Jewish thinkers and activists would like all of us to believe that there are few things in the world that is as irrational, deranged, rabid, virulent, odious, noxious, poisonous, toxic, abnormal, unnatural, and cuckoo-bananas as antisemitism. According to Jews, antisemitism has been a kind of collective, near-eternal, and almost-universal sickness that afflicted the mind, body, and soul of the Christian West — or all gentile civilizations that came in contact with Jews — over thousands of years. And to prove this, Jews often point to the Medieval Age with its many superstitions regarding Jews, the Christian doctrine of the Jewish murder of Christ, conspiracy mongering such as the THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION, and of course, the Holocaust.
Of course, Jews are absolutely correct in arguing that antisemitism has had its radical, murderous, and deranged manifestations and aspects; and indeed, only some serious nut would argue Adolf Hitler was some kind of hero or that the Holocaust was nothing special — or didn’t even happen.
But there’s a problem with that line of argument. If anything, it is as deranged as the most deranged forms of antisemitism that blame Jews for everything and/or suspect every Jew of harboring some dark wickedness in his or her heart. After all, just because there have been many hideous Jews throughout history and in the current socio-political order doesn’t mean that every Jew is some kind of lowlife weasel out to subvert and undermine other peoples.
To be sure, there are many such heinous Jews, and unfortunately, the majority of Jews support the Jewish elites who are committed to the destruction and enslavement of the white race, but it would still be wrong to conclude, as did the Nazis, that all Jews are vermin and cannot be reformed. Also, even Jews who support the vile and hideous Jewish elites may do so out of semi-justifiable fear given the history of persecution experienced by Jews through certain dark episodes of European history. Similarly, not all Germans who supported the vile and hideous Nazi elites did so out of a deranged agreement with every foul nonsense that spewed out of Hitler’s lips. After the tragic defeat in World War I and the traumatic depression yrs that marked the Weimar Period, many Germans simply wanted stability, order, prosperity, and national renewal. For many of them, Hitler seemed the lesser of several evils that included communism, Jewish supremacism, cutthroat finance-capitalism, and etc. And indeed, if Hitler hadn’t embarked on crazy wars, the German people would have had, more or less, made the right choice for National Socialism was pretty good for most Germans. Of course, many Germans became rabidly ecstatic about Hitler; and today, many Jews are fully supportive of the Jewish supremacist agendas being hatched in places like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Tel Aviv, London, Paris, Kiev, Miami, and Jerusalem, and such Jews tend to look upon gentiles with contempt, derision, and arrogance that are comparable to the emotions of diehard Nazi supporters toward ‘subhuman’ elements; the difference is Jews hide their hatred and pretend to be working for ‘equality and diversity’ for all, whereas Nazis were very open and honest about their radical racist goals. But, there are many Jews who, though well aware of the wickedness of the Jewish ruling class, figure that the elites of their own kind constitute a lesser evil than gentile elites that might — just might — slip into crazy antisemitic mode once again.
Anyway, any attitude, agenda, or ideology can be made crazy. We know from the cult of Political Correctness that a call for more sensitivity and tolerance can lead to pathological episodes of seeing ‘hate’ everywhere, indeed even KKK stalking the campus of Oberlin College. We know socialism can birth totalitarian communism. We know that racial science can turn cancerous and lead to stuff like Nazism. We know that nationalism can go from healthy to stupid, as with the Argentinian generals who risked everything with a rather meaningless and risky war with Britain over the Falkland Islands. (Whether Argentinians had a rightful claim to the islands isn’t the issue. Rather, it’s the foolishness of Argentinian generals who used nationalism in a reckless manner that only brought shame and ruination to Argentina. After all, even if your side may be morally or politically justified, politics is about working in the realm of the possible and the pragmatic than merely being passionate and/or idealistic.) But just as it’d be wrong to denounce every aspect of socialism because Stalinism and Maoism were extreme & destructive or to denounce every aspect of race-ism (belief in existence of races and racial differences and/or racial consciousness) because Nazism, the KKK, the Nation of Islam, and Jewish Defense League have harbored nutball ideas about race, it’s similarly wrong to denounce all of antisemitism simply because there have been extreme anti-Semites who pushed criticism of Jewish power to extremes, even to the point where an evil Jew was behind every problem in the world.
