are whites judged more harshly? Because they’re deemed as higher beings who should have known better than the rest of mankind, the stupid darkies. “Oh my, how could the white race have done such a thing!?!?” If Arabs, Africans, and Asians did much the same, oh well, that was because they didn’t know any better. But whites? As higher beings, they should have known better.

2. How white equality is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are told that all races are equal or that the concept of race is just a fantasy, aka ‘social construct’. There is just common humanity, and therefore, it doesn’t matter if white world is demographically taken over by nonwhites or if whites mix with other races. Whites and nonwhites, they are not only equal but virtually the same. It’s just humans and more humans.

So, whites should welcome mass immigration and be either demographically replaced or miscegenated out of existence. You see, it doesn’t matter because whatever happens, it’s just humans replacing or mixing with humans. As whites are the global minority, such an agenda would make the white world subordinate to or supplanted by nonwhites in the long run. What will happen to Europe if hundreds of millions of black Africans go there? It will become Africanized, but never mind, because, black or white, what does it matter? (If it doesn’t matter and if all peoples are alike in talent, why don’t blacks stay in Africa and build civilizations like the rest of humanity?)

Anyway, white equality as currently understood doesn’t bestow white people the equal right to survive as a race and a variety of cultures(as Jews in Israel do). It’s not about universal nationalism. Rather, whites must be erased like Palestinians and accept it as a ‘good thing’ in the name of equality.

3. How white inferiority is used to make whites serve Jews and nonwhites. Whites are made to feel that the Other, especially Jews and blacks, are so awesome that whites should worship and serve them. If we go by images than ideas(or idolatry than ideology), the current Western Culture is totally racial supremacist in entertainment and cultural emphasis. Sports, entertainment(especially pornified and junglized), and music are heavily about black dominance, black power, black prowess, and black whatever. Blacks are so highly prized that even Afrocentric lies are favored over objective facts. Take BLM, based on a total lie but revered as a quasi-religion among so many foolish whites.

When it comes to sports, diversity has led to something like ‘monoversity’, or monopolization by one group in a diversified world. California is very diverse with a white minority population, lots of Asians and many more browns, but its sports teams are heavily black. Europe celebrates diversity and has many more Muslims and Asians than in the past, but its sports are turning more and more black, with France leading the way.
So, diversity doesn’t lead to more diversity at the top but domination by a single group or a handful of groups. Today, the typical European Sprint Events have nearly all blacks(representing France, UK, Holland, etc.)

‘Monoversity’ is also the end-result in brainy fields. Technology is an open field in welcoming diverse talents from all over the world, but the top are dominated by Jews/whites, Hindus, and yellows. And the finance sector around much of the world is dominated by Jews. It’s not about more kinds of people having equal possession and control of wealth but about Jews gaining more financial access/control over other nations.
Across Southeast Asia, diaspora Chinese dominate much of finance and economics. So, the promise of diversity hasn’t led to diversity at the top but a kind of ‘monoversity’ where more diverse peoples come under the domination of a single group or few groups.

Globalism promotes diversity as equal opportunity for more diverse peoples, but even if it were truly meritocratic, innate genetic differences turns meritocracy into ‘monoversity’ of one group or few groups hogging most of the trophies or prizes. But it’s actually worse because Jewish Power at the center of globalism rigs the game to favor Jews and their allies/puppets over much of the world(Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, ‘uppity’ whites who believe whiteness is okay).

Domination by meritocracy isn’t enough for Jews. They must rig the game by having the US sanction Russia and Iran(and any nation that does business with them). Also, Jews, who once used to take pride as champions of civil liberties, now use media monopoly, platform monopoly, financial service monopoly, and all kinds of lawyer tricks to shut down speech and discussion that goes against Jewish power and its favored Narratives. At this point, the ACLU might as well be a wing of AIPAC.

In a way, equality of opportunity allows for even greater manifestations of racial superiority. Allowing equal opportunity in sports led to black supremacy. Allowing equal opportunity in academia, media, and finance led to Jewish domination. Even as ‘anti-racist’ cucky-wuck whites point to black success in sports and music as proof of ‘progressive’ triumph over white supremacy, they overlook the implications of racial supremacy in their argument.

