Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Gazamania, 21st Century & the End of Humanity(?), Holo-Cuckery, and the Crisis-Cuck-MomentJudge Napolitano


The ongoing crisis in Gaza and the Middle East in general is once again, you guessed it, the product of Jewish Supremacy. As if things hadn’t spiraled out of control in Ukraine, we have yet another Jewish-made fiasco. Predictably, like clockwork, plenty of Islings or Izzlings(quislings of Israel) in the US and EU governments are calling for a widening war, especially involving Iran as the arch-enemy of the (Un)holy Zionic Empire.
Israel not only carpet-bombs entire neighborhoods of Gaza(and prepares for something resembling genocide) but lobs missiles into Syria without any protest from the US and EU.
Even Russia, forced into a Slav-vs-Slav mass slaughter by fiendish Jewish Supremacists, is playing it neutral and urging a cease-fire, whereas the West is uniformly on the side of Israel, though, what with all the mass migration and the worsening spiritual void, the streets and campuses of certain Western countries have burst forth with pro-Palestinian protests. Western cuck-elites cheer on Israel’s mass slaughter of Palestinians, whereas growing numbers at the street level demand justice for Palestinians, not least because the Occupation of the West Bank is one of the longest of its kind.

If the first half of the 20th Century was fraught with tensions among various sovereign great powers, especially the British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire, Germany, Japan, the United States, World Jewry, and, to a lesser extent, Italy, exploding in the powder kegs of World War I and World War II, and if the second half of the 20th Century was marked by the Cold War between the two superpowers, the US and the USSR, which emerged most victorious from the ashes of World War II, the horrors of the 21st Century have almost entirely been the result of Jewish control of the LONE superpower, the US and its satellites(or vassals).

Following the end of the Cold War, some hoped that the world would be safer with a single superpower, especially as the reigning champion of the world, the US, was supposedly committed to human rights, democracy, liberal values(freedom and dignity of the individual), and progress. Francis Fukuyama(though Fukyomama is more like it) called it the End of History, meaning the end of the war for Big Ideas as the American/Western Way was surely the correct one for all the world. Who would be opposed to freedom, individual dignity, prosperity, tolerance, and peace through strength guaranteed by the US as the world policeman of liberty? It was also a time when the boomers, the generation (self)defined by idealism, were taking over the reins of power. Who would have thought back in those euphoric days that the End of History could very well turn out to be the End of Humanity(that is if insane Jewish Supremacists who, as global grandmasters, keep provoking conflicts around the world as their private chessboard)?

If the first half of the 20th Century was fraught with danger with too many great powers, the perils of the 21st Century have resulted from the concentration of power in the US as the ‘exceptional nation’.
Perhaps in retrospect, the US could have been a genuinely good hegemon in its role as the lone superpower, the last great power standing at the ‘end of history’, subsuming the former great powers into its orbit and providing a more-or-less ideal template for the developing world. If such an opportunity did indeed exist, the hopes were dashed by the betrayal of the principles of the End of History: Liberal Democracy, dignity of the individual, Rule of Law, universal sense of human rights, free enterprise, meritocracy, and etc. Ironically, the group that rose to prominence, privilege, and the highest levels of power by the positive practice of those late modern Western Values did most to undo them. And other groups were corrupted by prioritizing appeasement of this special group instead of defending principles that would apply equally to all groups.

The special group is Jews, of course, The Jews rapidly rose to prominence due largely to meritocracy enforced by fair play and the rule of law but then used their power to erode those very institutions. Take the Jewish support for Affirmative Action for blacks that goes against the spirit of meritocracy and the letter of the Constitution. Jews gained via meritocracy but also sought to ‘morally’ consolidate their power by way of a Jewish-Black Alliance with the symbolism of the Holocaust Tribe hand-in-hand with the Slavery Folks.

Also, Jews undermined democracy by using money and media power to turn both political parties into two sides of the Zionist coin. The main theme of both the Democrats and Republicans came down to ‘which side appeases and pleases the Jews the most’. As most Jews favored the Democrats on domestic issues, the Republicans sought to compensate by totally cucking to the Neocon Jews on foreign policy.
The threat posed by the Neocons in the GOP meant that the Democratic Party was mindful not to hemorrhage Jewish money and votes to the GOP, and of course, that meant even more sucking up to the Jews and their prejudices, such as Zionism. Increasingly filled with hubris, Jews turned American Power into a form of tribal gangsterism, and it wasn’t long before the US sacrificed its commitment to universal human rights in favor of Zion Uber Alles. Increasingly, the world watched as the US as the lone superpower became an instrument of Jewish Tribal supremacy that only paid lip-service to the concerns of the rest of humanity.

As for free enterprise, globalism only made the rich richer and the super-rich super-richer, and the super-rich, in cahoots with the Deep State, got favors via bailouts and colluded to deny people with inconvenient ideologies and positions any meaningful access to the economy. Just ask the Palestinian-Americans blacklisted by BDS. Free Speech, as understood from the Sixties to the Eighties, came under assault. Under Jewish influence, colleges became ‘woke’ institutions where students were driven into frenzies of globo-homo worship and anti-white virulence.