Perhaps, we should limit the use of ‘anti-Semite’ to denote the deranged Jew hater. Such Jew-haters not only blame Jews for just about everything but deny the great contributions by Jews to human culture, science, art, literature, spirituality, and history. Perhaps, the more responsible critics of Jewish power could be called ‘Counter-Semites’. There’s an element of knee-jerk hostility in the concept of ‘anti’, i.e. an ‘anti’ person feels compelled to be against everything of a certain nation, people, creed, or whatever. So, an ‘anti-American’ tends to be hostile to just about every aspect of Americanism, and an anti-Islamite sees nothing but wickedness and foulness in Muslim history, culture, and people. And anti-Sinites see China as little more than a nation of cruel and villainous dog-eaters, which is way to simplistic for a great civilization.
But to keep things simple, I will stick to ‘anti-Semite’ and use it to mean an observant critic of and/or activist against Jewish power and influence. In my definition, an ‘anti-Semite’ need not be deranged, extreme, irrational, pathological, or unduly hateful. For crazy ‘anti-Semites’, I will use the term ‘radical anti-Semites’. We need to make such distinctions since the Jewish elites are dominated by radical anti-Europites, and these folks seek to weed out any and every instance of gentile criticism of Jewish power and influence. To do this, they’ve associated — and redefined via associative smearing — all forms of antisemitism with radical antisemitism. So, even current critics of Israeli policy against Palestinians are associated with Nazis who shot Jewish children, Medieval witch hunters who burned Jews, and lunatics who believed every word of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION(which might have been intended as a satire of Jewish power). Ironically, these radical anti-Europites are just like the bogeyman they never tire of baiting and attacking. If radical anti-Semites saw some grand evil plot in every Jewish utterance, action, or influence, the radical anti-Europite Jews freak out over even the slightest criticism of Jews as some grand evil strategy to round up the Jews and gas them. Of course, the cretin who has led such a mind-set is Abe Foxman of the ADL, an organization that says criticism of Jews invariably leads to hatred of Jews that then leads to another Holocaust. And yet, these Jews bitch and whine about the derangement syndrome of Christians in the Middle Ages! (Furthermore, notice how selective Jews are in their denunciation of the Middle Ages. While we modern people cringe at some of the religious practices of people who lived back then, such superstitiousness was the norm among all peoples in the past. Christian peoples not only had strange delusions about Jews but about just about everything else. If anything, the people who were most persecuted during those times were pagan folks who were accused of witchcraft. And such ‘intolerance’ of Christians came from Jewish tradition that firmly posited that there is only one God and all other gods and spirits are false and must be destroyed. As we all know, the Torah of the Original or Old Testament is filled with how such-and-such person must be killed for reasons that seem totally ludicrous to us today. So, Christian superstitions and prejudices about Jews and pagans were hardly any more deranged than the kinds of beliefs held by Jews who passed down their knowledge, wisdom, and biases through the Torah and Talmud, the scroll that said Jesus will boil in excrement for all eternity and admonished Jews to regard gentiles as cattle to be exploited and milked, like what the pigs do to the horse in ANIMAL FARM. The Ancient and Medieval minds were filled with all kinds of superstitions, ignorance, fears, and anxieties that might seem ridiculous, comical, and deranged to us, but this was a universal fact of life. After all, Christians had very hostile views of Muslims and other heathens as well as of Jews. And Jews themselves were filled with deep-rooted prejudices and delusions about non-Jews. And pagans of all stripes were filled with all sorts of superstitions. If Christianity achieved one positive thing in the West, it was in replacing so many superstition with just one — if all religions, even the great ones, are really superstitions at their core. Though Christians used horrible methods to torture and kill pagans and other heathens, it must be remembered that Christians adopted those methods from pagans who’d been using them forever — and without any guilt conscience. Romans and Germanic Barbarians were extremely cruel and felt hardly any remorse for their blood-letting or much pity for their victims. Christians continued such practices that were carried over from pagan times, but they eventually — albeit gradually — got rid of them. That Medieval Christian folks had strange ideas about Jews has to be seen in the context of the times because, after all, Jews themselves had very strange views and ideas — if seen from modern perspective — about non-Jews. Indeed, Medievalist-minded Jews still exert influence in parts of Israel and boroughs of New York and neighborhoods of Chicago, and their attitude toward goyim isn’t much different from their distant ancestors. To single out Medieval Christian superstitions about Jews and then to judge them by modern values is a lot of crock. After all, we can do the same thing to Medieval Jews, and they’d come off no better. Suppose we pore over and pass judgement on Medieval Jewish attitudes with our modern values. Wouldn’t Jews back then seem crazy, deranged, and superstitious to us today? There’s a lot about Jewish Faith and Laws that seem just as ludicrous to the modern mind as the Christian notion that Jews were tainted with the blood of Christ — after all, doesn’t the Bible say that the children of Ham deserve to enslaved by the children of whoozits because Ham saw Noah in the nude? If anything, the current mania about ‘antisemitism’ suggests that even our so-called ‘modern’ views aren’t so enlightened after all but, instead, just another kind of superstition, the difference being that modern Jews get to play the role of witch-hunting inquisitioners. According to the modern Jewish culture-police priesthood that proselytize the new religion of Holocaustianity, anyone who notices Jewish power and influence — and finds such to be hostile to the interests of his or her own people — is a deranged lunatic who’s like a Medieval Christian fanatic who went around burning Jews as sons of Satan or some such. So much for modern-and-enlightened thinking.)