After all, if blacks totally beat whites in sports, it may disprove white or ‘Aryan’ supremacy but it also asserts black supremacy, at least in sports. And if blacks are more ‘athletic’ and rhythmic in their music that excites people, then blacks must have certain advantages in sound & sensuality. What is ‘liberal’ Rock Culture but an idolization and imitation of blacks? It’s about white sensibility spellbound by black sensuality. Dave Marsh the Rock critic always posed as a ‘liberal’ or even ‘leftist’ who denounces white ‘racism’, but his entire worldview could be boiled down to whites should revere blacks because blacks are so much more awesome than whites. There’s a book called GOOD BOOTY(by Ann Powers) that seems to be about how whites would be nothing without the liberating power of the bouncing black butt.

And what is all this Philosemitism about? It’s a case of Heil Hillel. If the West is indeed about equality and ‘anti-racism’, why is its current sacred law, “Thou shalt serve Jews and Zion uber alles, especially against Palestinians and Arabs?” It’s based on the notion that Jews are so awesome as businessmen, thinkers, entertainers, and etc. that white people should get on their knees and worship and serve the Real Superior Race, the True Master Race. In other words, inferior whites should serve superior Jews.

95% Of 2024 NFL Draft Picks Girlfriends Were White – aka the Pussification of the White Boy

Now, how is it possible that white superiority, white equality, and white inferiority, though contradictory with one another, all serve the same purpose? Because ‘facts’ or assumptions are secondary to the spin they are given. Under current dogma and narrative control, all three modes have been spun to make whites serve the Other, especially Jews and blacks. Heads I win, tails you lose.

It’s like the story of the Talmudic Rabbi, the goy, and the chimney. Regardless of the scenario or situation, the Jewish guy comes out on top. Different ‘facts’, but same spin: “Jew is right, goy is wrong”

In Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s short story “In the Forest”(basis for Akira Kurosawa’s RASHOMON), three people tell three different accounts of the same murder, but in a way, they’re telling the same tale as each is driven by ego and vanity. In a similar vein, current whiteness, whether spun as ‘superior’, ‘equal’, or ‘inferior’, is spun to serve the Jews and the Other. Whether as a white god, a white man, or a white slave, he exists to protect, welcome, or serve Jews(and their favored allies). Lawyers and pundits know this trick. Whatever the fact, however irrefutable, they spin it to suit the case. Whether the truth is white superiority, white equality, or white inferiority, the power of spin is with Jews who spin whiteness around and around to serve Jewish Power.

The Deforestation of the Mind: Uprooting of the Western Soul and the Globalist Deluge


Hills stripped of trees eventually collapse into mudslides. Without deep roots to contain the soil and without leaves to soften the rain, hillsides without trees invariably wash away in mudslides with horrible consequences. We’ve all been informed of the importance of nature and forests. If nature is despoiled for short-term gain, the chain-reaction of destruction can cause irreparable harm.
Not only are the trees gone but the animals, plants, and other organisms that depend on them. And then, other organisms that depend on those organisms also become endangered. As humans ultimately rely on nature, short-term gain can turn into long-term loss, even the destruction of mankind. Entire civilizations perished due to their short-sighted plundering of nature.

What goes for nature also goes for the mind. Mental health can be destroyed like nature. The removal of something essential and indispensable from the mind sets off a destructive series of ‘events’. It reverberates far beyond the initial impact and harm. It’s like the removal of an essential organ affects the entire body, one detrimental effect leading to another then another. What goes for the body goes for the mind, which is really part of the body.

When the mind is ‘deforested’ of what makes people essentially moral, spiritual, cultural, and thoughtful, the human soul no longer binds as one. Bereft of meaning, sound standards, depth of reference, and true conviction, the mind turns into mush or mud that can be molded into anything. The mind goes from precious metal to malleable plastic.