The visions of the End of History didn’t stand a chance against the institutional capture by Jewish Gangsterism that was the real story of the West since the end of the Cold War. White goyim, who could have held the Jewish feet to the fire as with any other group, betrayed the End of History principles and chose cuckery to Jewish supremacist tribalism over universal principles applicable to all.
What did Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump all have in common? The #1 priority was “How do we keep the Jews on our side?” or “How do we win more Jews to our side?” A game of Tug-of-Jew. How could the lone superpower claiming to represent human rights, freedom, and justice for the whole world be so narrowly focused on catering to a single group, a megalomaniacal and insatiable one at that? End of History had no chance under such circumstances. In the end, the Constitution came to mean nothing as the real law of the US became Trust the Jews, Obey the Jews, and Serve the Jews… because, otherwise, you’re an ‘Anti-Semite’. So much for the End of History. In the end, American Ideology gave way to Jewish Identity in the worst possible way.

9/11 was the first big event of the 21st Century, and in the shock, unimaginable to everyone except those who pulled it off, few asked the salient questions. It was like a movie so overwhelming at the sensory level that the awestruck audience failed to ask if the plot made any sense. 9/11 seemed like the very definition of a Black Swan event. Sure, there was talk of Islamic terrorism and its global threat, but could it strike the centers of world finance and the most powerful military with such devastating impact, especially when the perpetrators were a handful of Arabs with box-cutters(presumably guided by a bunch of guys hiding in a cave in Afghanistan).

World War I was a gigantic event that spiraled out of control from a small event, an assassination. Pearl Harbor and Operation Barbarossa involved great powers attacking great powers. But how could such a ragtag bunch of nobodies deliver such a titanic blow to the lone superpower? As such, it was oddly both horrifying and edifying. Unlike the long hard wars ahead against Germany and Japan, everyone knew that the US could reduce the Muslim terrorists into a pile of ashes in a matter of seconds. So, 9/11 was a big event with potentially small consequences(if the target of US operations was limited to the terrorists).

For all the talk of a global war on terror, there really wasn’t much to go after. Indeed, the US easily crushed Afghanistan and occupied it for over two decades with minimum loss of life. For all the grandiloquent talk of the War on Terror as a kind of World War III(or World War IV if indeed the Cold War was III, according to Norman Podhoretz), the US war machine soon ran out of terrorists to go after. If anything, it had to keep inventing terrorist threats and plots. As people found out later, the Iraq War was based on total lies. Not that the agents, ideologues, and pundits who cooked up and/or pushed those lies ever suffered consequences, especially if they belonged to the Tribe.

For a while, with the end of George W. Bush’s regime, some hoped that peace was finally around the corner in the Middle East with Barack Obama at the helm. Even if Obama was owned by Jews, the expectation was that his Jews were unlike the reckless Neocons of the Bush administration.
What actually happened is a lot of the Jews who served or cheer-led Bush’s policies either joined the Obama administration or had contacts with those within , and soon, despite the delusions of the Nobel Peace committee(in the stupidest decision ever of presenting a prize for what someone might do than actually did), events turned out even worse.

If Bush’s agenda of the War ON Terror morphed into a rationalization of targeting regimes that had nothing to do with 9/11(but just happened to be hated by Israel), Obama’s policy could be the called the War WITH Terror, as the US, Israel, and its cuck-Arab/Muslim allies joined forces with Al Qaeda remnants and their variants in Libya and Syria. It wasn’t long before Thomas Friedman was full of praise for ISIS lunatics in Syria burning or beheading people alive and destroying ancient treasures. Obama turned out to be just another bait-and-switch candidate, the other side of the Zionist coin minted for only one outcome: Heads Jews win, Tails goyim lose. It became clear as day that the NeoLibs were just the flipside of the Neocons, feigning a ‘moderate’ approach but actually fully aligned with the ultra-Zionists. Notice how Victoria Nuland, once part of the Bush administration, is now a honcho among the power-mad Jews who surround and manipulate the brain-dead self-defecating(not deprecating) senile shabbos goy Biden.

Yuri Slezkine the provocative historian/sociologist characterized the 20th Century the ‘Jewish Century’. Not because Jews were all-powerful but they, more than any other group, went from power to power to more power to most power and, furthermore, best exemplified the ‘mercurian’ or globalist-fluid nature of modernity in all its dimensions: Ideology, culture, lifestyle, values, and economics.

A century-worth of power apparently isn’t enough for current Jews who seem to regard the 21st Century as the foundation of the Jewish Millennium, something like the Thousand Year Reich for Zion. If Jews of the 20th century vied for power among the various great powers, Jews now seem hellbent on ensuring the Future will be entirely Jewish-owned-and-controlled. It surely explains the hysterical responses to the rise of Russia, China, Iran, and even India, which Jews try to manipulate into serving the Zionist-Anglosphere.
In a sane and rational world, the US would accommodate the inevitable rise of other great powers as (1) Russia was likely to recover from the economic rubble of the post-Cold War years (2) China, once on competitive footing, was bound to turn into something like a gigantic Singapore, albeit with a sovereign government. Jews want to remain on top despite all these changes.

But is there a coherence in the Jewish Power Strategy? Perhaps, it’s been more so than among the Anglo/White/Christian elites who were more pluralistic and divergent in their identities, outlooks, and values. There was little chance that the WASPs, various Protestant denominations, Catholics of various ethnic stripes, whites of different regions, and etc. could see eye to eye on much. While divisions, ideological and cultural, did exist among Jews as well, they were bound closer together by a deeper sense of history, tribalism(as opposed to merely a broad racial sense), and specialization in certain niche professions in retail, finance, and brainy fields mostly in urban areas. The divisions within the Jewish community weren’t as wide as between, say, the Boston Brahmins and West Virginia hillbillies(or Texas cowpokes).

