Sunday, October 31, 2021

Yoram Hazony & Abigail Shrier give False Impression of Jewish Heroism when Jewish Power is overwhelmingly Anti-Nationalist and Anti-Sanity(on sexual matters) — Why Jews had to especially flatter Black Megalomania with BLM bonanza in 2020

Exclusive: America's Most Important Right-Wing Conference Of The Year Is An Israeli Influence Operation -

There are HBD(human bio-diversity) types and dissident rightists who promote the likes of Yoram Hazony and Abigail Shrier, lending the false impression that Jews are at the forefront of defending nationalism and sexual sanity when such figures are, at best, outliers in the Jewish Community or, worse, participants in the deception. In fact, most of Jewish Power is anti-white, anti-nationalist(except for Israel), and anti-sexual-sanity.

The only kind of Jews worthy of trust are those who acknowledge loud and clear that the overall Jewish Agenda is virulently anti-white. We can trust Brother Nathanael on Jewish anti-white politics. We can trust Max Blumenthal on the Israel Lobby's influence over America. But Hazony pretty much makes the same rounds as the two-faced weasel Ben Shapiro: Identity for us Jews, not for you goyim. In Hazony’s view, there can be only ‘civic nationalism’ for whites, which, at this late date, is useless. ONLY JEWS get to have ethno-nationalism, though, in his infinite propensity to twist facts and logic, Hazony insists Israel celebrates 'diversity' because it has an Arab minority. In truth, Arabs still exist in Israel only because Jews failed to remove all of them in the Nakba campaigns. Jews didn't invite Arabs into Israel to celebrate 'multi-culturalism' and, if anything, they are hatching plans to realize the Final Plan of total Jewish supremacy in Israel and West Bank.

To my knowledge, Hazony doesn’t acknowledge that Jewish Power is leading the charge against whites(and other goyim), and Shrier doesn’t mention that Jews are the main funders and pushers of LGBTQXYZ nonsense. We are to believe that a bunch of mentally imbalanced trannies suddenly amassed so much power all on their own. Unless they mention WHO are behind the anti-white and anti-sanity agenda, they are bad faith actors and not to be trusted.

And whites who keep falling for such individuals as heroes or champions are either idiotic or hopeless. They are idiots because they name the symptoms but not the disease. So much of anti-white and anti-sane agenda originates and flows from the Jewish source.
Or they are hopeless because, like so many people in the West, they have an idolatrous fixation on Jews: A particular position is thought to be ennobled based on who/whom. So, if a Jew says something, it purportedly has higher value simply because it was expounded by a member of the Tribe endowed with higher innate worth. Such thinking is hardly different from the ‘wokeness' or 'jewokeness' of morons who sacralize blacks and believe something carries greater meaning and moral authority simply because it happens to have been associated with or expounded by blacks.


The Racial Reckoning: Just Looking Around by Robert Weissberg -

It be Bounty for the Mutiny.

Since the Clinton 90s, Jews and New Democrats espoused neo-liberal free trade and globalism. And they began to favor globo-homo over black issues except in rap and sports. Many young black males were thrown in jail and crime decreased drastically(and predictably). Big cities welcomed millions of immigrants who came to replace blacks in many places and industries. Blacks felt neglected. If blacks remained loyal to the Democratic Party in record numbers from 2008 to 2016, it was only because Barack Obama was the face of the party though he was really a puppet of Jews and homos.

But after Obama, there was the black realization that the Democrats don’t really offer them much(unless one works for the government). Besides, most of Obama’s tenure was about celebration of homos, bailing out Wall Street, and more Wars for Israel. And anti-Russian policy at the behest of hateful Jewish supremacists. BLM was a bone Obama threw to the blacks at the end.. with dire results. As too many blacks gained little or nothing under Obama in tangible terms, they were indulged with the symbolism of noble victimhood.
Over the years, the Democratic Party became the yuppie elite party, the college educated suburban party, the homo party, the Zionist party. Sure, it made a lot of noises about MLK and pretended Obama was The One, but most of its policies were along the lines of Stop-and-Frisk-the-Nigger-as-Super-Predator, urban gentrification, celebration of homos(most of them white) and welcoming diversity, aka mass immigration.

But as the GOP was so boring and dull(and associated with the Neo-Confederate South and sucking up to the rich), it could be taken for granted that blacks would remain with Democrats. What choice did they have?

But Donald Trump came along and made noises about too-much-immigration and taking care of America first. So, even though most blacks remained with the Democratic Party, Trump's brand of politics struck a certain chord in the black community. Democratic Party needs almost all the black votes to win in key areas. So, in a long while, the Democrats actually had to compete for every black vote. Now, how could they appeal to blacks when blue cities had been pushing for stop-and-frisk-the-nigger, globo-homo priority, and immigrants-uber-Negroes?

Roll out BLM in strength and make George Floyd the anointed one, and blame it all on the 'white supremacism' of Trump and white cops. And all those white and Jewish libby-dibs, who’d been supportive of stop-and-frisk policies and preference for homos/immigrants over blacks, did everything to cover their tracks; and by bleating about BLACK LIVES MATTER, they did all they could to fool others and themselves that they’ve been agonizing over the plight of the poor poor noble Negro. What a whitewash! From stop-and-frisk to stoop-and-wash(the Negro foot).

Jews control the big cities and the Democratic Party. Long ago, they got pissed with blacks, especially with Stinkin Dinkins(as mayor of NY), and did everything to suppress black crime and revive big cities beginning in the early 1990s. Jews succeeded for the most part, especially in the Big Apple(or Big Bagel). But this led to simmering black grievances about the Democrats in 2016 and 2020, especially as Obama was no longer in the running to placate the Negroes and as Trump came along as da gangsta making noises about MORE FOR AMERICANS than foreigners. So, Jewish Power felt compelled to hype BLM and sacralize Negrohood(to flatter black egomania), as well as spread the money around to keep blacks on the plantation. When all else fails, buy loyalty.

Another factor for neo-sacralization of the Negro had to do with stirring of white politics. Napoleon was to have said, “Let China sleep because, when it wakes, it will be one giant eggroll.” Jews feel the same way about whites. What if whites wake up from their wussy slumber and think independently? Jews fear that Trump stirred the white dragon from its comatose state. Even though Trump cucked to Zionists at every turn, he roused white political passion into a frenzy that reminded Jews of Germans en masse going “Heil Hitler”.

Jewish Power depends on white cuckery and goy obeisance to Jewish Power, and this means whites must NOT have a political consciousness of their own, one that's proud and autonomous. After all, emancipated whites might ask, “Why must we serve Jews at every turn when we are our own people with our own identity, culture, and heritage?”

Therefore, Jews believe they must emotionally paralyze whites with ‘white guilt’, and Jews believe blacks are most potent for this purpose because whites are in awe of blacks as super-athletes, super-rappers, super-butt-shakers, and super-dong folks. White people don’t feel too bad about having wiped out stony faced dull American Indians but get all emotional about how they’d once made people like Michael Jordan and Jay-Z pick cotton.

Of course, we may well ask WHY do whites, especially Anglos, cuck to Jews and appease them at every turn? The great lesson of WWII is supposed to be about how ‘appeasement’ doesn’t work. Neville Chamberlain has roundly been ridiculed as the biggest dumbass of all time because of his appeasement of Adolf Hitler. If that was foolish, why do Anglos think they can appease Jews and come off any better? (If anything, Hitler offered the Anglos a far better bargain, whereas Jews are pushing for nothing less than White Nakba of the West.)

If the Greek Lobby or Chinese Lobby or Russian Lobby tried to push the US or UK around, Anglos would say GO TO HELL, especially if Jews approve. But why are Anglos a bunch of Anglucks(Anglo-Cucks) when it comes to Jewish demands? How did Anglo politics become a dog show for the Jews?


Charles Murray and His Critic Edward Dutton are both too fixated on Facts to understand that 'Woke' Woes derive from the Faith-driven Delusions of the Current Year — Awesome White Race-ism's Role in US History — The Need for White Fidelism if Whites are to Survive as People & Culture

And, more immediately, it shows that “Murrayism”—trying reasonably to discuss racial differences while making many concessions to the anti-science Left and suppressing Politically Incorrect science that goes further—has failed. Now what?

What is to be done?