Such fluidity of mind is rarely, if ever, the facilitator of true freedom and individuality. Mud-minds and plastic-brains are almost always molded by forces that disparage tradition in favor of fashion, the choice instrument of mass manipulation. Because their conscious(and subconscious) spaces are not held together by forests of the mind with roots in family, culture, history, and spirituality, their semblances of thoughts, feelings, and decisions are like so many mudslides or mental diarrhea.

A properly cultured mind requires something more than standard education, especially if education has been reduced to indoctrination in the latest ‘intellectual’ fads aimed at impressionable young ones with single-mothers or soulless parents whose idea of culture is Pop Culture and whose idea of values come from the corrupt Jewish-monopoly media(elite and mass. Given the sheer mindlessness and mendacity that are passed off as intellectual thought or ideological priorities in the Current West, it’s obvious hat intelligence and knowledge alone won’t save anyone’s mind and soul.

Intelligence is merely a tool and often caves to emotions. Intelligence seeks the truth only when directed towards it. When people with intelligence are instilled, especially at impressionable periods and/or vulnerable moments in their lives, with strong emotions in relation to myths, fantasies, falsehoods, or disingenuous narratives, the element of sheer passion overrides facts and reason.

For example, just how did so many intelligent people come to believe in the divinity of Jesus over the centuries? Because Christianity had such an emotional, cultural, and spiritual hold on them. Why did so many highly intelligent people become swept up, rather unthinkingly(or monomaniacally), with Marxism/Communism? It wasn’t only the conceit of partaking of a movement that supposedly figured everything out and unified all relevant knowledge but the radical conviction that one was on the side of angels or historical justice.
And yet, given the nobility of Jesus’s teachings and the power of Karl Marx’s vision, those who wholeheartedly accepted the Christian Faith or Communist Destiny were not necessarily deforested of the mind, at least not entirely so. Whatever harm that the religion of Christianity or the ideology of Communism may have done to the human psyche, it also planted new seeds that could grow into trees of meaning, understanding, redemption, and/or justice. Neither was animated by nihilism, hedonism, or degeneracy.

But take a look at our world. We see women with green, purple, or pink hair. Such numbnuts now come in all types and ages. They aren’t always silly teens trying to be ‘different’ but middle-aged women. Why would a full-grown woman do such a thing to her hair? If a 10 yr old girl made herself look like Cyndi Lauper or some cartoon figure, it might be ‘cute’.
But why would full-grown women, especially one with college degrees and professional responsibilities(and with family and children), go about doing stupid things to their hair(or getting ugly tattoos)? (Granted, such women tend to be ‘cat ladies’ than women with families, but then, there is no lack of trashy mothers either.)

Why would so many people, parents and children, defile and sully their bodies with ugly tattoos? What goes on in their minds when they decide on such acts of folly? Don’t they have a larger sense of life, i.e. what is ‘cool’ today maybe ‘fool’ tomorrow.
Even if they are only stuck in the Moment, why would anyone with even a smidgen of sense believe that he or she looks better with body graffiti that are invariably stupid, vulgar, and trashy? I can understand some primitive tribes where tattoos carry cultural significance. Or someone who’s been to hell and back in war and got a tattoo to signal camaraderie with his band of brothers. But what exactly is the meaning of tattoos to the fools who decide to splatter their bodies with in-erasable ugliness?

What’s done to the body is decided by the mind, and one wonders why so many people in the West(and in their satellites) have fallen into the habit of harboring dumb thoughts and fetishes that usually lead to disastrous results. (What tattoos are to skin, various illicit drugs are to the soul. Kicks and highs are offered as substitutes for meaning and health.)

Obviously, both stupid ‘cat ladies’ with funny-colored hair and morons obsessed with tattoos possess mud-minds. They are putty in the hands of globalist Jews who fill up their minds with the latest fads, cultural and political.
Unlike status-anxious brown-nosing politicians who toe the latest Party Line for opportunism, so many in so-called ‘woke’ community hysterically espouse the latest crusade or craze with zero awareness that, not so long ago, they hadn’t a care or a clue on the topic. Their ex-lax minds slide and flow with whatever BS is cooked up by the Media Machine.