Anyway, Jews would have us believe that any form of antisemitism is a kind of hatred-of-Jews-derangement-syndrome. This is like saying that if some guy expresses sexual interest in a woman, he’s the same as a rapist. It’s like arguing that if a woman spends time and money to make herself look good, she’s a narcissist psycho, and of course, some feminist neo-puritans in the 1970s and early 80s rabidly denounced any woman who used makeup as a sell-out slut prostitute to patriarchy(even though the fashion industry is dominated by fruitkins), and John Lennon even sang a song — "Woman is the Nigger of the World" — about it under the influence of Yoko Ono. Much of anti-anti-semitism is truly irrational, deranged, hyperbolic, paranoid, hysterical, odious-and-noxious, rabid, and virulent. Jews reek of paranoia in their denunciation of non-existing or exaggerated paranoia among others.
And yet, paradoxically, Jewish paranoia of (often mis-perceived)antisemitism has a rational basis precisely because so much of antisemitism is the natural and normal default condition of mankind. Many Jews who scream fire privately know that many who are accused of ‘antisemitism’ are not mindless Jew-haters but mindful observers and critics. But they fear that if such criticism of Jewish power and influence is allowed, it will serve as green light for many more people with many legitimate grievances against Jews. Since goyim outnumber Jews by a huge margin, Jews fear cracks in the dam and go about patching them as soon as possible to keep the dam of Jewish power standing.
Though Jews argue that anti-Semites are all crazy or deranged, they privately know that many anti-Semites are all-too-sane, all-too-rational, and all-too-responsible — and that it’s the sincere philo-Semites who are the truly deranged ones. What Jews fear most about antisemitism is not that so many anti-Semites are crazy and have it so wrong but that so many of them are sane and have it so right. If anything, Jews would prefer all anti-Semites being morons like members of the KKK or some half-wit chapter of the American Nazi Party. Such clowns would be easy to mock, ridicule, discredit, and flush down the toilet. The real problem is that more and more people are beginning to notice and see Jewish power for what it is without crazy exaggeration or denials of Nazi crimes. And since Jewish elites are so dominant and corrupt in America and around the world, such anti-Semites are among the most honest, courageous, factual, and rational individuals today. This is what really frightens Jews the most, and this explains why Jews try to associate ‘new outbursts of antisemitism’ around the world — especially in Europe — with Nazism and Medieval Christians. Since many of today’s anti-Semites make too much sense and speak too much truth, Jews try to distract the public by associating any kind of criticism of Jewish power with the most rabid and virulent forms of antisemitism in the past. This is rather like some libertarian nut screaming ‘Stalinism’ whenever someone proposes expanding some government programs, indeed as if a refurbished local library is tantamount to rounding up millions of people to be worked to death in the Gulag.
So, even though Jews are deranged and paranoid about antisemitism, there’s an element of rational fear among Jews because neo-antisemitism makes too much rational sense and, as such, could pose a genuine threat to Jewish power and privilege. Therefore, Jews have to be especially aggressive and virulent in insisting that the neo-antisemitism is no different from the radical forms of antisemitism that slandered entire Jewish communities and even led to mass killings of Jews. After all, if Jews rationally and responsibly engaged the rational observations and valid criticism by neo-anti-Semites, such an open and fair discourse could expose Jewish power to the same kind of scrutiny and opposition faced by other elite groups in the West. Since Jews have become so powerful, so abusive, so corrupt, and so rotten of late, the last thing Jews want is for non-Jews to speak frankly and candidly about the Jewish Power.