Also, the fact of most whites being Christian made amnesia and self-rejection an essential element of white identity. Being Jewish means a continuous flow of identity, history, culture, and values from ancient times through medieval times to modern times. In contrast, being Christian means a definitive break between the original white identity/culture of the ancient times and the new one foisted on the West by the ‘cultural genocide’ perpetrated by the spread of Christianity. Jewishness connects modern Jews to ancient Jews in one continuous narrative, indeed to time immemorial. Being Christian, however, severs whites from what they’d originally been(as pagans) prior to the spread of a religion that grew out of the Jewish tradition. Thus, Christianity encourages a certain amnesia among whites. When Jews read the Torah, they’re reconnecting with their actual ancestors. When white Christians read the Torah, they are making believe that the ancient Jews were their spiritual forebears while wholly neglecting their true pagan ancestry.

Furthermore, Christianity’s ahistorical nature — eternal truth revealed in the moment in the figure and words of Jesus Christ — tends to shun history as the basis of one’s identity, whereas Judaism emphasizes the importance of one’s forefathers and their stories. No wonder modern Jews never forget, whereas whites and Christians, being so amnesiac, often outsource their collective memories to others who, in our age, happen to be the Jews with hold over the media and academia.

But the fact of Jews being more coherent in their power strategy than whites doesn’t mean they’re coherent enough. Being cleaner than the next person doesn’t necessarily mean clean. Jewish Strategy is increasingly all over the map and contradictory.
While there seems to be an overarching Jewish strategy known to the master players on the understanding that (1) Jewish Power relies on White Submission by way of ‘white guilt’ (2) Increased diversity is a means of playing divide-and-rule among goyim (3) Jews must change the goalposts of ‘progressivism’ to stay ahead of the game, thereby shielding what is really an ultra-rightist Jewish tribal supremacism with rhetorical gobbledygook about ‘diversity, inclusion, equity’ mostly centered on homos & trannies.

For such a strategy to work, however, it must be balanced. Push too far on one over the other, and the whole thing could unravel. For example, be hard on whites but don’t be too hard to the point where increasing numbers of whites, instead of submitting to Jews, defy and push back. Use carrots and sticks than just the sticks. The over-reliance on the sticks is turning more whites on the Right against the Jews. While some Jews know how to play the game(like Henry Kissinger in foreign policy), some just can’t help their vengefulness, contemptuousness, egotism, and/or gangsterism. Some Jews just can’t help rubbing it in all the time. Beating up on whites stokes their egos. Others just can’t resist the opportunity of ripping off White America like bloodthirsty leeches. Hubris leads to ruin, and chutzpah is on the verge of becoming chutzubris.

The divide-and-rule game of Diversity is useful only if played intelligently. Yes, use the nonwhites against whites but don’t push too hard on that lest the nonwhites, in their mouth-foaming fury, strike out at all things associated with whiteness, which could be Jewishness, especially as the GOP, the White Party, and even Donald Trump and MAGA, have been so effusive in their praise of Zion.

If some Jews abuse the strategy to the point of excess, thereby making Jews seem like lunatics, others seem to have drunk the Kool-Aid of Jewish ‘leftism’ or ‘progressivism’, the Tikkun-Olam stuff. That was meant to be a power strategy, to guilt-bait white goyim into submissivism to Jewish Supremacism, but some Jews, either out of stupidity, genuine conscience, or ideological fanaticism, are now prone to calling out on the Jewish hypocrisy of supporting far-right elements in Israel while preaching the opposite to the goyim.

The change of Jewish attitudes could also be a reflection of demographic changes. In the past, Jews in various fields dealt mostly with whites/Christians who were overwhelmingly pro-Zionist and favorable to Jews, and furthermore, Jewish Power wasn’t quite as dominant and conspicuous as it is today. The rise of boomer power politics witnessed the total collapse of white prestige in American life, politics, and culture. The fact that one can bash whites endlessly(and be favored for promotion) implies whites don’t have much power left. Whites still hold many top positions in many fields but in a defensive position than with pride — “I’m sorry that I’m successful as a white man(or woman) and will do everything to ensure that a NON-white will take my place once I retire or is removed.”

Therefore, bashing whitey has becoming kind of stale(and boring) as all the powerful institutions insist on it and cucked guilt-ridden whites demand it(and revile whites who refuse to cuck as ‘white supremacists’). Then, it’s hardly surprising that many nonwhites and even cucky whites(and conscientious Jews as well) are wising up to the fact that JEWS got the real power, meaning it makes more sense to speak truth to Jewish Power than beat on the tired bogeyman of ‘white supremacism’.

Also, with increasing non-white presence in college campuses, media, and etc. due to mass immigration and/or anti-white discrimination(aka ‘affirmative action’), Jews find themselves in contact with lots of nonwhites, who tend not to be so reliably pro-Jewish/Zionist, especially if they’re of Arabic or Muslim origin. And given how Jews have endlessly vilified whites to keep the anti- or non-white coalition together, there was always the chance that the darkies might conclude Jews are just another bunch of whites because (1) Jews are officially categorized as white (2) Zionism was enabled by Western colonizers (3) all those white elites, especially in the GOP, are effusive in their praise of Jews and Zionism.
With Jews denouncing the American Right as full of MAGA Nazis, it wasn’t a good look for them when Netanyahu was patting Trump on the back for doing the bidding of Israel.

And then, there is the role of social media that has allowed counter-Jewish voices to proliferate. Prior to the internet, especially the social-media-kind, Jews like Matt Blumenthal, Katie Halper, Norman Finkelstein, and others could effectively be suppressed and pushed to the margins. Now, they compete with mainstream media(rapidly declining in prestige and audience) in the narrative war.