Name the Jewish Supremacism and call for White Liberation from it. Jews control academia, media, deep state, and much else. Probe into the source of PC and 'wokeness', and they're invariably part of the Jewish Strategy to suppress white identity, pride, and autonomy lest whites-going-their-own-way or WGTOW happens. Jewish Supremacist Power needs white submission much like a rider needs an obedient horse. To Jews, whites are just dog, cattle, or horse.
After all, if PC or 'wokery'(and its mantras about 'equity', 'diversity', and 'inclusion') really mattered as universal principles, why is there no outcry among politicians and 'mainstream' journalists about how the US continues to abet the Zionist 'genocide' of Palestinians? How come there is hardly any discourse about disproportionate Jewish wealth, influence, and privilege in top industries and institutions? So much for Jewish commitment to 'equity'. How come there is no discussion of Jewish role in Western Imperialism — Jewish bankers certainly bankrolled much of it, and Jewish merchants provided all manner of materials and services to white imperialists and invaders around the world? Why is there utter silence about lack of 'inclusion' of Palestinian-Americans in media and high places that would allow for viewpoint 'diversity' as counter to the Zionist-centric worldview that animates American Foreign Policy?
In other words, how come Jews, the richest and most powerful group in the West, are passed-over by the inquisitions of PC and 'wokery'? It is because 'wokeness' has been conceived by Jews to ostracize and impugn whites(especially Anglos and Germanics) for their 'historical sins' while overlooking the dark facts of Jewish role in history. This is what Charles Murray and Edward Dutton fail to address. If you want to understand the Nile River, you must find the source. If you want to understand the current 'woke' madness, you must unveil the source, which is Jewish Power. If you don't have the sense to realize this and the courage to address it, you might as well just give up. It's like bitching about your house being on fire without ever naming the suspects who either set the fire or hired others to do so.

Another key tactic against Jewish-controlled 'wokeness' must be to reject using ‘racist’ as epithet. Take it from the only true race-ist. Spell it as ‘race-ism’ to accentuate the meaning of -Ism, i.e. -Ism means belief, and race-ism should mean belief in the reality of race & racial differences and the need for racial consciousness. Jews and blacks have strong racial consciousness, and look how they grew in power... whereas whites have been sinking like a stone ever since they abandoned their own race-ism. Without race-ism, a people are invariably doomed. It's a law of history, even of nature.

Also, repeat the truth of BAMMAMA or 'blacks are more muscular and more aggressive'. So much of Black Problem can be explained by thuggery fueled by contempt for 'slow' and 'faggoty' whitey. The essence of black hostility toward whites isn't driven by anger about history but arrogance over biology. Black guys see white guys as a bunch of wussy 'faggoty-ass' weaklings and treat them like punching bags. And black girls hate 'white bitches' for being prettier and taking black men from them. If 'history' is the main reason for black violence, why do blacks so often attack nonwhites as well? Blacks take pride in thuggery and feel it's their 'lion-king' right to make predatory moves on weaker races. And of course, this thug-pride often leads to black-on-black violence and mayhem as well because so many Negro males vie for the title of who-be-the-most-badass-mofo-in-da-hood.

There is also the matter of JAMIAMO, or 'Jews are more intelligent and more obnoxious', i.e. Jewish Supremacism and contempt for goyim are largely the product of tribal arrogance stemming from a combination of higher intelligence and nastier will, made all the more aggressive and hostile by Covenant-thinking. Jews feel they are the Chosen of God or History to rule over inferior goyim. Jews will never admit to this and instead yammer about 'diversity, equity, and inclusion', but always judge people by what they DO than what they SAY. Why do Jews pull strings to suppress BDS, a movement calling for justice for Palestinians? You see, Jews may SAY one thing, but what they really DO is a different matter. Jews see Palestinians as mere cattle to be slaughtered or vermin to be expelled off the land.

Chucky Cucky Murray: “America is self-destructing, discarding its founding ideals…”


What made America(by which we mean White America) powerful and rich was not its founding ideals but its founding practices, which was AWESOME RACE-ISM.

AWESOME WHITE RACE-ISM made America powerful. It took all the lands from native Red Savages. If not for awesome white race-ism, whites would have recognized the 'rights' of the American Indians and made hardly any moves to wrest the vast territories for themselves for agriculture and industry. Awesome white race-ism also kept Black Savages down. This was crucial because Europeans europeanize whereas Africans africanize. Left to their own devices, blacks are prone to turning societies into Haiti or Detroit. It was because whites maintained control over blacks that black labor was rendered productive and contributed much to American development. If blacks had been granted equal freedom early on, they would have gone into 'africanization' mode and worked to undermine the American experiment; they also would have attacked and victimized the weaker white race in increasing crime waves. This isn't to deny the injustice of slavery(or the 'genocide' of the Red Savages or American Indians for that matter), but America simply couldn't have been realized into existence with its 'founding ideals' alone. America was essentially an extension of European Civilization in the New World, and whites had to use much force and violence to ensure they were in control to conceive and construct their preferred vision of civilization.
But then, could the modernization and progress of the entire world have been possible without white violence? Even when the West arrived before the Rest bearing gifts and offering friendship, the latter tended to rebuff the white guests and ordered them to go away or refused to adopt the advanced ways of the West. The Rest had to be forced into adopting modernity, and much of this force was awesomely white race-ist.

AWESOME WHITE RACE-ISM also took the Southwest Territory from Mexicans who were deemed stagnant, backward, mired in inertia, and hopelessly lacking in initiative. Who can deny Anglos did so much more with the SW territories than Mexicans could ever have? Indeed, to this day, Mexican economy is just an addendum to the US economy. Awesome white race-ism also limited the mass immigration of the yellow hordes. As there were many more Chinese than whites, open borders policy toward the Far East would have meant the American West, though conquered and settled by whites, could turn yellow-dominant, a much bigger version of what came to be the fate of Hawaii. Also, if studious yellows with decent IQ arrived in huge numbers, they might out-compete whites(and other races) in schools and take over institutions founded by whites for the purpose of white power. Why would whites want that? Awesome race-ism shielded America from such a fate. (Just like Chinese resented Western imperialists, aka 'foreign devils', taking over parts of China, white Americans had reason to worry about possible demographic imperialism if US enacted open-borders policy for the Far East that made up 1/4 the world population.) Awesome white race-ism once reminded Jews that America is a CHRISTO-RACE-IST country and that Jews better behave. Back then, most Jews got the message and wrote X-mas songs and made Jesus movies; they knew better than to rock the boat too much. But what has happened to the US ever since whites ceded power to the Jews? Nails are being hammered into the coffin of White America. What would happen to Israel if Jews allowed non-Jews, especially those hostile to Jewishness, to take over key institutions and industries of finance, media, academia, government, and etc.? Jews would merely be marking time as the demise of Israel as a Jewish State would be assured.

“Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage — the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. ” - Ayn Rand

And yet, what goes for ‘anti-racism’ in the US is a game of ascribing moral, social or political significance to Jewish and black genetic lineage — the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry(that makes him either Jewish or black).

And Rand was pro-Zionist and had a way of generalizing Jewish Israelis as a people of individuality and progress while ascribing subhuman savagery to ALL Arabs.

Now, I would half-agree with Rand. It’s stupid to assign virtues or abilities to any individual based on his race. While certain races have more particular abilities and positive attributes than others, it simply doesn't compute that just because one happens to be ____, one possesses particular virtues/values. Germany produced many great musical composers, but most Germans had no musical talent. Singapore is relatively a cleaner country, but it too has corrupt people. There have been many great Jewish thinkers, but most Jews aren't big on thought. Individual virtue can't be ascribed to religious affiliation either. Just because one is a Christian doesn’t mean he acts Christian. Plenty of Buddhists are thugs and gangsters, more into money than Nirvana.

But a saner concept of race-ism is NOT about ascribing virtues to individuals based on race. Rather, it’s the sense that an individual isn’t just some atomized creature defined by ideology or individual merit/demerit but an inheritor of a long history, genetic as well as cultural, and that he gains from a sense of solidarity with others of his racial family. While every individual can claim something unique(especially if he’s gifted), his essence is largely the product of heritage and inheritance in appearance, allusions, and remembrance. What is history but collectivity and continuity of memory? Biography makes sense only in the larger context of History, and every person belongs to a certain group as he didn't create himself but is the product of the history/culture/biology of a people. Ayn Rand's ultra-individualism(which she never meant for Jews, however) would only make sense if humans were godlike and created themselves into existence and created their own culture, language, values, and everything.