Evidently in their formative years, their minds were not planted with trees bearing the fruits of truth and meaning. Instead, the baleful influence of the 2 PC’s, Political Correctness and Pop Culture, uprooted whatever that was nascent & normal, decent, and healthy. In their stead, toxins were injected and plastic trees(with only the semblance of the real thing) were planted.
For sure, ‘Gay marriage’ is to real marriage what a plastic tomato is to a real tomato. No, ‘love is love’ is not true love. Homo fecal-penetration is not equal in worth, meaning, and purpose to the true sexuality that produced all the life in the world since the beginning of time.

As such, the generations especially from the Boomers onward(and gone full-retard with the Millennials) have the kinds of minds that can be mud-slid into oblivion. Little that is deep, meaningful, and true clings to them. Their minds tend to be vulnerable & defenseless, so gullible and eloping with the latest stupidity.
How else can one explain monstrosities such as ‘gay marriage’, the dementia of Afrophilia or Negrolatry(as if blacks, the most criminal race, are a bunch of saints), the ludicrousness of Jew-Worship(as if Zionists need protection from the countless Palestinians and Muslims terrorized by the Wars for Israel), and the clown-world notion that a man is a ‘woman’ simply because he feels like it.

What are the factors that hold a mind together and maintain its resistance to the decadent, even degenerate, fads and fashions that now define so much of the 2 PC’s, pop culture and political correctness?
What allows for a healthy ecosystem of the mind, a kind of psycho-system, one that can weather and survive the winds, rain, and hailstorms of Corrupt and Venal Power?

A strong sense of individuality is surely one but not in the libertarian sense that each individual should consider himself/herself as the center of the universe or idolize the great individual(usually some business tycoon) as godlike and beyond reproach.

No, every individual is part of a link, an inheritor of a legacy. We are surrounded with things that we, as individuals, didn’t create. While we are more than ants in a colony, we are similar to ants in that we are bound to a larger community. Individuality is priceless, but we need to understand and appreciate that we are part of a family, culture, history, spirituality, and territory.
Even for the non-religious, certain spiritual ideas beneficially restrain excesses of hubris or hysteria. For know-it-all intellectuals and brainiacs, God as a metaphor can serve as a reminder of the limitations of human knowledge and achievement. The concept of God can also be beneficial to those with a heavy tendency toward arousal or sensualism: A contract or consensus among ‘arousalists’ that there must be something more meaningful and deeper than the tingly pleasures of the flesh. Without the concept of God or something equivalent, too many people are prone to self-worship, arrogance, mammon, or fervor of the moment(aka the Current Year).

Global Warming Hysteria is one such example. While global warming caused by CO2 may indeed be a problem, the sheer absolute certainty bordering on quasi-millenarianism among its proselytizers is truly a sight to behold. Instead of offering up better science and data with cool minds, they act as though they are 100% certain that UNLESS things go their way, it’s End of the World for sure in a few decades. If anything is heating up real fast, it’s their self-righteousness. While serious concern for the environment is laudable, especially as humans have despoiled much of the planet, the sheer arrogance of certainty bordering on megalomania(or ‘megalogaia’) suggests that what is sadly lacking in their lives is a true sense of spirituality.

The forest of the mind needs real connection to family(even bordering on sentimentality as it is only within the family that one is allowed unabashed emotions that are essential to life), and this means having a man who knows what it is to be a father and a woman who knows what it is to be a mother. And this familial sense must be expansive as the concept of the nuclear family, though useful in the modern setting, tends to over-emphasize one’s own family and its independence from kinfolk. The nuclear family is convenient and desirable in that each family is guaranteed its freedom and agency. Just like we, as individuals, want our private spaces, most families prefer their own separate spaces.

Still, family bonds within and without are much richer when there is a larger sense of connection and communication among relatives including grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces. There needs to be ways of communication, meetings, gatherings, rituals, and remembrance that remind everyone that he or she isn’t alone in the world or isn’t primarily part of some faddish subculture but is instead a part of a deep lineage. This used to be taken for granted in the past, but with so many children being an only-child, raised by single-parents(or even grandmothers or foster homes), and addicted to pop culture(and deracinated by PC), we can no longer take for granted the sense of belonging and obligations that come with Familial-Consciousness.