The issue is no longer the ‘Jewish Problem’ since Jews now control the West. The notion of the Jewish Problem was an urgent theme when European gentile elites had ruled their own societies. They had the power, so they discussed the problem of fast-rising Jews in relation to their own interests. But now that Jews have the power, it is the Jews who ponder the ‘Gentile Problem’, especially the ‘White Gentile Problem’ as the white gentiles still pose the biggest challenge to Jews in the West. If white gentiles were to wake up and act in their own rational and national interest, they alone would have the power to topple the Jewish elites. Of course, Jews will not admit that they ponder the Gentile Problem since that would give the game away that Jews do have the power to decide on the fates of other peoples. But what happens when rich and powerful Jews get together? Through code words and tribal signals, they weigh all options on the Gentile Problem so that Jews will keep growing stronger, wealthier, and more privileged while white gentiles will become weaker, more dissipated, more divided, and more browbeaten. Given what is happening in the West right now and given the leading role played by Jews in the demise of the white race, Jews have every political reason to fear the rise of rational antisemitism.
So, why is antisemitism natural, normal, and even healthy? This question becomes easier to answer if we consider Thomas Sowell’s argument in his piece "Are Jews Generic?" One could argue that feelings such as anti-Jewish sentiments were a universal constant around the world, i.e. Jews were not so much hated for being Jewish as being an alien elite. Sowell argues that in many places around the world, there’s distrust, resentment, and envy in regards to the minority elites who gain disproportionate power, wealth, and influence in communities whose majority populations are of another group. A certain African tribe may come to dislike, even hate, another African tribe that is but a small minority in the community but one that happens to be far more adept at accumulating wealth, privilege, influence, and even power. German elites were resented, even hated, in many parts of Europe where they controlled disproportionate wealth and wielded what the locals considered to be an inordinate degree of influence. Chinese businessmen have been booted out of communist Vietnam and capitalist South Korea through means ranging from brutish to bloody. Greek and Armenian businessmen came to be much resented in the Ottoman Empire, especially as Turkish power began to wane and Christian minorities began to form secret alliances with the great Western powers and Russia.
Though certain minority elites have been tolerated and even allowed to prosper without major disruptions of violence, there has always been an uneasy relationship in communities where a minority is considerably more successful and/or powerful than the people who comprise the vast majority. This was especially the case when the minority elites were not merely ‘more privileged’ but even served as the ruling elites. And it became especially problematic with the rise of modern nationalism, which is why the British were kicked out of India in the 20th century. For much of British rule over India, the lack of a modern sense of national identity and unity made it unlikely for Indians to rise up against the British. Though all throughout history the majority resented rule by foreign elites, it was also true that the great majority were dirt poor, ignorant, apolitical, and just eking out a living. Indeed, even when ruled by their own kind, the elites made sure that most people remained docile and servile and didn’t have strong political passions since such mass passions could explode and rise up against the elites. So, even the traditional French and Japanese elites wanted most Frenchmen and Japanese to just shut up, work the fields, and shut up some more. It was with the French Revolution that the French elites and French masses became together as one. The elites came to represent the will of the people — at least in theory — , and so it was of great importance that the elites and the masses were on the same page, and this was all the easier if the elites and the masses were racially, culturally, and spiritually homogeneous.
With the rise of modern nationalism, the people demanded that they be heard, be represented, be led for their own interests and well-being. Naturally, such a people wanted their own kind to control the power and lead the nation.The French wanted to be ruled by French elites since, ideally, the French elites and the French masses would see eye-to-eye on many things. If the French masses were ruled by, say, Turkish or Greek elites, how could the people be sure that the alien elites shared their values and aspirations? Theoretically, one could argue that Turkish elites and Greek elites in France might do their utmost to serve the interests of the French nation and people, but in the real world, such usually isn’t the case. Also, even if the hypothetical Turkish or Greek elites in France were sincere in their devotion to doing right by the French masses, did they truly understand the French spirit? Did they really understand what it meant to be French? Besides, are the French so stupid and dumb that they cannot produce elites of their own to shape and guide their own destiny? Though it’s natural for the majority of any community to prefer being ruled by their own kind, such an ideal became a political reality only with the rise of modern nationalism, especially with the birth of Revolutionary France. Traditionally, the elites(domestic or foreign) were focused on keeping the masses in their place through ignorance and servility, and therefore, the masses hardly developed a political consciousness that insisted on their right to be heard, right to be represented, and right to be answered by the elites. Once such a political ideal became the norm in the modern world, most people naturally wanted to be ruled by their own kind. Of course, there were exceptions in certain times and places. When Mao was acting crazy in China, many Chinese escaped to British-ruled Hong Kong for a better life. Many Italians preferred to live under Allied Occupation than under Mussolini’s Fascist rule. But all things being equal, it is the eventual wish of all peoples to be ruled by their own kind. Filipinos were grateful to Americans for driving out the Spanish but soon tired of American domination, and the ensuing war devoured possibly 100,000s of lives.