Now, no one should assume that some individuals are better simply because they are of his or any tribe. He should always remind himself that there are cretins among his own kind and good people among other tribes/races. Still, his people are his people, just like his family is his family. He is part of a culture and history, and it’s his duty to preserve them and ensure their survival and continuity. Putting individuality at the center would maybe make sense if people could live eternally. But every individual is born, live, and die, and what really lives on is the people-and-culture, in which he is merely a link.

Also, most individuals lack individuality. Rand’s heroic ideal of individual is maybe one in a million. While the truly gifted have a greater claim to individuality with their genius, most people find meaning as part of a community and tradition. And even decadents who reject tradition and community go off to form their own subcultures or dogmaville, which is why most people fall under the spell of Toohey in THE FOUNTAINHEAD. Tooheyism is presented as villainous, but most people will always be Tooheyian, and therefore, the real solution is to arrive at a better Tooheyism than fall for the delusion that Howard-Roarkism can serve as the model for most people, something that Rand herself didn’t believe because she went out of her way to show how Roark is innately superior in every way, which makes him rare indeed. He was born superior, with precious gifts of talent, will, and fiber.

A better Tooheyism is found in the Frank Capra movie IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE that takes the needs of the community into account but for its good than for vanity of control, which is what cynical Toohey is really about. He actually feels contempt for the masses but knows how to mold them.

Charles Murray is ultimately hopeless because he approaches the current problem as a conflict of ideas and values when it's really a battle for control, i.e. Jews are willing to DO ANYTHING to keep the power, which hinges on the submission of whites to Jewish authority. For Jews, it's power uber principles. Jews push 'wokeness' and bait 'white guilt' to morally paralyze whites into serving Jews. Jews want to be permanent masters over whites who are to be trained like dogs. In failing to recognize or admit this, Murray is either utterly clueless or ultimately craven because, when push comes to shove, he crumbles before the Jew Taboo. Murray is like a fool who keeps speaking the truth in the hope of winning over those whose very power depends on the Big Lie. To the extent that his truth is threatening to their power, Jews will never give his ideas the time of day.

Paradoxically, Charles Murray pretends he’s unaware because he’s all-too-aware of Jewish Power. Even in his disadvantaged and disgraced state, his only avenue to respectability is through Jewish Power. While most Jews dump on him, some Jews(neocons) find him useful because, for all his talk of racial differences, he is hostile to white identity and utterly submissive to Zionism and Jewish supremacism. So, his books still get published by the 'respectable' press even if not the promotion and attention that Murray and his admirers think they deserve.
If Murray spoke of the need for Wower(white power) and pointed to Jews as anti-white agents, he would lose whatever remains of his respectability. His last remaining cred as a scholar and 'decent' human being would go up in smoke, and he would be tossed into the same wilderness with Kevin MacDonald(who does name the Jew) and Jared Taylor(Senator-Geary-like craven cuck who won’t name the Jew despite Jews tarring-and-feathering his ass until the cows come home). He would lose all access to the 'better kind of people'. Reportedly, the bald-headed cuck lowlife even voted for Joe Biden. Now, I can understand not voting for Trump the scump but for Biden? Murray also bent over for ‘gay marriage’ because all the 'better kind of people' got on the globo-homo wagon(and because he has 'gay' friends). If he’s going to be so craven, why not cuck all the way? The fool doesn’t know what he wants.

Andrew Breitbart said politics is downstream from culture. It’s no less true that ideology is downstream from idolatry, and so-called 'Western Values' are now mainly about idolizing Jews, blacks, and homos: The Tridolatry. If Murray were a bit more self-aware, he would understand why there’s such a taboo about blacks. After all, he has operated on the basis of a self-imposed taboo about Jews. He laments how others cannot speak honestly about the Black Problem, but he refused to self-examine as to why he cannot speak critically on the Jewish Question, or even address the question at all.
Being less enamored of blacks, he can be more factual and rational in his discussion of them. But he is so reverential toward Jews that he cannot write critically of them even though it’s the Jews who are slapping his silly bald head and cackling with hideous glee. In a Commentary magazine piece, Charles Murray tackled the Harpending-Cochran theory on Jewish Intelligence. In a way, he took on a controversial topic but in such a gushing tone, and his last words were, “Uh gosh gee whiz by golly, maybe Jews are the Chosen People… Can I suck you Jewish Wiener now?”
So, while Murray is just barely controversial-courageous enough to ponder higher Jewish IQ(which makes some Jews nervous), it is only as flattery and hero-worship. It never occurs to Murray that IQ doesn’t equal virtue and that Jews have often used their higher smarts for evil ends. (If Germans and Japanese can use their considerable talents for bad ends, why can't this be said of Jews as well? Saying that Jews are incapable of evil would mean they are innately nobler, and that would certainly smack of racial supremacism. But such is the unspoken assumption of current discourse.)

Jew-Worship is the idiotic side of HBD, a kind of IQ worship. Just like little boys worship baseball players based on batting stats, HBD clowns worship people based on IQ. As Jews are smarter, HBD-ers are in awe and dream of Jews finally coming around to their side. While Murray is right to admire higher IQ among Jews(as intelligence is pretty amazing), he is wrong to pretend that Jewish IQ = Jewish wisdom/virtue. But because he’s so devoted to IQ-worship, he seems incapable of critical perspective on Jewish Power.
So, even though he talks of blacks and street crime, he doesn’t talk of Jews and white-collar crime. How many Russians died as the result of Jewish Rape of Russian Economy? How many Arabs/Muslims died as the result of High-IQ Jews in media, think-tanks, academia, and government pushing the Iron-Zion Curtain policy?

If Murray had any sense, he’d realize that the silence about black pathology isn’t much different in kind from his silence about Jewish pathology. Just like his gushing reverence toward Jews shuts down any honest discussion of the Jewish Question, the white awe of blacks as loud rappers, victorious athletes, booty-shakers, long-dongers, and bellowing orators has made it impossible for them to think rationally or factually about the black problem.

Indeed, what was the real appeal of MLK? His message of equality? Is that why he came to be deified? Or was it because he could holler up a storm as the mighty Kong of Morality? The Civil Rights Movement soon became a Racial Cult Movement. Not only was MLK howling up a storm as the new voice of god but there was Muhammad Ali whupping everyone and calling himself the 'greatest' and there were so many white musical groups taking inspiration from black music. And it was eventually followed by Jungle Fever and white cuckery, sexual as well as spiritual.
That is why white people cannot be rational about blacks. In MLK, they hear not just some reiteration of founding principles of dead white males but the voice of god hisself; MLK be the real founding father or brotha in their cuckish minds.
Blacks are deemed as physical and spiritual superior race because of their racial attributes. In other words, so-called 'anti-racism' is predicated on Black Racial Superiority. This is why even black criminality cannot be handled rationally. When people worship something, even the terrible things it does is deemed as just and awesome. Did the Aztecs condemn their terrifying gods? No, they knelt before the gods and offered more sacrifices. Did the Jews ever blame their God for sending floods and pestilence and etc? No, God was always right, and Jews blamed themselves as unworthy and deserving of the punishment.
Likewise, whites now worship blacks to such an extent that whatever blacks do might as well be divine. It is prized as divine gift, like jungle music, jungle fever, and jungle sports. Or, it is accepted as divine retribution for bad whitey’s ‘racism’, historical, systemic, individual, subconscious, and etc. So, no matter what blacks do to create more havoc and mayhem, they are righteous and justified whereas whites must find fault within themselves for the deserved punishment. It’s all about idolatry of magical blackness than ideology based on universal morality. Whites feel guilty about blacks because they see blacks as a wronged SUPERIOR people. Notice whites feel ZERO sympathy for Palestinian plight because Pallies are regarded as losers. Who cares is inferior losers are wronged, especially when America is all about WINNERS? And no one cares about ‘white trash’, brown, or yellow victims of black crime because they’re regarded as just a bunch of 'lame losers'.