The forest of the mind also needs true spirituality. There are several true religions of great reach and depth. If one finds it impossible to literally believe in God or gods in the modern era(and this would include myself), we can still appreciate the old religions and mythologies for their striving and meaning. One doesn’t have to be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Greco-paganist to draw inspiration from the faiths and fables that served as the visionary and spiritual bedrock of entire civilizations.
While it is only natural to seek new meanings in our world of rapid change, one mustn’t confuse the latest fad or fervor as a worthy substitute for the great religions and myths of the past. While it’s possible that there will be new prophets and revelations in times to come, they most certainly won’t be the products of the Current Power whose main(even sole) priority is to hog all the wealth and privilege for itself. Then, it’s no wonder that the Power has been so hard at work in deforesting the hearts-and-souls of modern folks to be washed away like mudslides under the barrage of globalist PC and Pop Culture.

The forest of the mind also needs real culture and true sensibility, just like the body needs real food and real nutrients. While candy, doughnuts, and ice-cream are acceptable as occasional snacks, they’re not to be confused with real food, the kind with proteins and vitamins.
Similarly, a civilization with pop culture as its main culture is like someone who mainly gorges on junk food and candy as his/her main diet. Why is our culture so sick(and sickly), fatuous, disgusting, imbecile, retarded, infantile, and/or excessive? It’s due to the decline in sensibility, indeed to the point where even the (so-called) experts cannot tell real culture from junk culture.
Consider the risible rise of Pop Art in the art world. Consider how superhero comic book movies have come to dominate the discourse about cinema. Consider how the biggest literary events are stuff like HARRY POTTER, HUNGER GAMES, TWILIGHT, FIFTY SHADES OF GRAY, or some teen or teen-inspired fiction. People who don’t know real culture from junk culture have lost the forest of the mind. Their minds are like the hills of Haiti that’s been stripped of trees and overruns with mud when it pours.
By the way, Real Culture is much more than high or serious culture. It’s about the art of living, sense of family and obligations, preservation of meaningful rites & rituals, sense of history & continuity, and a moral sense. Modernity’s fixation on exhibitionism in all things have narrowly defined culture as arts and entertainment when it’s really a way of life.

Much more can be said on this subject, and this is only a start. But one thing for sure, we need an Arbor’s Day of the mind. We need to sow the seeds and plant the trees of truth, meaning, culture, and justice within our psyche. By ‘truth’, we mean the poison weeds of false narratives planted in our minds by the capitalist-globalist Jewish-monopoly media must be pulled out.
And by ‘justice’, we need something sounder than the Tri-Idolatry that elevates Jews, Homos, and Negroes as the most sacred groups whom all others must worship and serve.
What is the SJW(social justice warrior) or JJ(Justice Junkie) dogma really about? It’s not about justice based on truth, facts, reason, and reciprocity but about hysteria based on idol-worshiping of certain groups(Jews, blacks, and homos) as the sole arbiters of wisdom and holiness. It’s a form of inverted supremacism that, while denouncing ‘white supremacism’, goes full blast in promoting Jews, blacks, and homos as more worthy than other groups. Just ask the Palestinians.

We must de-salinize our minds of the poison salt of PC. We must remove the fake plastic plants of pop culture. And in their place, we must plant the trees of true meaning and conviction. Otherwise, our minds will be piles of mud that will not hold against the deluge of globalist pap and rot.

And we need self-realization and self-actualization more than ever because even the institutions of True Religions are now in the hands of the globalist agents who, wittingly or not, are aiding and abetting in the deforestation of the mind to turn all of our souls into one collective mud-flood flowing into the cesspool of mammonite idolatry of Jews, homos, and Negroes.

Donald Trump may have been useful as a monkey wrench tossed into the globalist machine, but he too is a depraved creature of depraved times, one where even the majority of so-called ‘conservatives’ are okay with ‘gay marriage’ and pander to the worship of the Holy Three. ‘Gulliberals’ and ‘Cuckservatives’ constitute the mainstream positions in the Age of Mud.