Political psychology works through identification, which is why even poor people feel empowered when their own kind is perceived to be wealthy or powerful. Even a poor Negro feels richer and more empowered when they see rich black folks like Oprah, rappers, basketball players, and Obama. They themselves may have little or nothing, but they feel empowered in a psycho-political sense. Such feelings, rational or irrational, are natural and normal among all peoples around the world. Consider that even though Hong Kong-ese were anxious about the end of British Rule, they were also filled with pride that the last vestige of British Imperialism would come to an end in the Middle Kingdom. Russians in Crimea were happy to be reunited with Russia, and the Albanian majority in Kosovo were glad to be rid of the Serbian minority elites. The Irish resented British rule despite all the wonderful things the Brits had done for a people whose lives revolved around whiskey, potatoes, and wife-beating.
Most peoples don’t mind minorities as long as minorities are well-behaved and don’t threaten the power structure of the majority. Majorities generally resent, even hate, three kinds of minorities: the truly untalented and stupid, the truly talented and intelligent, and the truly nasty and aggressive. The untalented stupid minorities are treated with contempt and derided for their criminality and/or dependence on the tax payers. The talented and intelligent elites are eyed with envy and even fear, especially as those with more money and privilege gain access to greater power and influence over the entire society. Then, there are the nasty and aggressive minorities regardless of their intelligence or lack thereof. The three nastiest minority groups are Jews, Gypsies(aka Roma), and Negroes. Jews are pushy, arrogant, cunning, and devious — and intelligent. Gypsies are vulgar, trashy, cutthroat, and lowdown — and stupid. Negroes are just plain crazy, not least because they got the ‘ugabuga jungle’ gene and can whup all other races due to their superior physical strength. You’re more likely to come across a Radio Raheem than a Radio Ramirez or Radio Ramen.
Given that it’s natural and normal for the majority of any community to be ruled by their own kind, the whole stuff about the antisemitic-derangement-syndrome got it all upside-down and backward. What is truly deranged about current America is that so many gentiles have been duped via endless propaganda, indoctrination, taboo-enforcement, and hysteria(almost on par with nonsensical mind-control in North Korea) into believing that there’s nothing more normal and natural for masses of goyim than to be ruled by Jews who comprise only 2% of the American population. What is truly deranged — especially among American whites — is their self-loathing notion that there is something sick and wrong for white gentiles to notice Jewish power and speak truth to its power. How could Jews have achieved such near-total control over white mind? The body follows the head, and it just so happens that the modern media technology, the modern system of mass education, federal control of judiciary in all fifty states, and Jewish control of big money mean that Jews don’t have to control much to control just about everything. Most people are like arms or legs. They move or act in accordance to signals sent by the brains, and Jews control the brain centers of America. If a hand comes near a fire, it naturally turns away due to pain reflex. But what if the Jewish-controlled brain wants to destroy the white hand? Suppose the Jewish power directs the hand over the fire and then severs the nerve connection between the burning hand and other parts of the body. That way, the hand will burn while the brains and rest of the body goes about their own ways oblivious, consciously or not, to the damage being done to the hand. White elites should be feeling and sharing the pain felt by whites masses who are suffering from Jewish, homo, and black power, but Jews have severed the pain nerves between the white masses and white elites. Jews have connected the nerves of white elites to the pain nerves of black masses and other ‘victim’ groups. So, if black thugs go around beating up white folks, the pain felt by white masses don’t register on the white elites. Since Jews control the media, they control the eyes and ears of America. Since Jews control the academia, they get to decide which social signals are turned into grand narratives and social theories/policies. Since Jews suppress the pain and suffering of the white masses and instead make a big stink of black suffering — even though much of it is self-inflicted by crazy blacks — , white elites believe it’s their moral duty to sympathize with blacks while feeling only contempt for white ‘racist’ working class folks despite the fact that it’s the black thugs who are beating up, wussifying, and intimidating the white masses.