It’s further complicated by the loopy logic behind the current ‘Western’ ideology. Many dissident rightist types have pointed out that Jews push deracinating universalist liberalism-leftism on whites while practicing ethnocentrism & tribalism of Jewish identity & unity. Actually, that would just be a simple case of hypocrisy, rather easy to understand, but actually there is more to the madness.

After all, Jewish Power doesn’t really want whites to be fully leftist, universalist, and color-blind because such whites will tend not to favor one people, nation, tribe, or ethnicity over another. More than most, Jeremy Corbyn and Roger Waters belong to that kind of leftism. They reject their own national identity and unity but don’t support it for Jews either and indeed got into a lot of hot water by calling out on ultra-rightist Zionism crushing the life and dignity out of the Palestinians. The ideal goyim for the Jews are the kind that, while rejecting their own identity & unity in favor of ‘universalism’, goes out of their way to champion and venerate the tribal power(to the point of supremacy) of the Jews.

There is no way in hell that Jewish Power wants whites in the West to be consistently colorblind, judicious, rational, and fair-minded in relation to the tensions between Jews and Arabs/Muslims/Palestinians. Jewish Power, while defining ‘true Western values’ as one that rejects racial identity and unity, demands that the West always favor Jews uber alles. So, if Jews continue to steal Palestinian land and even kill people in the process, just forget about it. But if Palestinians retaliate and kill some Jews, by golly, it’s the Holocaust all over again and Jews are totally justified in carrying out Nazi-like wholesale reprisals against entire Palestinian towns and cities.

The demand is so illogical that Jews must hold the white goy mind as either very stupid or craven to cave to it. While most white politicians are surely a bunch of whore-cowards who do the bidding of their donors, the fact remains that many white people buy into the Jewish Formula hook, line, and sinker. Don’t these goyim recognize the fault in the logic?
But then, religiosity is based on faith, and it just so happens that too many white people revere Jews as either God’s Chosen or the Genetic Best. Who are whites, you worms, to judge the mysterious wisdom of the Holy People or the Genius Race? Just go with the racial relativity theory that, relative to the Jews who operate in five dimensions, whites are trapped in three dimensions and thus unfit to question the awesome intellect and grand vision of the Jews. No wonder Jews think whites are so dumb.

It’s been said that the latest Hamas raid into Israel led to the most dead Jews in a single incident since the Holocaust. Some argue that many Jews, especially civilians, died as the result of ‘friendly fire’ from the Israeli side, but let’s suppose that most Jews died at the hands of Hamas. What should leap into one’s mind right away is, “Wow, Jews had it REAL GOOD since the end of World War II” and “What are ‘Holocaust Survivors’ doing in Zionist lebensraum territory?”

So, 1,400 dead among Jews is a big, big, big deal? Well, it’s almost nothing compared to the millions of deaths that occurred following World War II, not least by wars in which the West played a huge role. Consider the National Liberation struggles that pitted much of the Third World against the European Imperialists. Many 100,000s, even millions by some accounts, died in those. The US role in Korea and Vietnam was at times close to partial-genocidal. It’s been estimated that in Guatemala alone, the violence unleashed by US intervention in removing the Arbenz government led to civil strife that came to devour 350,000 lives. The war between Iran and Iraq, instigated largely by the US that backed Iraq(but also supplied arms to Iran), killed at least a million people.
Israel’s many attacks and incursions into neighboring countries killed tens of thousands, and indirectly the Zionist-manipulated wars waged by the US and NATO destroyed, directly and indirectly, millions of lives. Many died, many lost their livelihoods, many lost their homes as refugees, often permanently. And there was the business in Cambodia in the late 1970s and Rwanda in the early 1990s. And many more hotspots all over the world, often due to the intervention of the West. Or consider the countless dead in the Soviet-Afghan War. It’s been estimated that 15,000 Soviets died while possibly over a million died on the Afghan-Muslim side.

Considering all that, if the highest body count for Jews in a crisis since World War II is 1,400 dead, they had it real good and should be the LAST one complaining about victimhood, especially as Israel played a key role in the destabilization and destruction of neighboring Syria in which, within several years, an estimated 400,000 people may have died. (And never mind the infamous interview of Madeleine Albright where she said it’s ‘worth it’ to sacrifice a half a million Iraqi children for the sake of weakening Hussein.)

So, Jews and the West(the collective mind of which is controlled by Jewish hold on media, academia, and the state) either ignored, yawned, or even took sadistic delight in the whole destruction of other peoples, BUT all of a sudden and by golly, we must bawl and pull our hair over a measly 1,400 dead Jews.
I get it, when it comes to personal grief, numbers are irrelevant. Any Jewish family that lost a loved one in the recent raid surely feels it’s like the end of the world. At the personal level, even a single dead person is a great tragedy to near and dear ones.
Bu, at the political level, it’s rather rich that the West, which is so indifferent and oblivious to the countless victims of the Wars of Zion, is suddenly oh-so traumatized by the stories of dead Jews. These very people, who either took gleeful pleasure in Zionists ‘punishing’ Palestinians for resisting the ongoing colonization & dehumanization OR couldn’t be bothered to take notice of the injustices perpetuated by their own governments that enable the Zionist Jewish Supremacist project, are now full of moral outrage over the dead Jews.