We need a garden of true liberals and true conservatives who complement one another in the preservation and progress of a sane and sound society. And such a mind garden can only be created out of a true forest with real trees of knowledge and remembrance. In this age of degenerates, we need the re-emergence of the regenerates.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Problems of Mutant-Ism and Clone-Ism in a Decadent and Degenerate World


Decadence sets in when people have it too easy. Most manifestations of decadence are obvious enough and have limited shelf-lives given their nature of excess, exhaustion, and expiration. Decadence can even fester into degeneracy, which, if widespread and unchecked, can bring down civilization.

If decadence is a matter of fashions that come and go, it could be tolerated and written off as just part of doing business with history. Whoever said mankind was ever perfect?
However, if decadence is institutionalized, it could be mistaken for something of value because of the officially sanctioned ‘legitimacy’ about it. It can gain validation and prestige, thus power.

Consider the decadent(and even degenerative) culture of dog-breeding.

There was a time when dogs were bred and appreciated for what they could do. They were prized for qualities of running, hunting, retrieving, fighting, herding, guarding, pulling sleighs, fetching objects, or etc. So, even though dog breeds came in all shapes and sizes, they were healthy, sound, purposeful, and functional as organisms. Their existence and legitimacy depended on utility than futility.

But over time, dogs became increasingly less useful in a mechanized and urbanized world. Most owners had no use for them as anything but pets. For some, having a loving creature in the house wasn’t enough. They had to play games with canine genetics to show off, gain attention, and/or win prizes. They raised their dogs to be trophies or oddities.

The varying traits of the healthy and purposeful breeds were exaggerated and perverted into caricatures. The resulting phenotypes served no purpose and could even be unhealthy, but they were perpetuated(and made even more extreme) to serve the vanity of owners who had nothing better to do except show off that they owned something ‘special’, ‘exotic’, or ‘cute’.
Some owners had a perverse knack for particularly grotesque and unwieldy traits. Others acquired such degenerated breeds because the Establishment deemed them to be ‘valuable’, ‘worthy’, or ‘expensive’. And over time, these freak-dogs were prized for their ‘purity’ even though their purity was based on something close to deformity.

The ancestor of the bulldog was a tough and healthy creature. But the later bulldog as a show-animal was a genetic perversion with over-sized head, cumbersome limbs, and flat nose that made it difficult to breathe. Such dogs were totally useless, but owners wanted them because of their cartoonish features and ‘pure’ pedigree. And the Establishment(made up of so-called ‘experts’ on dogs) deemed such breeds to be of ‘value’ as status-items.

The Chinese court bred totally useless dogs like the Pekinese, the canine equivalent of bound feet. Small, neurotic, inbred, and nuts. They were ‘toy dogs’. Totally purposeless but for serving the decadent whims of owners.
Consider something as ridiculous as the Sharpei. Just awful.

Even the original dachshund wasn’t what it is today. They were bred to be shorter in limbs and longer in body to pursue burrowing animals in holes. But over time, they made the legs even shorter and the bodies even longer, leading to all sorts of skeletal problems.

When dogs served a real purpose, they had to be healthy and functional. But as dogs became show-objects of vanity, they were designed for quirks, oddities, and eccentricities. The health and function of the dogs mattered less than the ‘charm’ of their peculiarities.
Some of these prized peculiarities could be harmless enough, like colors and patterns on the fur(though extreme-inbreeding to maintain those traits could lead to health & mental issues), but others were obvious genetic disasters, which however were lent legitimacy by the Establishment that determined the relative ‘value’ of dogs. And many people bought such dogs as ‘status’ symbols. Since such dogs were associated with ‘status’ and ‘privilege’, many rich owners preferred genetic disasters to healthier and sounder dogs lacking in ‘pedigree’.