And even though white masses are calling for help along the Southwest border that is being flooded with illegal aliens, the Jewish elites have used their media, academia, and judicial control to prevent the cries of white masses from being heard by white gentile elites. White elites don’t lead the white masses. They are collaborationist sell-outs brainwashed by Jewish elites, and they dutifully serve the likes of George Soros, Sheldon Adelson, Michael Bloomberg, and other hideous Jews.The fat pig Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey, got tough with some local teacher during a town hall meeting, but he groveled before Sheldon Adelson, and why? Because he’d used the term ‘Occupied Territories’ in the presence of a man who once said US should drop a nuke on Iran. Never mind that Christie was praising Israel and the Jewish occupation of the West Bank, but it didn’t matter to his Jewish bosses. They were offended that he dared to refer to Jewish takeover of Palestinian territories as an ‘occupation’. I guess if Adelson ever rapes a woman or murders a man, it should be called something other than ‘rape’ or ‘murder’ since, of course, whatever Jews do is always wonderful and never brutish and nasty. Christie seems to be less sensitive to a local school teacher than to some Jewish casino mogul worth billions. What a fat whore. And the likes of Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney are no better. They are white elite traitor scumbags who collaborate with the Jewish elites while ignoring the muted cries of their own people. The Romneys would rather adopt some African baby — I guess that means they are not ‘racist’ — , and Bushes seem to think all Meso-American aliens are wonderful people since the kinds of Hispanics the Bush clan shmooze with shower them with respect.
White elites are vain this way. As they have power and money, they meet the kinds of blacks, browns, yellows, and others who treat them with fawning politeness and faux-respectfulness. Never mind that such minority groups may really be acting in their own ethnic interest to win favors from white elites. What matters is that they’re clever enough to know that if they convert the white elites — and effectively sever them from the white masses — , the white masses will be without leadership and will die a slow death. (And since ‘racism’ has become the greatest of all evils, white elites wet their pants at every opportunity to be seen as the ‘friends of and with diversity’.) This is why so many homosexuals have treated Conservative elites with such politeness and hospitality. Despite all the public rancor between Conservatives and Liberals, homos have a two-pronged strategy of power. They rail at the unwashed masses who are ‘hateful’, ‘intolerant’, and ‘homophobic’, but they gingerly approach rich Conservatives with politeness, kindness, and friendliness. Since Conservative elites feel so flattered by kindly and friendly homos, they begin to sympathize with homos and feel emotionally pressured to please their newfound homo friends — who happen to be very chummy with all-powerful Jews. When Rush Limbaugh goes to cocktail parties, homos there treat him so nice, share jokes with him, and pat him on the back. As Michael Corleone said, "keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." Homos and Jews know what this is all about. They see Conservative elites as enemies but try to win them over with faux-friendliness, and Conservative elites fall for this. Consider how William F. Buckley fell for the Neocon Ziocon charm offensive hook, line, and sinker. So, while homos loudly revile the ‘homophobic’ masses, they will go easy on the Conservative elites. Since the full brunt of Jewish media power attacks the ‘homophobic’ masses and since homos approach Conservative elites with kindness, the Conservative elites figure it’s better for themselves to make friends with homos(who are allied with powerful Jews) than stick up for the ‘homophobic’ masses. Since Conservative elites would seem cowardly and unprincipled to reverse themselves on the homo issue overnight, they say they still oppose the homo agenda on principle, but oh well, there’s nothing that can be done about it, so all of us might as well just accept it. But if we accept garbage like ‘gay marriage’, what is the meaning of conservatism? Is it only about tax cuts for the super-rich, worship of MLK the woman-beating ape, reverence for Jews, cheering for interracism where black men conquer white women while cuckolded white boys whank off to porn, welcoming a Jewish-operated casino in every town that steals more money from local yokels, and blabbering about Ayn Rand? When conservatism surrenders deep-rooted passion for what is right in favor of dipshit fashion for what is trite, it has no value.