When whites were proudly race-ist in the past, they made sure blacks didn’t gain such power over whites. Even though whites didn’t spell it out, they understood that blacks posed a unique threat to the white race because tougher black guys could thump white guys and hump white women(infected with jungle fever). Whites understood the biological raciality of nature and countered it with social race-ism. Because nature made blacks tougher and more aggressive than whites, whites needed social defenses against blacks.
But the prosperity of post WWII years made whites drop their guard. They became more complacent, especially when white youths got turned onto black music. Also, the Cold War made US vie for the hearts and minds of the non-white world, and so, the US had to suppress its ‘racist’ past and practices. Also, Jews took over key institutions & industries and figured on using ‘white guilt’ & ‘white fever’, especially in relation to blacks, to weaken and paralyze white identity and power. The combination of Jewish brains and black brawn proved fatal to whites who lost their crucial race-ist defenses. The result is the current America of Cuckery, Jungle Fever, Iron Zion, Idolatry of St. George Floyd, Merrick Garfinkle’s war on whites, and etc. And what do whites have as their spokesmen? Lindsey Graham and Ben Sasse. LOL.

I haven’t read Chuck the Cuck Murray’s latest book, but I’ll bet he doesn’t discuss BAMMAMA or blacks are more muscular and more aggressive. If he did, my wrong. At any rate, THAT ISSUE, more than IQ differences, explains why blacks are so problematic. If blacks were low IQ but were a bunch of Gary Colemans or Emmanuel Lewises, would they pose much of a problem? No, blacks are dangerous because they can whup the white race. Paradoxically, this danger that turns whites off to blacks also turns them onto blacks. Black-White relations is like one where a black guy beats up and humiliates a white guy who then cheers for a black athlete who beats up whites on TV. White guy hates a black guy for kicking his butt but then loves a black athlete for kicking butt on TV. It’s the same in France and UK. The very white guy who hates being beaten up by African or Jamaican immigrants will worship the black athlete on TV as his national hero. (And same thing is happening in Japan.) Sports Imperialism is very lucrative to blacks, and Jewish globalists know it’s a potent weapon for subverting national unity and pride among goyim. Black guy comes to France and beats up white French guys, but the French cheer him as the New French National Hero. It’d be like Poles praising the German Wehrmacht in WWII as the New Polish Military. It’s utterly laughable.

Not only Murray but Edward Dutton would rather discuss IQ because it’s drier and cleaner. Also, as whites have higher IQ than blacks, it makes whites feel better. But the problem isn’t IQ. Lower IQ doesn’t necessarily translate into criminality. Poor whites are far less criminal than blacks. Mexicans aren’t high-crime. The real problem is blacks are tougher and more aggressive. If whites weren’t crazy about sports and pop music, black thuggery might be seen for what it is. But because this thug-advantage is sensationalized in sports(that characterizes American pride of manhood and even the cult of virtue) and because pop music sensationalizes rappers as preachers-of-badassery, black bad behavior actually is tremendous profitable to blacks in terms of business and prestige.

So, if Dutton wants to be serious, he needs to be more 'portnoic' and discuss the song-strong-dong factor than babble on and on about IQ. We need more vulgar discourse. When a surgeon must remove a cancer, he must cut into the flesh and see the ugliness inside. To understand what is really happening, we need to understand that the real forces of power in history are ‘vulgar’ and crude. And only neo-fascism can deal with the pornographics of power. Not that one should surrender to such crudity. Rather, one should understand the true nature of power before finding ways to tame it. But idiot Murray lives with the fantasy that Real America was shaped by ‘founding ideals’. Total BS.

Indeed, if US had been settled by Imperial Germany under autocracy, it would have developed just the same. Germans had talent & work ethic, and the New World had tons of land and resources. Germany in the late 19th century was autocratic but raced past UK in industry & many fields and, pound for pound, achieved more than the US. Meanwhile, democracy spread to Latin America, and the results have hardly been spectacular.

The secret of American Rise was the Anglo-Germanic stock, the Protestant Work Ethic, property rights, and tons of resources and land to be exploited. Those could be had without 'liberal democracy'. Indeed, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand did, at least on a per capita basis, just as well as the United States even though they didn't throw off the 'yoke of British Tyranny'.

Murray’s book is clear, concise, and well-argued. But I’m not really sure who he was trying to convince... It’s not even for most conservatives: they know these things even if they are careful not to discuss them, let alone review books that discuss them.

But then, why are 'conservatives' afraid to discuss such topics in the first place? Why do they submit to the taboo and remain silent or speak only in hushed tones among themselves, and worse, more often than not, condemn others in their camp when they do show some courage in taking on controversy?

Why is it that people know the facts but fear to speak them? Part of the reason may be careerism and peer pressure, but it's not like people are dragged off to concentration camps to be shot. Or literally burned at the stake. Why the excessive fear then?

It's because even 'conservatives' have internalized the faith-based sacraments of the current idolatry. Even if they know about the Black Problem, they too worship MLK, believe in America's 'historical sin', and hope for redemption via the second-coming of some Magic Negro. And they too are so enamored of blacks as sports and music stars that their starry-eyed vision of blacks as idols and 'heroes' fall silent on matters that might be offensive to blacks. What do fans fear most? Offending the celebrities they idolize. Similar dynamics operate between whites and blacks. After all, the taboos around 'racism' only really applies to blacks. To be 'racist' means to be blaspheme against the idolatry of black coolery and cast doubts on the coming of the Magic Negro as messiah.

Also, as 'racism' has been so relentlessly associated with Nazism, KKK, and 'white supremacism', even the slightest hint of 'racism' is immediately associated with Extremism. Such association occurs both institutionally and psychologically. Jewish-run media go all out to associate even the cuckish likes of Charles Murray with 'white supremacism' and 'extremism', and all those weaned on PC-indoctrination have been conditioned to immediately associate the faintest whiff of white racial thinking with the most extreme forms of murderous hatred. FBI has investigated the who-dun-it of "It's Okay to be White" signs. No wonder then that kids in elite colleges react to the invitation of Charles Murray as if the red carpet has been rolled out for the Grand Wizard of the KKK.

Facts are cold but Faith is warm, and people prefer fuzzy warmth. Also, the cult of hope is an easier way to cope than dealing with hard facts that call for real action. Facts about blacks imply we must find ways to deal with harsh realities, but Faith about blacks allows people to ignore inconvenient facts and keep dreaming of a better future where blacks finally realize their messianic role and serve to redeem the white race of historical sin and the wickedness of 'whiteness'. This is why people react so violently to Black Facts or ignore them altogether. Trying to shake them out of their Faith is like taking candy from a child... or taking the blanket from Linus(of Peanuts comics). So many 'liberals' and even 'conservatives' are really delusionals.

Of course, in the long run, their Faith will destroy them as stark facts will eventually catch up to them — you can ignore that the house is on fire only for so long. But, they'd rather kick the can into the future and cling to the hope that things will somehow turn out alright if they worship MLK enough and sing paeans to St. George Floyd. And Jews want it this way because white spiritual and sensual submission to blacks means the extinguishment of white identity and pride, all the better for Jews to exploit and prey on white energies.

To understand the power of Faith, consider modern 'conservatives' who are very much part of the secular world but still believe in God. Now, they've gone to the same modern schools and studied science. They know there's no factual evidence of God or empirical data on miracles. But they still believe in God. Why? It just so happens that their sense of the sacred is deeply meaningful to them regardless of evidence. Secular 'Liberals' might scoff at such incorrigible 'conservative' need for Faith, but they are fooling themselves because most so-called 'liberals' are no less psychologically prone to faith-thinking. They may not believe in Jesus as the Son of God but, for some reason or other, they believe they see holiness in the homo's anus or George Floyd's thug-face consecrated by the Jewish-run media and academia. They may not go for communion but line up to wash stinky Negro's feet or taken the umpteenth Covid booster shot. And they'd rather repeat the dogmatic catechisms of Political Correctness than question everything with a critical mind.

So, if people really want to address the issue of PC or 'wokery', the approach must be psychological as well as factual. One must get to the psychological ROOT of why people allow faith-centered feelings to take precedence over facts and logic. It's like the ending in STAR WARS. It wasn't enough to blast at the exterior of the Death Star. Luke Skywalker had to shoot laser beams into its very core to blow it up. When facts are lobbed at the 'woke' or timid 'conzos', they hardly dent the ideological armor. One must penetrate into their psychological interior and strike at the idolatrous root.