A similar logic is at the center of globo-homo, tranny-tyranny, and various forms of gender-bender craziness. When life was tough but meaningful, humans understood it came down to men and women, family and children, health and survival. Of course, throughout history, some people were born weird and tolerated as such, but on condition that they remained on the periphery or fringe. If a guy wanted to bugger another guy or if a guy wanted to wear a dress and act whoopsy-doo, that was his problem. Most people understood the true meaning of life as shown in an Akira Kurosawa film or John Ford movie. It was about the daily struggle, important events, and/or the essential meaning of life. There was a time when most people had definite roles in life in terms of survival, health, morality, and meaning. Life was about core values and essential needs.

But with massive increase in plenty/prosperity where even poor people got fat and where ‘leftism’ turned into celebrations of vanity & narcissism, humans began the process of becoming like the degenerative dog breeds. We went from Kurosawa & Ford to Tarantino & Takashi Miike, the hideous freak.

The various healthy and virile breeds of dogs were turned into mutants of the original. Look at the mutative degeneration of the bulldog. Once a well-proportioned and powerful animal but later turned into a gross mutation of its former self.

What we see all around in pop culture and political culture is the Rise of the Mutants. Granted, it was long understood that the arts and pop culture tend to attract the eccentric and strange who tend to dominate the creative scene. Still, such peculiarities are seen for what they were. If the price for creativity and originality was some measure of weirdness, so be it. As an athlete risks his body and health to go beyond the ordinary, so a creative person risks his mind and sanity to feel and express more. The costs are often unfortunate, even tragic, but the achievements are real enough. Michael Jackson and David Bowie two beats away from insanity, but their contribution to popular music is undeniable. Much was indeed deviant and demented about them but served as fuel for their creativity.

But over time, this weirdness got theorized, idealized, and then politicized into some kind of ‘value’ and worldview, and millennials were raised under the impression that gender-mutation is some kind of New Normal, a noble ‘human right’ or even holiness, something even deserving the blessing of the church.

The world appears to be heading toward the Rise of the Clones and the Rise of the Mutants. Bio-engineers seem hard at work in the future prospect of a world of clone-beings.

To be sure, the two trends are polar opposites in their tendencies. Since bio-engineers will predetermine the IDEAL traits, clones will likely be very similar to one another: Intelligent, healthy, fit, attractive, emotionally stable. So, in one way, the future of clone-ism seems to be anti-mutant-ism. (If a future couple wanted a perfect designer-baby, how many would want someone like Chris ‘Leave Britney Alone’ Crocker or Trigglypuff?)

And yet, at the same time, our ‘progressive’ culture encourages mutative-identities of batshit crazy neurotic derangements. Mutationism favors the weird, ugly, demented, unstable, wacky, tardo, gargoylean, putrid, repellent, gross, degenerate, punkass, and etc.

In some cases, there’s the combo of both clone-ism and mutantism, like the case of Martin(e) Rothblatt the ‘transhumanist’. On the one hand, he eagerly anticipates cloning or bio-engineering technology that will allow the creation of ideal humans from scratch. But lacking such technology in the present, he has made a total whacko of himself by pretending to be a ‘woman’ with make-up and dress(and maybe surgery).

Clone-ism narrows the range of ideal traits. It weeds out the dumb, ugly, unhealthy, and demented. It favors Sean Conneries and Pierce-Brosnans over Elephant-Boys and Crackhead-Bobs.

In contrast, mutantism widens the spectrum of ‘acceptance’ and ‘normality’, like what was presented in Bill Nye’s (sex)junk science. So, some fat ugly guy with hair on his chest who says he’s a woman and insists on being recognized as ‘them’ and wants to play with dolls and pretends to be 5 yrs old is part of the ‘new normal’.

Clone-ism and mutantism are opposites but currently allied because they both go against the spiritualist and humanist mode of what constitutes meaning and purpose. Mutantism is nothing new. It was always around because some people were born strange from the dawn of time. It’s like the Kyoami character in RAN. A weirdo. But then, deviants and oddballs can see things from interesting angles all too often ignored by conventional perspectives. So, they occupied a special niche in society… as long as they knew their relative position vis-a-vis the normal folks. Oddity of perspective is part and parcel of abnormality but also glimpses what usually eludes the normal eye. The problem sets in when this odd angle is made the main angle. It’d be like using the triangle in an orchestra as the main instrument.