This suggests two things: Racial Supremacism and Goy Cuckery on steroids. The politics of victimhood can be premised on racial supremacism if certain victims matter more than others. Now, we can understand Jews being more outraged by dead Jews because they’re Jewish. Likewise, Greeks are more likely to care about dead fellow Greeks, and Hindus are more likely to care about dead fellow Hindus. But why do non-Jews in the US care so much more about the Jewish dead than the Palestinian-Arab-Muslim dead?
Some will say it’s because of the Holocaust, but even the moral logic of Shoah-ria is suspect as it implies that the Holocaust was the worst crime ever because ‘six million’ JEWS, than merely six million people, were killed. The Soviets lost 27 million lives in World War II, and the Chinese lost millions as well, but where is the outrage over those tragedies? Jewish Power even goaded the Germans to support ‘Ukro-Nazis’ against Russia. And, following WWII, the US rehabilitated lots of Japanese ‘war criminals’ whose political base since then have come to dominate the Japanese government, which again is siding with the West(now in neo-imperialist mode) against China(which has yet to even recover Taiwan).

In other words, Western victimology is premised on racial supremacism. It isn’t concerned with all kinds of victimhood but mainly cares about certain select groups who are deemed more deserving of our attention and devotion, more deserving of remembrance and vengeance. Nabka and the 750,000 displaced Palestinians? Yawn, who cares about those ‘mediocre’ bunch of ‘losers’. Yeah, let’s give the land to the Jews, the real master race with high IQ and lots of talent. And if Zionists kill a bunch of Palestinians and steal more land? It’s only right as Jews are the superior race whereas Palestinians are expendable ‘losers’. And if some Palestinians fight back and kill some Jews. OH MY! IT’S THE HOLOCAUST ALL OVER AGAIN! SEND BILLIONS AND MORE BOMBS TO ISRAEL!

That whites would play along with such immoral lunacy is especially surreal when Jews play the same game AGAINST whites. Under Jewish Rule, we have BLM, which isn’t really about ‘black lives matter’ but about the sacralization of blacks as a moral weapon to guilt-bait and bludgeon whites. The Jewish-Palestinian moral narrative and Black-White moral narrative are almost identical in the Jewish-run media and official channels of the government. On the occasion some black thug gets killed by whites, the media are blazoned with reports of another case of ‘white supremacism’ run amok, but when whites are robbed, raped, or murdered by blacks in far greater numbers, the media can hardly summon the nerves and integrity to mention that (1) blacks did it and (2) most interracial violence in the US is black-on-white-or-non-black.

In other words, Jewish controllers of media and academia have fixed things so that blacks are the perennial victims of ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacism’ even though racial violence turned the tide long long ago(and even when whites had killed more blacks than vice versa, it was often in fear of black thuggery and criminality).
What Jews do with the Black-White Narrative is almost identical to their coordination of the Jewish-Palestinian Narrative. When Palestinians continue to lose land and/or be killed, oh well, it’s just the way of things, nothing to see here folks, just move on. But when Palestinian reprisals finally end up killing Jews, HELP HELP, IT’S ANOTHER HOLOCAUST, MORE BILLIONS FOR ISRAEL, MORE ‘WE STAND WITH ISRAEL’.

Now, why would whites put up with this? If Jews were at least pro-white and acted brutally to Palestinians, one could at least understand white silence as a matter of realpolitik, amoral but politically pragmatic: With rich and powerful Jews as sturdy allies of whites, why mess up the mutual partnership?
But, in fact, Jews are doing to whites what they’re doing to the Palestinians. White Nakba is an outgrowth of the Nakba. Just like vicious Zionists are attacking sites and objects holy to Muslims and Christians in Israel/Palestine, Jews have used Antifa, BLM, and ‘woke’ tards to defile and destroy White Statues, Monuments, and Memorials. Some whites, the ‘woke’ tards, join in this inquisition as they’ve been mentally colonized by Jews and conflate whiteness with evil. But other whites, the so-called ‘conservatives’, remain silent or half-agree with the iconoclasm with wimpy utterances such as, “Robert E. Lee was a traitor, and his statue should be removed… but uh, it shouldn’t be melted down but kept as a reminder of the Bad Old South.” Such cuck-maggotry! Some whites gripe, but none has done anything to stop the destruction.

Worse, even as they condemn the iconoclasm, they haven’t the guts to name the real source of this anti-white hatred as Jewish. Some whites are just too afraid of Jewish Power, while others pathetically and sheepishly hope for the day when Jews will stop abusing their race and treat it more kindly, as a master would a dog.

It’s like a much-abused wife with missing teeth, blood-soaked mangy hair, and black-and-blue bruises all over her face & body clinging to her husband in the hope that he will appreciate her again as whore #1. Conservatism Inc., Christian Zionism, and HBD(which really stands for Hebrew-Bio-Divinity) have in common the notion that whites have no agency and no choice but to wait for Jews to finally see the errors of their ways and stop kicking the White Dog. Having chosen the role of dog than man, there is no chance of such a mentality ever saying ‘enough is enough’, and its baleful influence must be purged from any emancipatory white sphere, as White Liberation from Jewish Supremacism will not only save whites but the world. Not only will whites finally pursue their own interests but they will no longer do the bidding of Jewish Supremacism of turning the world upside down.

Jewish Power would have people believe that the Jews serve as a bulwark against ‘white supremacism’ that threatens nonwhites all over the world, but any poll among whites in the US and EU overwhelmingly show that they have NO interest in world domination, let alone conquest. And their desire to maintain the demographic integrity of white nations is ‘supremacist’ only in the fetid fever-dream of Jewish Supremacists who defame anything that smacks of white independence and sovereignty. In the Jewish Supremacist World Order, whites must constantly be goaded to intervene in all parts of the world as the agents and soldiers of Zion while white countries must be endlessly invaded by hordes of foreigners seeking instant access to Western Free Lunch.