Now, what distinguishes whites from Jews & blacks(and Hindus and some others) is that so many whites root for the other team. Most Jews and blacks(and Hindus) root for their own team, and this is simply natural. So, their worldviews have less to do with facts or faith than with simple fidelity to their own kind. They are into Fidelism, or belief in fidelity to one's own race, tribe, ethnicity, nation, or etc. Fidelity is more basic than faith. It's like one's fidelity to one's family has little to do with ideology, spirituality, or morality. It's just a sense of belonging and gut loyalty. Whites used to be fidelist, i.e. they believe in the fidelity between whites and white lands, between white men and white women, between white parents and white children, between white elites and white masses, between white heritage and white future. But fidelism broke down among whites, and they are losing because Jews and blacks(and Hindus) are still in fidelist mode.

Many whites reject fidelism and go for faithism, which makes them root for the other side. Faithism imbues many whites with the magical myth that Jews and blacks are holier than whites whereas whites are almost irredeemably tainted with the historical 'sin' of 'racism', 'slavery', and 'antisemitism', which means the ONLY way whites have any hope of salvation is by cucking to Jews and Blacks as their masters. Unless whites regain their fidelist ways, they are finished because whites are divided between those who still cling to some vestiges of fidelism and those who are full-fledged faithists whose highest vision of holiness is about total submission to Jews and blacks(and homos, the only whites with some innate holiness points).


Monday, October 25, 2021

What Anne Frank and Leo Frank teach us about Jewish Mendacity and where both Germans and White Americans failed with the Jewish Question — Why Jews cannot tolerate Free Speech and Facts & Reason of a Truly Secular Society

The days of the “6 million” are numbered, and I suspect that Goldman, Goldstein, and friends know it. When that crumbles, so too collapses what little remains of Jewish credibility. When the orthodox Holocaust story goes down, the dominoes may well begin to fall. And when that happens, all bets are off.

I'm not too sure about that. Much of history has less to do with facts than the power of who gets to control the discourse. So, even if it's proven beyond a doubt that 6 million didn't die, the myth can go on as long as the Power decides if it must. The Power controls the knob and can amplify or mute whatever it wants — consider George Floyd, who died of overdose, has been canonized while Derek Chauvin will rot in prison for 22 yrs for merely having done his job of protecting blue city yuppie elites from black thugs. Most people don't do independent research and, as normies, just go with the Official Narrative. Now, there are surely historians and the like who know the 6 million figure is a gross exaggeration, but they fear being ostracized and/or blacklisted. Being labeled a 'denier' is tantamount to heresy in our so-called secular order with new gods, namely the Tri-Idolatry or Tridolatry of Jews, Negroes, and Homos. The Power will denounce you, and the normies will reject you as a 'neo-nazi', 'white supremacist', 'anti-semite', or some nutjob crank because they almost never look or think beyond what they got from public education and Jewish-run 'mainstream media'.

This is why honest people fear telling the truth. They are caught between the Power and the People. The Power is mainly concerned with control and will spin any narrative, push any lie, and suppress any truth to maintain its grip(and the Power operates likewise all over the world, no less so in China, Iran, and Russia with their own sacraments and taboos). The People, most of whom are 'normies', are easily manipulated by the Power. In some ways, they are more easily manipulated in so-called 'liberal democracies' due to the conviction-bordering-on-faith that the People are free. In truth, people in so-called 'democracies' get to vote for whore-pawns vetted and bought/sold by the oligarchs who also own nearly all the media that hire mostly flunkies, careerists, propagandists, and activists(in line with oligarchic agendas). Under communism, people were more skeptical because they knew everything was propaganda.

To be sure, in the so-called 'liberal' West, there was certainly lot more freedom than under Stalinism or Maoism, but the danger lay in the fallacy that better is best. If Bob the gangster is a better person than Tom the gangster, a real psychopath, it still doesn't mean Bob is a good person. Though not as terrible as Tom, he too is a criminal, a thug, and even a killer. The so-called 'liberal West' was undoubtedly freer than communist systems(or other hardline forms of autocracy) and more kinds of speech were allowed, but that doesn't mean it was the bastion of truth. But the cult of 'muh democracy' and 'muh free speech' fooled a lot of people that they are getting the truth from the media(because it's part of the 'free press') in a society committed to free inquiry, free speech, and freedom of conscience. But like the hare that took for granted its lead over the tortoise, people in the West have been complacent in the assumption that they are living in the best of all possible worlds in terms of freedom and truth(and prosperity). This has resulted in 'insouciance', as Paul Craig Roberts calls it, that has led to so much erosion of liberties and rights before our eyes. Even as people in the West keep losing more liberties and rights, they always assure themselves, "I'm living in a liberal democracy, therefore I'm free... unlike those living in autocratic Russia or China."

Of course, the West was always under some kind of oligarchic power, but it's getting worse because it's ruled by Jews who refuse to even acknowledge their dominant position(fueled by a tribal sense of supremacism & contempt), lack any sense of magnanimity, have intoxicated themselves on moral narcissism, and are caught in the web of their own paranoia. In the West, never has so much power been concentrated in the hands of so few who are so hostile toward and derisive of those they rule over. Why else would they push for the Great Replacement or White Nakba? It's because Jews don't regard white folks as their own people but as the Goy Other that must be kept in their place, and what better and more permanent way to destroy white power than by demographically eclipsing whites with non-white goyim. Jews say O Vey, whites better Obey. The current West is something like an 'oligomocracy', i.e. it's totally controlled by the oligarchy but within the framework of what appears to be a democracy.

Honest people find themselves caught between the Power that prioritizes control and the People who gobble up whatever slop they're fed. It's the Glob and the Mob. Consider how the Twitter Mob works. Them 'woke'(or Jewoke) idiots swallow all the crap fed them by the Jewish-controlled media and academia. They think they are more 'sophisticated', 'evolved', and 'hip' because they get their ideas and views from supposed 'progressives' with elevated elite credentials. Not that American 'conservatives' are much better as they wolf down all the crap fed them on Talk Radio which is mostly controlled by Neocon monopolists. (And even alternative voices like Alex Jones would have us believe Arabs own Hollywood and China has something to do with diminishing freedom in the West.) These proggies feel smarter because they hang around tonier parts of the city, attended fancier colleges, watch Young Turks, listen to NPR, and maybe have a subscription to the New Yorker. Now, one can get lots of valuable news and information from such sources — they sure beat the 700 Club and much of Talk Radio — , but all said and done, they dare not venture outside the boundaries of discourse as insisted by Jewish Power. Indeed, the sudden war on Free Speech by so-called 'progressives' has been instigated from above by Jewish supremacist opinion-makers.

They are not about free-ranging intelligence in search of truth but corralled and tamed 'intelligentry' in service to Jewish Power and the gods it controls. Jews fear true secularism where people are free to use reason and facts in pursuit of worldview that comports with reality. Such secularism favors no side as plenty of dirt can be dug up about any group. It could dig up lots of dirt on Anglos, Germanics, and Slavs but also plenty on Jews, blacks, homos, and etc. Mao Zedong soon realized his system couldn't be sustained by the principles of the Hundred Flowers Campaign. For a season or two, something like a real liberal spirit prevailed in China as people were allowed to say anything, even against the party. Few drips turned into a torrent that then threatened to break the dam of party authority. Likewise, the liberal experiments in Czechoslovakia in the mid 60s eventually led to Prague Spring that challenged the very authority of the Communist Party. Soviet tanks had to roll in to turn the tide. Mikhail Gorbachev had his own Hundred Flowers Campaign called Glasnost and, unlike Mao who soon reversed course, he allowed it to take root and grow. Result was a million complaints from the people and the utter demoralization of party members. It wasn't long before the whole edifice of Soviet authority crumbled. (Of course, by then, all of Eastern Europe had given up on communism and looked to the West for aid, guidance, and investment.)
In order for communism or at least communist party authority to remain, the Marxist brand of secularism had to enforce its sacraments and taboos. While lots of things could be questioned, certain things could not be. Marx and Lenin were gods, and communism was 'scientific materialism', and only a mentally ill person would dare question it.
Truth and facts are neutral. So, the Power wants truth and facts to shed light on the bad of the enemies and rivals but not of itself. The Power encourages the educated class to dig up all manner of dirt about the other side(s), even rewarding those who manufacture falsehoods(as with the Russia Collusion Hoax, Assad Gas Attack Hoax, and Jussie Smollett Hoax). The Power seeks flaws in the arguments and ideologies of competing powers but not in its own. Thus, secularism can never be totally rational or factual because the Power favors its own control than the general truth.
In a genuine liberal-secular democracy/republic, free speech and free discourse can boomerang on the Power as the educated class(often filled with resentment against the rich and privileged) may well critique the Power itself. Indeed, this is exactly what happened with the Anglo elites in US and UK. Even though they had plenty of educated men on their side, they also had to contend with the increasing chorus of criticism coming from within and without their own ranks, not least from Jews.
In regards to the Power, there are two natural tendencies among the People: Submission and Rebellion, and the two tendencies often co-exist. As often as not, rebellion is borne of resentment of not having been favored and/or approved by the Power than based on any real principle, though all rebels pretend they are motivated by higher values, and the same goes for submission, i.e. people join the Power and collaborate for personal gain, careerism, and peace of mind(as dissent can lead to harassment, purging, and even death) than out of any deep conviction. Most people are benders than standers.