Anyway, to prove the case that ‘antisemitism’ is natural and normal, consider a hypothetical case for Israel. Suppose by some chance, Israel became 2% Mormon-Mexican. Never mind how, it’s just a hypothesis. Suppose the 2% of Israel that is Mormon-Mexican has an average IQ of 130, is known for its ultra-chutzpah(known as chutzpez) that makes Jewish chutzpah look like choirboy stuff, harbors a great deal of hostility and contempt against Jews, and is committed to tribal networking. Suppose within 50 yrs, they come to gain wealth, privilege, and power in Israel that is comparable to the kind of power Jews have in the US. Suppose 90% of Israeli media are owned by Mormon-Mexicans. Suppose 40% of professors at elite Israeli universities are Mormon-Mexican. Suppose all the presidents and deans of such institutions are Mormon-Mexican. Suppose the Israeli movie industry is owned by Mormon-Mexicans. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans have control over Jewish finance and have bought up the politicians. Suppose the top law firms and top judges are controlled by Mormon-Mexicans. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans use their power of media to push ‘incest marriage’ and ‘polygamy’(that are associated with the rainbow) and denounce Jewish opponents of such an agenda as mentally ill with ‘incest-phobia’ and ‘polygamophobia’. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans argue that all Israeli citizens should give up all their guns and only the government and police — controlled by Mormon-Mexican elites — should have control over guns and other weapons. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans say it’s ‘racist’ and wrong to say Israel is a Jewish state and pressure politicians to declare Israel as a nation committed to multi-culturalism. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans control porn and hire Jewish women to be banged in their various orifices by tough Arab, Muslim, and African men. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans make tons of movies and TV shows that encourage Jewish women to abandon Jewish men and go with non-Jewish men, especially Muslims, Arabs, and Africans. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans incite Jewish women to hate Jewish men as oppressive, tyrannical, patriarchal, and exploitative creeps who’ve exploited all of mankind and womankind. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans make endless movies about Jewish role in slave trade, Jewish Nakba against Palestinians, Jewish use of finance to rob the entire world, Jewish role in communist mass-killing that exterminated millions of Christian Slavs. Suppose Mormon-Mexicans enforce political correctness that deems any pro-Jewish sentiment as ‘hate speech’ or ‘Jewish supremacism’. And I can go on and on, but you get the point. Now, how would Jews feel if they came under the rule of such a minority elite? Would it be natural and normal for them to get on their knees and suckle the toes of the Mormon-Mexican elites — like white gentiles in America do with their Jewish masters — , or would it be natural and normal for Jews in Israel to be ‘antisemitic’ against the hostile alien elite that is committed to subverting, undermining, enslaving, and destroying the Jewish people as a race, culture, and people? Wouldn’t it be natural, indeed even healthy, for many Jews to be ‘antisemitic’ — or anti-Mormexicanic — against the alien elite that is so obviously committed to their destruction?
Would any honest person argue that a Jew who resists the New Order being imposed on Israel by the Mormon-Mexican elite is irrational, deranged, rabid, virulent, insane, phobic, and cuckoo-bananas? Sure, some Jews might become unhinged and go way beyond being sanely and rationally anti-Mormexicanic. Like the Nazis, they might say all Mormon-Mexicans are subhuman and deserve to be killed. But would the problem of such radical anti-Mormexicanism nullify and invalidate the meaning and purpose of a natural, normal, and healthy anti-Mormexicanism that speaks truth to Mormon-Mexican elite power and stands up for the pride and survival of the Jewish people as a culture, race, and nation? Of course, if such a thing were to happen to Israel, Jews would the first one to argue that a Jewish nation should be ruled by the Jewish people. But when it comes to US, Canada, Australia, and all European nations — even Russia — , Jews seem to think it’s natural and normal for all them gentiles to take orders from hideous Jews and that it’s somehow deranged, irrational, abnormal, unnatural, and sick for white gentiles to want to take control of their own racial, cultural, and national destinies in the lands founded, settled, and built by their own ancestors.