Then, there is the issue of Holocaust Survivors and their descendants in Israel. What are they doing THERE given the moral logic of the Shoah Remembrance? If the great lesson of the Holocaust is NEVER AGAIN and a universal condemnation of the racial supremacism or master-racism of Nazism, then Israel-Palestine is a rather odd choice of residence for Holocaust Survivors as it was founded on Zionist Lebensraum, dehumanization of the Palestinians, mass expulsion of the native population, terrorism, and atrocities. And the racial-colonization continues to this day in the West Bank where the Zionist Order is perpetuated by something far more extensive and brutal than the Apartheid system in Old South Africa.

Why would Holocaust Survivors or their children & grandchildren choose such a place to live? Why would they lend moral credence to a state founded on imperialism and racial exceptionalism? Doesn’t it undo the morality of Shoah Remembrance?

What was the lesson that Jews took from World War II? No people should be treated like the Jews at the hands of the Nazis? Or, because we Jews were treated horribly, we have moral license to treat others horribly? The Hologos, or the logos of Holocaust Remembrance, seems hardly different from the Sorogos, or the logos of George Soros’ worldview. Apparently, because Soros as a young man suffered under the Nazis, he must take revenge on the entire world.
Apparently, because Jews suffered the Holocaust, they have license to treat all the goyim of the world as cattle.

But one wonders. Did many Jews become this bitter, angry, and crazed because of the Holocaust, or did the Holocaust result from too many Jews acting like Soros and the like BEFORE World War II? Surely, when Western goyim heard reports of Jewish Bolshevik horrors in Russia, many became suspicious of Jews. And Germans grew bitter about the World Jewry’s role in World War I(working against Germany) and their baleful influence during the Weimar Years.

The Jewish Question is the chicken-or-the-egg question. What came first? Shylockism or Antisemitism? Did bad Jewish behavior turn many goyim into ‘Anti-Semites’ or did Antisemitism turn many Jews rabid and virulent in their hostile designs on goyim? It’s a question that goes back to ancient times. One thing for sure, Romans would have done the world a great favor if they’d left Judea alone. Jews might have been content in a kingdom of their own; they might have left the world alone if the world, then represented by Rome, had left them alone. But the Roman Empire brought the Jews deep into the Western World both culturally(via Christianity though ironically it also came to persecute Jews) and demographically. Since then, it’s been one long chicken-or-the-egg story. The Talmud is surely filled with nasty stuff about goyim, but would Jews have gone that far in their hatred IF the Romans hadn’t smashed Judea to bits and drove so many Jews into the goy wilderness? Likewise, there would have been no black problem if the idiotic European Empires hadn’t purchased millions of black slaves for labor in the New World. Blacks drive people crazy, but surely this never would have been a problem if whites had left the Negroes alone in Africa to chuck spears and grow watermelon.

There’s another problem with Holocaust Survivors and their descendants living in Israel. If the Holocaust Narrative is about the dangers faced by Jews and their need for a safe and secure homeland, they couldn’t have chosen a worse and irrational place in the world, that is IF the priority was Jewish Survival. Why choose a sliver of territory hemmed in among Arab/Muslim countries who were bound to be angry and hostile? Imagine someone claiming to seek a sanctuary from big bad bears and choosing some place in the jungle full of hollering gorillas, hungry leopards, and insane baboons. It’s like going from the frying pan into the fire.
I get it, the Holy Land has great historical and cultural significance for the Jewish People, but the Holocaust Narrative isn’t about religion or heritage but about SURVIVAL. That being so, how idiotic that any Holocaust Survivor or his kids would settle in Israel of all places, especially when Jews are always saying that Israel is on the verge of extinction at the hands of Arab terrorists, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and etc. It’d be like a Jew escaping from Treblinka and heading to Auschwitz. Or a Dumb Polack seeking white flight from Baltimore by choosing Detroit.

Of course, the whole thing makes sense in a perverse sort of way. In order for Jews to garner a continuous flow of sympathy from the World, especially the West, it certainly helps to create the narrative of the forever-beleaguered Jews, i.e. Jews, who were once hunted down by Big Bad Nazis, are now surrounded by Big Bad Arabs or Muslims. It could be the Holocaust all over again, so HELP! HELP!, the world must do everything to prevent the next Shoah.

In actuality, Israel is the superpower in the region, not least because it’s the only Middle Eastern nation with nukes and the nearby countries have been devastated by Wars of Zion pushed by Neocons/Neolibs: Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq. But any cursory look at the world map will see tiny Israel surrounded by all these Big Bad Powerful Arab/Muslim countries that, in fact, are divided and hardly see eye to eye on anything. It’s like the Soviet menace was overestimated during the Cold War by geography. Russia looked so vast on the map, but in fact, most of the land mass was uninhabited(or uninhabitable) and only the European part of Russia represented anything like a real civilization.

The Six Day War narrative was cleverly used to fit the Holocaust Narrative. THOSE EVIL ARAB STATES were planning ANOTHER HOLOCAUST! But the courageous Israeli soldiers fought back and saved their post-Holocaust sanctuary from the clutches of the Arabazis. In truth, Israel faced no ‘existential’ threat and attacked first as a land grab venture, which continues to this day with the Golan Heights and the West Bank.