Kyoami the jester weirdo of Akira Kurosawa’s RAN

Kyoami has his place and even value in RAN because he knows what he is, and others know it too. He is a weirdo, a jester, and clown. But because he’s an outsider, he catches things that insiders often miss. He has his own kind of intuition and insight. And this mutual understanding between the dominant normal and the marginal abnormal used to define society where most people upheld the True Normal but could also be appreciative of the weird and different. But now that this mutant-ism has been promoted as the New Normal, reality seems inverted. If nuttery is the ‘new normal’, what is truly normal? And if the outsiders now have the insider-view, what can they offer us? The value of the outsider’s view is from the outside. When the outsider serves as the insider, his view is neither that of the insider nor of the outsider.

Weirdness has value in an uneasy relation to normality. The value of the eponymous characters of HAROLD AND MAUDE, for example, depends on them being surrounded by ‘normal people’. Normality may be limited(and hypocritical and corrupt) but it has a fuller grasp of the essentials of life and society, like family, law and order, security and continuity, and spiritual tradition. In contrast, weirdness is innately dysfunctional and has value as counterpoint, contrast, and variance. It’s like the Adult World may be compromised and all in THE CATCHER IN THE RYE, but if everyone was like Holden Caulfield, there would be no social order, end of argument.

Mutants will always exist, and on occasion, they may offer something valuable. (It’s like most genetic mutations are useless or harmful but on rare occasions beneficial to the organism.) But it’s not something that should be encouraged or promoted as the ‘new normal’, and certainly not something deserving of the benediction of spiritual authority. While the deviance of Weimar Germany was not without artistic merit or cultural value, the problem was it often occupied the center of national life, especially when so many people were in dire straits(far worse than even Americans in the Great Depression).

Also, if weirdness is encouraged and popularized, it devalues genuine weirdness and what it has to offer. Once the underground scene was ‘upgraded’ to appeal to the bobo-yuppie crowd, it lost its authenticity and its own kind of integrity.
In the past, those with ‘gender-issues’ had REAL problems. They couldn’t help being what they were despite pressures of normality. So, their difference had meaning and even value. It meant a genuine struggle to understand one’s strange self and its place in society.
But now, thanks to gender-bender-mania promoted by ‘woke’ PC and Pop Culture, every confused kid going through puberty and adolescence(or even earlier!) isn’t only free to but encouraged to fantasize that he or she has issues(that must be resolved through hormone-treatment drugs and even mutilative surgery) as globo-homo-tranny-nuttery is the ‘new normal’; thereby, he or she is favored as a ‘cool’ magnet for attention and sympathy. As such, both the meaning and the value of the Normal and the Abnormal are lost.

Also, when the Abnormal are at the sidelines, they are more likely to use their special insights and talents for something bigger than themselves, something meaningful for the larger population of normal people. And something like a respectable bourgeois or middle-class culture exerts pressure on the weird and different to use their odd tendencies and creative gifts to produce something of higher value and wider meaning. Thus, eccentricity serves something higher and/or grander than the mere solipsism of escapist vanity. In the bourgeois age, closet-homosexual Marcel Proust wrote IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME. In our shameless age, ‘gay’ expression has come to this: It sure isn’t the Sistine Chapel.

All great things are the result of excess, but excess in and of itself has no value. What matters is the excess of reaching further, not the excess of wallowing in itself. Excessive tattooing isn’t the same as Beethoven’s excessive immersion in music. The current culture is overly defined by easy and formulaic excessiveness, often imitative with the stamp of approval by a society in rot.
Instead of an excessive desire to know more or seek further, what is often favored is the excessive self-indulgence of vanity and narcissism. Instead of a fat person forging an ‘excessive’ iron will to lose the pounds and be healthy, she would prefer to indulge in excessive pigging out and demand to be appreciated for her ‘beauty’ based on ‘radical’ new standards. It’s just yuck.