At any rate, the Power is likely to attract as much criticism and pushback as cooperation and support in a free society. The opposition could be a matter of partisanship or personal conscience, as is true of compliance. When Anglo-Americans ruled the US, they had both lots of supporters and lots of critics. Of course, the influence of criticism altered the character of the ruling elites, in which case the once-supporters could become the new critics and once-critics the new supporters. Or, the change came about because the character of the support was altered by the influence of media and academia. After all, even the supporters of the Anglo-American Christian Order were bombarded by the Jewish-controlled media, and their children(groomed to work for the Power) were shaped by the increasingly Jewish-dominated academia. Consider the fate of the GOP. At times, the leadership came under Jewish influence and mandated a new set of 'values' for American Conservatives to follow, but at other times, the rank-and-file were altered by Jewish Influence and exerted pressure on the leadership to change course; or else, they threatened to leave the Party for the Democrats or the Independents.

No doubt, Jews understood this aspect of the secular-liberal dynamics of Power. Free Society meant free speech, and free speech meant the freedom of conscience and the free play of ideology to critique and challenge power and authority. Indeed, no group than the Jews did more to involve itself in taking apart, deconstructing, exposing, and invalidating the existing concentrations of Power, indeed so much so that, Jewish influence was seen almost as synonymous with social critique, dissent, ideological radicalism, and other modes of rebellion/dissidence, so much so that even anti-Jewish groups and those at odds with Jewish agendas developed grudging respect for Jews as standard-bearers of civil liberties. Now, we know it was either just a ploy or something Jews came to regret.

Secular freedoms can support and protect any side but also subvert and tear it down. One can use free speech to spread and defend Christianity or to mock and expose it as a delusion or hypocrisy. One can use free speech for or against Marxism. Secularism, in and of itself, doesn't have sacred cows, and that means ANYTHING can be critiqued, appraised, questioned, attacked, mocked, impugned, and etc.
Marxists understood this very well, which is why they made Marx and Lenin the new sacred cows. You could question, criticize, and condemn religions, capitalism, feudalism, traditionalism, liberalism, and etc. in a Marxist state but one could not question the 'scientific' and 'materialist' truth of Marx and Engel's ideas. After all, if secularism in a communist state could critique and diagnose Marxism like any other ideology or worldview, it could be delegitimized in the eyes of the public, not least because so many Marxist policies weren't working according to plan.

Jews are no different than Marxists in their grip on power. Though Jews today are super-capitalists and the LAST THING they want is communism, they know that the current Power Arrangement cannot allow total free speech founded on absolute commitment to secularism. They prefer a sacral-secularism, or 'securalism' whereby Jews get to pick and choose what is holy and unholy. Jews know that official religions aren't possible in a secular order, and so, they use media and academia to generate sacral-emotions on certain topics. That way, Jews can have the cake and eat it too: Jews can maintain what is ostensibly a secular order without official religions but also have a population that feels, thinks, and behaves as virtual spiritualists on certain matters.
Under this order, there are three kinds of qualities: Holy, Material, and Unholy. 'Holy' are those subjects that command reverence & piety and, therefore, cannot be discussed freely; one must idolize, mourn, and/or celebrate them. As the Michael Jackson and Oprah cults have shown, people can be made to feel 'holy-schmoly' about anyone or anything. 'Material' are those subjects that are unrelated to the Holy and, therefore, can be discussed freely: Like the science of dairy products or the migratory behavior of birds. 'Unholy' are those matters that pose a danger to the Holy and, therefore, cannot be discussed freely; they must be condemned outright and, in the absence of legal protection of free speech, banned, as is already the case in UK, Canada, and EU.

MLK, Mandela, George Floyd, Globo-Homo, and Jews are holy. All Good People must gush about them. Covid-19 and 'vaccines' have also entered the realm of the Holy; the 'jabs' and the never-ending boosts are the new communion rituals. If you dare to discuss Covid-19 freely and speculate as to the effectiveness of Ivermectin, you are a heretic and must be mocked as a 'horse-dewormer' taking devil-worshiper. Most diseases and treatments are in the 'Material' realm, or open to free scientific discourse, but Covid-19 and the 'vaccines' are not; the only allowable 'science' is the one pushed by the Jewish Globalist World order that controls the Deep State, Big Pharma, and Big Media. Indeed, notice how the nay-sayers of the 'vaccines' are effectively 'excommunicated' from the church of 'trust-the-science'(or schwience). And of course, anyone who dares to freely discuss the problems of racial differences, black crime, Jewish perfidy, homosexual decadence, tranny nuttery, and etc. are immediately deemed 'Unholy'; everything is done to ban such voices from media, academia, and even internet platforms that once used to be bastions of free speech. Like the Marxists in communist nations, Jewish Supremacists realized their grip on supremacy isn't tenable in a world of free flowing opinions and ideas where anyone and everything can come under scrutiny, criticism, and reappraisal. 'Unholy' views are immediately and roundly attacked as 'far right', 'hateful', and etc., funny coming from a people who've committed the most violence and mass killings since the end of the Cold War. Just ask the Arabs and Muslims whose policies led to the destruction of millions of them. They were victims of Jewish-Supremacist policies that animate the cuckish aggressions of the Anglo-managed US and UK.

American Pravda: the ADL in American Society - From the Leo Frank Case to the Present Day - by Ron Unz

Something of the Jewish character can be glimpsed from a consideration of Anne Frank and Leo Frank. The comparison may seem perverse as one was an innocent victim of Nazi inhumanity whereas the latter was a pervert-murderer. But, not if the comparison focuses on the Jewish Reaction to the two individuals(or the two events they're associated with), and it has to do with Denial, a term usually associated with the Holocaust but which applies so often to Jewish reactions to events. Even to this day, Jews are in USS Liberty Denial mode. While Nazi horrors were many times more murderous and destructive than Israel's attack on the US ship, the nature of the lie is the same: A pathological inability to face up to the truth for purpose of ethnocentrism. (Ironically, Holocaust Denialists and Holocaust Dogmatists have more in common than they realize. Both are invested in History as Faith, either in the total innocence or absolute guilt of the Germans. This false dichotomy has made it virtually impossible to have a true historical discussion on the subject as anyone suspected of 'revisionism' is thrown into the Denial Camp.) What matters is the attack on USS Liberty was clearly a hostile act by Israel, but to this day, Jews refuse to own up to what happened. And not just the Israeli government, which would at least be understandable, but Jews all around the world. What does this say about Jewish Power and the general character of Jewishness when most Jews aren't willing to face up to the most obvious facts?