Upon closer inspection, Israel-as-safehouse-for-Jews doesn’t reflect well on the West. If indeed the West worships Holocaustianity and is totally committed to saving every Jewish life(given what the West failed to do in World War II), shouldn’t it be doing everything to convince every Jew in Israel-Palestine to get the hell out of there and resettle in Western countries that are SO TOTALLY philo-semitic and worshipful of all things Jewish? Why let Jews live in a world of danger? Why not bring them to safety, or better yet, offer the creation of a Jewish Homeland in some part of the US, Canada, Australia, or wherever Jews can sigh with relief and feel safe?

After all, the West always gushes about its eternal devotion to Jews. Didn’t Pelosi say that even if the US burns to the ground, its priority will be to serve Jews and Israel? (She probably meant, even if JEWS carry out the arson, the US will be there for the Jews.) So, why doesn’t the West try to convince Jews to give up Israel-Palestine and create a new Jewish nation in the West? And why would Jews in Israel seek sanctuary in Israel when the West is so welcoming to them?

If indeed post-Holocaust Jews are most concerned with survival and security, shouldn’t they move away from troublesome Israel-Palestine and reside in the West? The fact that Jews insist on their hold over Israel implies that the West is also the enemy of Jews and can’t be trusted either despite its fulsome praise of all things Jewish. Jews don’t trust the West but perversely depend on it to defend Israel that is situated among hostile Arab/Muslim countries. The whole thing sounds more than a little crazy.

Anyone paying attention to the Jewish-controlled media & academia in the West should be aware by now that the gist of the Judeo-centric message is “whites are NOT to be trusted, whites are infected with evil whiteness, even ‘liberal’ whites are part of ‘systemic racism’, whites must be ‘replaced’ with diversity, whites must be browbeaten, white wombs must be filled with black seed, white lands must be resettled by browns, and etc.” Even a sentiment as mild as “It’s Okay to be White” is worthy of investigation by the Jewish-directed FBI and DOJ.

In other words, Jews are totally paranoid about whites and, for all the AIPAC talking points about US-Israel amity, Jews fear that whites may not always be there for Jews and Israel, that is unless whites are drummed 24/7 with the message that “you whites suck and your only path to redemption is to suck the Zionic cock.”

Some will say this is a lingering effect of the Holocaust trauma, but more likely, the paranoia is the result of Jewish addiction to supremacism. If indeed Jews were content with a normal life and only cared about success and security, would they be so obsessively anxious about whites? The reason for the anxiety is that success and well-being are no longer enough for the Jews. They must remain world champions, and the ONLY way this is possible is IF whites remain cucked and subordinate to the Judeo-Centric agenda. If Bob simply wants to get along with Bill, there is no need to fear him. Bob and Bill can coexist on the basis of mutual respect. But if Bob wants to be master over Bill as slave, then mutual respect is out of the question and Bill must be made to submit to Bob’s will at every turn. Then, Bob will grow paranoid of Bill’s desire to be free.

Jewish hostility to Russia is a tell-tale sign of what really motivates Jewish neurosis. Some say it’s due to past pogroms and the like, but that’s silly, especially as Jews got revenge on the Russians 1000x over under Bolshevism when millions of Slavic peasants were starved to death and tens of thousands of churches were destroyed. No, the real problem is Jewish addiction to supremacism, made all the worse by their takeover of the US. Jews figure, “If we Jews are so great and rule the lone superpower, who are the lowly Russo-Slavs to not lick our boots?”
Putin’s semi-cucky regime has gone out of its way to make things nice for Jews, but that’s not enough as Jews feel they must control Russia like they control the US and UK. Jewish paranoia is no longer about survival from Nazi Jew-hunters but the suppression of goyim who desire liberation from Jewish supremacism, th power to say NO to the endless Jewish Supremacist demands.

But, don’t tell that to the Holo-Cucks who dominate the mainstream US political and cultural landscape. Their ‘hologic’ defies real logic as they’re really about the idolatry of Jews as awesomely successful. After all, if not for the Jewish wit, will, and wealth, no one would care about the Holocaust. If Hitler had killed millions of gypsies but favored Jews for wealth and high positions, he might even be remembered as a rather decent guy.

Holo-cuckery is utterly shameless, and Jews know it and exploit it for all its worth. Consider the TV ads featuring poor and pitiful Jewish Holocaust victims who seem starving and homeless. ROTFL. What cynical use of the Holocaust. It’s to historical tragedy what Televangelists are to spirituality. Milking things for either financial gain or political advantage. The last thing Jews need more of is money. Even though only 2% of the population, close to 40% of the richest Americans are said to be Jewish. In other words, Jews are so awash in money that they can afford to take care of every Holocaust survivor(and his kids and grandkids long into the future).
Jews tug goy heartstrings about ‘poor starving Holocaust survivors’ and plead for donations from low-IQ and low-income Evangelical communities to create the impression that Jews are a beleaguered people whose survival depends on the generosity and caring of ‘good decent white/Christian folks’.

Of course, Jews are totally LOL and ROTFL about the goy suckers who fall for this, but maybe goy idiots and morons deserve to be milked, just like cows. I mean, if you’re THAT DUMB, you’re beyond help.
It’s like the ludicrous notion of ‘aid’ for Israel, one of the richest countries in the world with easy access to the wealth of the World Jewry. So, why the whole charade about this ‘aid’? Is it a case of the legendary Jewish stinginess? To an extent, perhaps, but the real objective is to make the US pay TRIBUTE to Israel. Historically, tributes were offered by weaker and poorer localities to the imperial metropole, like in the scene in TEN COMMANDMENTS where the defeated party offers tributes and ‘friendship’ to Egypt. Jews make sure the US offers tribute to Israel but launder it as ‘aid’ to create the impression that oh-so-poor Israel depends on American generosity to survive, boo hoo hoo.