As Thomas Sowell noted, there is something ‘generic’ feelings surrounding minority middlemen and/or elites. Not only Jews but most minority elites have been resented in all places and all times. This has especially been the case when the minority elites refused to assimilate in any meaningful way and instead adamantly clung to their own identities, cultures, values, and historical narratives(instead of taking on the narrative of the majority). So, if there’s something generic about minority elites, there’s also something generic about majority masses. If we broaden the meaning of ‘Jews’ and ‘antisemitism’, we could say the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were the ‘Jews’ and that the Turks were(or eventually came to be) ‘antisemitic’ against the Armenians. We can say Chinese in Vietnam were the ‘Jews’ and the angry Vietnamese communists who forced them out to sea were the ‘antisemitic goyim’. The Boat People fiasco, like the Armenian massacre by Turks, wasn’t technically a genocide since there was no attempt on the part of the Vietnamese to wipe out the Chinese as a race. Turks came to fear Armenians when their empire was falling apart and when Christian Armenians were forming alliances with Russians to take a huge chunk of remaining Turkey. And Vietnamese communists — and even non-communist Vietnamese — had long resented both China as a nation and the Chinese as a successful and ethnocentric minority group. So, lots of Armenians and Chinese were expelled in huge numbers, and many came to a tragic end. By some estimates, 40% of the Boat People perished at sea, and some estimates put the toll of Armenian dead at 1.5 million(or even higher). Needless to say, Jews never felt any sympathy for Armenians, and Obama, the pet monkey of the Jews, reneged on his promise to the Armenian community to recognize the Armenian ‘genocide’. Obviously, his Jewish masters figured good relations with Turkey was more important than historical reckoning(unless it involves some Jewish tragedy). And recall that Jewish-Americans greeted the fall of Saigon and cheered for North Vietnamese communist takeover of all of Vietnam. When the Boat People fiasco happened — and the killing fields in Cambodia — , most Jews just shrugged their shoulders and said, "Don’t look at me", even though Jewish activists had done most to undermine US effort to contain the communists in Indochina. It’s amusing that Jews who bitch and whine endlessly about how they’d been targeted and persecuted as a minority elite through the ages feel almost no sympathy for other minority elites all over the world. When Soviet communists were rounding up and killing German minorities in Russia, Jews celebrated with blood-curdling lust — and this was before Hitler’s wars. And of course, when the successful Cuban business elites and middle classes were being driven out of Communist Cuba, Jewish-Americans sided with Castro and defamed Cuban exiles as blood-sucking capitalist leeches. Jewish hypocrisy knows no bounds. A middle class Cuban store-owner is a bloodsucking leech according to Jews, but none of us better say anything about billionaire Jewish tycoons who rob the entire world.
Jews are truly a rotten bunch(though, of course, this doesn’t apply to all Jews as there are some like Brother Nathanael. It’s wrong for anyone to be radically antisemitic). Jews are hyper-sensitive, hyper-critical, and hyper-suspicious about how others see them, but if others voiced criticism of Jewish attitudes, they would be attacked as ‘mentally sick’, ‘paranoid’, and ‘rabid and virulent’.
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Neil Steinberg - Hideous Jew |
Anyway, ‘antisemitism’ is normal and natural. It is the default attitude and outlook of any majority population that wants to be in control of their own social realm under the rule of elites who come from their own communities. Indeed, isn’t that the essence of representative democracy and republic? To run for office for a certain district, province, state, region, or whatever, the politician must come from that community and must be of that community. Wisconsin folks want someone who is from Wisconsin to represent Wisconsin. Texans want their own kind to represent Texas. Jews, of course, know and fear this, and this is why Jews prefer oligarchy to democracy. Since Jews control the big money and big media, they can make or break any politician in all fifty states. So, even though American politicians come from their local communities, they come to serve the interests of Jewish elites in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and even in places like Tel Aviv and London. Like Sal went over to Barzini — perceived to be the new boss in town — in THE GODFATHER, most politicians go over to the kinds of people who run ADL, AIPAC, and New York Times. Is it any surprise that Orrin Hatch the Mormon recently said ‘gay marriage’ is law of the land and nothing can be done about it? Who does he represent? Fellow Mormons in Utah or the Jewish-Homo or Jomo elites who run New York and San Francisco? By the way, when ‘gay marriage’ was banned in all 50 states, did Jews and homos just shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, that’s just the law of the land, so we might as just quit."? No, they stuck to their agenda and kept fighting. But how come American Conservatives are such craven cowards who just resign themselves to Jomo supremacy and act like Sal in THE GODFATHER? They are ‘Conservatives’, not true conservatives. They are scum prostitutes.
Anyway, what is truly sick and deranged in America is the absence of antisemitism. Though we must be careful to not allow antisemitism metastize into something as sinister as Nazism, it is only natural, normal, and healthy for us to notice Jewish power and see it for what it is. We must be willing to fight back. One thing for sure, if any gentile minority community in Israel sought to gain the kind of power in Israel that Jews have over US and EU — and are seeking to gain in Russia — , the Jewish majority would most certainly unite and be vociferously ‘antisemitic’ against the hostile gentile minority would-be-elites. Jews are not stupid. But so many white gentiles seem to be downright retarded. After WWII and the Holocaust, it made good sense to feel sympathy for Jews. But this sympathy, a good thing in and of itself, has turned cancerous. It has turned into blind, mindless, and obedient worship of a people who are hellbent on destroying white power, white interests, and white survival. White folks need to stop being dumb and wake up. They need to think their own thoughts and see their own reality instead of relying on hideous Jews to control their hearts, minds, and bodies.
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Scum whore Sarah Palin with Jewish Star even though Jews endlessly dickslap her dumb goy self. |
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