And if Jews aren't willing to face up to what happened to USS Liberty, why would they be any more honest or principled on far graver matters? And if most Jews, 'conservative' and 'liberal', so readily circle the wagons on something so obvious and undeniable, the only logical conclusion is that, for most Jews, ethnic unity and power take precedence uber alles. Besides, it's not as if Jewish criminality has been limited to isolated incidents like the USS Liberty attack. Jewish finance played a significant role in the expansion of European Imperialism, not least the Anglo kind. Jews had a key role in the Atlantic Slave Trade(at least in South America) and the forced sale of opium to China. Jewish merchants played a role in the Westward expansion and the 'genocide' of the American Indians. Jews wiped Palestine off the map, and Jewish radicalism played a key, even decisive, role, in the spread of communism and its horrors that led to the deaths of millions. And since the end of the Cold War, World Jewry have been the main butchers of the world as overlords of the lone superpower, the US, the foreign policy priority of which has been appeasing Zion by serving as its murderous attack dog. Just ask the Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, and many others.
Furthermore, Jews have been the main concocters of this 'wokeness'(or Jewokeness) that plants poison seeds in the souls of whites(mainly via Afromania and Globo-Homo degeneracy) and prepares the West for White Nakba.

But, because Jewish Power has been dispersed among various nations in which goy 'buffers' were often employed to do the bidding of Zion, much of Jewish Evil has been attributed to anyone but Jews. So, Iraq War is blamed on George W. Bush and 'Neocons'(with Cheney and Rumsfeld as the most prominent faces), and most of the current lunatic policies are blamed on Joe Biden even though he's just a puppet of his Jewish Handlers. Even when Jews were considerably less powerful in the past, they had sway over key members of the goy elites via the control of money.
What all this means is that, while Jews have much to accuse the goy world of, they also have much to be accused of and much to answer for. Also, apart from the policies of National Socialist Germany that sought to be Jew-Free, thereby making its crimes its own, it's not so easy to differentiate the Jewish Role from the Goy Role in much of the Modern West. Jews, like the Irish, collaborated in much of British Imperialism. If most Irish did it as foot-soldiers, Jews did it as financiers. So, ironically, National Socialism rendered Jews the most innocent of German crimes during the Nazi Era, whereas the Western Powers that allowed Jewish participation made Jews accomplices in their 'racist' domination of the world. Not that any of this matters in the current Jewish-controlled Historiography whereby we are to believe Jews were always pure-as-snow innocents who were totally blameless of Western Imperialism and, if anything, the main poor hapless victims of Western 'antisemitism'.

Though Anne Frank and Leo Frank are two very different individuals, both have been shrouded by Jewish Lies. Thus, what unites them is the culture of Jewish Mendacity. Never mind the stuff about Anne Frank story being partly created by her father. Never mind the rather ludicrous canonization of some Jewish Girl into the new madonna. We can accept that she was a nice girl and met a sad fate(though she died of disease than gassing or a bullet to her head). The LIE is in propping her cult as the main face of Jewishness, thereby creating a false impression as to why there was so much anti-Jewish hatred and why the Germans were driven to such extremes. It'd be like using some Japanese girl who died in Hiroshima as the main face of Japan's place in World War II.
Now, clearly many innocent children of all nationalities perished in the war, and there's no problem in remembering and mourning Jewish children who died in the Shoah. And Japanese children who died in the war should be remembered as well. But the war against Japan wasn't about some crazed desire to kill innocent Japanese girls. Rather, Japanese children were the unfortunate and tragic casualties of a war in which Japanese adults in powerful positions decided to play with fire. To understand Japan's role in WWII, one needs to focus on the politicians, industrialists, military men, ideologues, and the Emperor. Likewise, even though many innocent Jews, even children, were persecuted and killed in WWII, no real understanding of the Jewish Role in the war can be understood without taking into account the dangerous and even reckless roles played by Jewish radicals, bankers, gangsters, fraudsters, corrupters, and perverts. Remembering Anne Frank as a sad child victim of History is a decent thing to do, but using her as the Face of Jewishness in the Modern Era is utterly bogus.
After all, Germans could do the same. Consider all the innocent German children who were killed by bullets or bombs, or who were raped(most likely by Soviet troops), or perished from starvation and disease. All such lives should be remembered, but it'd be foolish to use her story as exemplary of Germany's role in World War II. No, Germany got embroiled in the horrors because of Adolf Hitler and his reckless worldview(though it certainly wasn't helped by Josef Stalin, FDR, Winston Churchill, and others itching for some kind of major conflagration). Anne Frank Cult as the face of the Holocaust Narrative overlooks the role of Jewish Power that led to the rise of Hitler and the National Socialists. Germans went to the dark side not because they wanted to hurt innocent Jewish children but had-it-up-to-here with the crimes and corruption of Jewish Power. However, in handing power to a bunch of radical Anti-Semites, there was the danger of innocent Jews getting it in the neck as well. But innocent Japanese also got burned for the crimes of their rulers.
Granted, it's never quite simple to draw a clear line between guilt and innocence. After all, many Japanese supported the policies of their rulers. But then, their minds were largely manipulated by the rulers who controlled the media, so there was a kind of circular logic to the mania. Likewise, many Jews did nothing to restrain the vileness of their tribal elites(and little has changed over the years as Jews like Norman Finkelstein and Max Blumenthal are exceptions than the rule) and a good number of them participated, though not as key players, in the vile machinations of their tribal leaders. So, absolute guilt and absolute innocence are virtually non-existent. One could say children are innocent, which is true enough, but it's only a matter of time before children are indoctrinated into soldiers of the regime, much like it's only a matter of time before tiger cubs grow into predators. Children are innocent in the moment but not in their destinies, most of which are controlled by external forces; besides, even the internal drives of human nature leads one to aggression, competition, domination, or service to dominant forces.

If Jews used an innocent girl, Anne Frank, as the face of all Jews threatened or killed in the World War II period, Jews denied the guilt of Leo Frank altogether even though he was most certainly guilty of the rape-murder. A case of rape-murder denial. Though only one girl was raped and killed by Leo Frank, the Jewish pathology behind the denial isn't much different in kind from the denial of those who naysay all documented details of the Shoah. In some ways, it's worse among Jews because, whereas Holocaust Denial is a fringe phenom among goyim, Leo-Frank's Rape-Murder Denial has been the mainstay of Jewish Power and Jewish Majority, much like USS Liberty Attack Denial. Add to this the Jewish Virtual-or-Emotional Denial of the Rosenbergs' guilt in slippling atomic secrets to Stalin. While most Jews came to admit Rosenbergs were guilty of the act, they melodramatized the Narrative to make the Rosenbergs and other communists the 'victims' of 'red-baiting' and 'paranoid' anti-communists. So, even when Jews admit a good number of Jews were involved in treason and treachery, they canonize the guilty as 'victims' while reviling the prosecutors as subhuman persecutors of all things decent and humane.

Leo Frank was eventually lynched by a mob that just about had enough. He was only one person, indeed the only Jew ever lynched on American Soil. Therefore, it may seem ridiculous and perverse to compare his case with the Holocaust where, purportedly, 6 million Jews perished(though the real number is probably half that), Anne Frank included. US was good to Jews, Germany of the Nazi period was horrible for Jews. And yet, history and truth aren't merely about numbers. One Jew or Six Million Jews, the motivations of goy hatred could be the same. Thus, what the Leo Frank Case(the death of one Jew) and the Anne Frank Case(the death of millions of Jews) have in common is the Jewish tendency to commit horrific crimes and use the tribal network to circle the wagons.
Lucky for Jews, such Jewish behavior led to minimum anti-Jewish violence in the US(relatively speaking), but consider the goy rage in both US and Germany. In the US, southern white goyim were more than willing to give Leo Frank the benefit of doubt and his day in court. Frank wasn't treated like some Negro but had all the legal defense one could hope for. And yet, facts proved his guilt beyond a doubt, and the proper thing for Jews would have been to make him face justice. But, what did the Jewish community do? They circled the wagons. They chose tribal ethnocentrism over justice for the dead goy girl. Apparently, the life of a Jewish rapist-murderer was more precious than the life of a goy girl seen as little more than a shikse whore(later to replayed by Roman Polanski's case). Jews not only refused to face up to facts but tried to frame a Negro. And then, the Jewish Press slandered southern whites(who'd been kindly to Jews) as a bunch of raving 'anti-semites' when they'd offered Leo Frank every opportunity to prove his innocence. The real issue isn't that Leo Frank was a creep. All groups have their rapist-murderer creeps; John Gacy was no Jew. The issue was the Jewish Community went out on a limb to protect a fellow Jew despite his obvious guilt(and things are even worse today, with Jonathan Pollard giving the US a middle finger as he swaggers around Israel as a 'hero').