Of course, plenty of goy Holo-Cucks, starting with the shameless whore Lindsey Graham, know what this is really about, but having sold their entire body-and-soul to serving Jewish Supremacy(just like Joe Biden and rest of them, now even Tulsi Gabbard), they no longer care about truth, integrity, or principles. They are just in it for the grift that keeps on giving.

It must be said about the Holo-Cucks that there is a kind of perverse ‘integrity’ in what they do. As total whores, they make sure to suck and swallow and then bend over to take up it up the arse and then turn around to suck the dong that’s stained with their own fecal matter to suck and swallow again. Disgusting, yes, but as cuckery goes, it’s so absolute in self-debasement that it must be acknowledged on some level as a kind of purity. They are more globo-homo than Globo-Homo in their zeal to take the Zionic dong up their arses and then some. At least give them that.

Less forgivable are those who know about the JQ but still operate on the premise that the only hope left for the white race is to take advantage of the Crisis-Cuck-Moment. Run-of-the-mill cucking has become useless for the American Right as both sides cuck. As the Democratic Party cucks to Zion 99%, the GOP can cuck harder only 1%. American Conservatism has hit the wall or scraped the bottom of the barrel when it comes to ‘cuckortunity’(or cuck-opportunity).
As the American Right generally disagrees with the great Jewish majority on domestic issues, its only hope of winning over some Jewish support has been on foreign policy, but as Obama and Biden have proven, the Democrats are hardcore ‘neocons’ themselves. Biden is surrounded by the likes of Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland. So, it’s become nearly impossible for the American Right to out-cuck the Democrats on Zionist foreign policy. All this stuff about Biden being soft on Iran is just a fantasy. And it was under Biden that Jews in his administration pushed for war with Russia.

So, what is the American Right to do when its sole strategy, from ‘mainstream’ Conservatism Inc. to MAGA Populism to marginal HBD, is to somehow convince Jews to inch closer to the GOP? It hardly has anything to bargain with as the Democrats offer everything that Zion demands.

But then, there is that rare opportune moment, as unfolding now with Israel and Gaza, when Jews find themselves in hot water among the Democrats, the base of which has grown more sympathetic to the Palestinians and the activists/intellectuals of which now harbor second thoughts about the Netanyahu-ization of Israel. Prior to Israel’s mass bombing of Gaza, the tensions simmered below the surface, but they erupted like a volcano almost as a Black Swan event, not just in the US but in Europe as well.

What Israel is doing to Gaza is so unconscionable that the more independent-minded progressives and liberals are saying NO MORE, which is a courageous moral position(rife with risks over employment and the like). Finally, not just progressives but elements of the Jewish community have deviated from the ‘woke’ script(handed from the top and fixated on globo-homo, tranny-wanny, BLM, and ‘white supremacism’) and come out against what is blatant Jewish Supremacism.

What should the American Right do at this crucial juncture? Cynically eye this as the ideal Crisis-Cuck-Moment and grovel to Jewish Supremacists in the hope that FINALLY they will see the light and favor the Right as the more reliable pet and servant OR do the conscientious thing and join in the condemnation of Jewish-Zionist Supremacism.

It’s a Crisis-Cuck-Moment for the Right because the public rift in the Democratic Party is finally making Jewish Power nervous like never before about losing control of the narrative and agenda.
Of course, having vilified the Right as ‘white supremacist’ and ‘neo-nazi’ for so long, it’s difficult for Jewish Power to then lurch over to the Right, but the hope is that Jews may finally have no choice as the Democratic Party, despite its heavy funding from the Jews, is becoming ever more vociferous in its criticism and even condemnation of the Zionist project, which now has minority support among the younger generations.

Just like Frank Sinatra turned Republican when the Democrats hassled him about his mafia ties, the American Right hopes that Jews will come over to the GOP as the party that is perfectly in line with Jewish gangsterism in all its forms.
Whatever political advantages may be accrued from the Crisis-Cuck-Moment, is there anything like integrity, dignity, and self-respect in such a strategy? Jewish Power has dragged White Americans and Conservatism through the mud and stuck hot pokers up their arse, BUT the Right is to cuck even harder to the Jews in the hope that… Jews may finally treat them as the preferred dog? Besides, in the long run, people feel no respect for such cuck-maggots, and when the time is ripe, Jewish Power will stab whites in the back again.

If the Right has any decency and dignity, it will in this moment side with the conscientious Jews and put political profiteering aside. Let lowlife scum like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Sean Hannity, Nicky Haley, Lindsey Graham, Michael Johnson, and etc. cuck to Jewish Power by pledging to blacklist, censor, imprison, or deport the critics of Zion(thereby doing away with any claim of defending free speech) and to send more billions and more bombs to Israel to blow up Palestinians to smithereens.
The ONLY path for social and political reform is to finally expose the extent of corruption(moral, political, cultural, and financial) at the core of Jewish Supremacism. Whether this opposition comes from the dissident right or the dissident left is neither here nor there. What’s crucial is that Jewish Supremacism plays on both ‘leftism’ and ‘rightism’ to further its vile agenda, and any honest criticism from any sector is welcome to resist the beast.