The Southern White Goy community just about had enough and took matters into its own hands. They grabbed Leo Frank from the jail cell and lynched him. The goy rage wasn't much different from what would happen among Germans during the Weimar Period, in which many German Jews, backed by World Jewry, did horrible things to the German economy, culture, and political process, which they would repeat all over again in Russia of the 1990s. But, the difference is German Rage put radical Anti-Semites in power, and the Nazis had a worldview not so different from that of Jews: supremacism. Just like so many Jews felt Jews could never do wrong and should always circle the wagons to protect other Jews, guilty or innocent, the National Socialist direction for Germany was Aryans Uber Alles.
Still, the rage that many German citizens felt that drove them to support the National Socialists wasn't much different from the rage felt by the Southern White mob that finally had had enough of Leo Frank and had him lynched. In both cases, goyim were driven to the limit by Jewish vileness. Historically, Germany had been less anti-Jewish than most European nations, but Germans came to believe that their relative niceness toward Jews only emboldened Jews to act more shitty. Likewise, historically the American South had been kinder to Jews, but how did Jews pay back this favoritism? They circled the wagons to defend the loathsome Leo Frank, the rapist-murderer of a white Christian girl.

Most crucially, both the US and Germany failed to do the right thing. In the case of Germany, the new regime went after ALL Jews. Even if many Jews had acted badly, there was no reason to target all Jews as the majority of Jews hadn't been gangsters, communist radicals, or financial thieves. And some were patriots who had fought in World War I and respected German culture. In going after all Jews, National Socialism disgraced itself and finally blackened German reputation with war and genocide.
One would like to believe the American Example was infinitely better. After all, Americans didn't go after all Jews but targeted one Jew, the guilty Leo Frank. Not that Jews ever appreciated this as they lionized Leo Frank as a saint, and the organization that grew out of the incident, ADL, now serves as the 'moral' muscle of Jewish Power and twists arms everywhere to push for Censchwarzship.
Still, it's surely far more sensible to go after the one guilty Jew than go after an entire community. Better to kill one bad person than kill 'six million', among whom the good are mixed with the bad. And yet, Americans also made a fatal mistake in the Leo Frank case. While only Leo Frank was responsible for the rape and murder of the white girl, much of the Jewish Community had been downright vile and verminous in trying to exonerate him out of tribal solidarity that smacked of racial supremacism: "We Jews are above the law when it comes to harming lowly goyim." (What's truly disgusting is that, even after all these years, Jews have doubled-down on the rape-murder denial and pretend as if Leo Frank is their own 'Emmett Till', all the funnier when even the real Emmett Till wasn't the 'Emmett Till' of myth, though St. George Floyd takes the cake when it comes to perfidious Jewish-manufactured idolatry. Even though the white mob was pushed to extreme measures against Leo Frank because of the dirty Arnold-Rothstein machinations of the Jewish Community, Jews have blame only the whites, never themselves.)

The real shame of the Leo Frank case isn't that some lowlife Jew was lynched. It's that White Americans didn't go far enough and do more. While it's a good thing that White Americans never became radically deranged like the Germans under National Socialism, they failed to realize that the main villain of the Leo Frank case wasn't Leo Frank himself but the Jewish Power Network defined by Jewish Tribal Supremacism. Indeed, Leo Frank would have been summarily tried and sentenced, and that would have been that had it not been for obnoxious Jewish meddling. The case was prolonged and perverted because Jews pulled every string in the book to prevent justice for the rape-murder victim. So, while Leo Frank was guilty of his crime, the Jewish Power Network was guilty of something far more egregious and consequential: Corruption of the justice system, and for what? Jewish supremacism that holds in contempt the humanity of white girls regarded as 'shikse' whores. So, White Americans shouldn't have stopped with Leo Frank. They should have started a movement to root out the networks of Jewish corruption and villainy. This doesn't mean they should have become like raving Nazis and gone after innocent Jews or done what they did to the Japanese-American population during World War II. Rather, at the very least, they should have done everything to root out the widespread elements in the Jewish Community that form networks and work together in favor of Jewish lives and interests regardless of truth and/or justice. The failure to do that has led to the rise of Jewish Networks that now rob the world through Wall Street and Big Pharma, that perverts the law to let Antifa thugs and BLM lunatics to run free and get a slap on the wrist if arrested... while January 6 protesters are denied the most basic of legal rights and parents who protest anti-white CRT agenda are labeled as 'domestic terrorists' by vile Jewish supremacist Merrick Garland(who almost became Supreme Court justice).

So, if Germans went too far in their reaction to Jewish Evil by going after ALL Jews, even good ones, White Americans didn't go far enough by fixating on the individual Jew while overlooking the power of the Jewish Network. After all, it makes no sense to see Jonathan Pollard as merely a bad individual Jew. He did what he did as part of a Jewish Network, and this network, with tentacles in academia-media-government-banking-etc., eventually pulled all stops to spring that lowlife scum from prison. Germans under National Socialism, in going after bad Jews, even went after innocent Jews, destroying the lives of girls like Anne Frank as well. White Americans thought the problem would be solved by taking out Leo Frank the bad Jewish individual while overlooking the fact that Leo Frank managed to elude justice for so long because of the Jewish Power Network operating on the premise of Jewish Supremacism and total contempt for 'filthy goyim'.

The Ideal Way for Americans would have been to Name the Jewish Power, to expose the Jewish Network. Jewish Evil isn't a simple matter of bad individuals doing their own thing but, more often than not, a matter of a bunch of Jews acting in concert within a network. It's like the Mafia, which is why RICO laws were necessary to bring down the underworld empire. Just going after individual mafia hoodlums(as if they're lone wolf street thugs) hardly made an impact on the mafia network; it was like cutting off one tentacle off an octopus that merely grew new ones. To take out the Mafia, the individual crooks had to be linked to the network and its bosses.
Likewise, Leo Frank was protected by the Jewish Network, which later canonized him as a saint, much like Tony Kushner did for the Rosenbergs in ANGELS IN AMERICA. To prevent further such abuse, White America should have at least gone after the Jewish Network and exposed it for what it is. Granted, it would have been more difficult with Jews than with the Italian-Americans whose criminality was far more specific to a social milieu. Indeed, Italian-Americans who broke from the Criminal Community tended to assimilate into Anglo-Americanism or Generic Americanism. In contrast, even Jews who operated above ground retained a powerful sense of tribal identity and loyalty, rendering mafia-like much of the Jewish networks in academia, media, government, and etc. Rudy Giuliani became just a New York mayor and did little for the Italian-American community. The idiot Cuomo Brothers are mainly careerists and have nothing to do with Italian-ness. But look at Jews like Victoria Nuland, Wendy Sherman, Merrick Garland, Stinkin' Blinken, and the rest of them, and they are NOTHING without Jewish Tribalism. Indeed, the demands of Jewish Tribalism are so strong that even goyim in politics cower before its will. Even Donald Trump who, in 2016 boasted that Jews don't own him because he's so rich, did little in office but take it up his ass from the Jewish Lobby and beg, "Can I suck your dic*?"

What the West needs is a RICO-ist approrach against Jewish Power Network. The evil didn't end with Leo Frank. He almost got away with rape/murder because of the Network, the same reason Roman Polanski has been able to sit nice and pretty all these years without facing justice. Indeed, can anyone explain the silence about USS Liberty without taking the Jewish Power Network into account? Or what really happened on 9/11 and how lies were spread in the media(essentially a Jewish Power Network) to rouse public support for Iraq War? Or how Jews managed to rape the Russian economy in the 1990s? Did just a handful of Jews, as mere individuals, manage to pull off the heist of the century all on their own? Or, were they enabled by the Worldwide Jewish Network? And consider the Russian Collusion Hoax. The Covid Hysteria and the rigging of the 2020 election. These were not done by isolated individuals but by the Network with links in government, media, academia, courts, finance, etc.

So, the lesson of the 20th century in regard to Jewish Perfidy is that the Germans went too far and the Americans didn't go far enough. Germans, in going after Jewish Evil, went after the entire population. Americans, in contrast, targeted only the individual while ignoring the power of the Jewish Network. Indeed, it is precisely because the Network was left alone in the US that Jews even managed to push the narrative that Leo Frank was some innocent saint lynched by a crazed 'anti-semitic' mob that, I supposed, one day just got off their ass to kill a totally innocent Jew for the hell of it.