A Palestinian man walks past a graffiti depicting US President Donald Trump on the controversial Israeli separation barrier in the West Bank town of Bethlehem on August 4, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Musa AL SHAER
Many people are familiar with the argument in favor of the Border Wall that invokes the national security needs of Israel. Whenever the Anti-Wall activists(who happen to be disproportionately Jewish) decry the calls for heightened border security as unrealistic, ineffectual, and/or immoral, the Pro-Wall advocates point to Israel and its mostly effective system of walls.
There are factual and polemical aspects to naming Israel as Exhibit A in the usefulness(and indispensability) of Walls. First, it is true that Israel’s walls are among the most effective in the world, not only against Arabs but African migrant-invaders. So, anyone who says that walls don’t work is either factually wrong or lying. The other reason is to shame the Jewish Anti-Wall proponents. It exposes their hypocrisy in insisting on The Wall for the Jewish Nation-State but opposing it for any white-majority or Western nation.
To an extent, it has shamed if not silenced the kinds of Jews who, as ardent Zionists, support extensive wall-building around Israel and Occupied Territories but denounce the very idea of walls for goy nations. How dare these Jews say walls are essential for the survival of the Jewish Homeland but for no other people and nation?
Besides, don’t both Political Parties in the US remind constantly that Israel is totally wonderful and the greatest ally of the US? Well, if Israel is so wonderful, whatever it does must be wonderful as well, and of late, Israel is renowned(or notorious depending on whom you ask) for its super-high and super-tough walls. So, if Israel is so great with its wonderful walls, maybe its policies should serve as the model for all nations around the world? But, that’s not what we hear.
Now, we know why Jewish Supremacists are for Walls for Israel but No-Walls for goy nations. It’s the same reason why they’re for Balls for Jews but No-Balls for white goyim. Jews want white goyim mentally castrated to serve the Jewish master. White Gelding is the main agenda of PC(political correctness) and especially ‘wokeness’.
Unsurprisingly, Jews have contradictory positions on guns as well. Jews have no problem with an armed Jewish citizenry in Israel, but they call for stringent gun-control and even gun-banning in the US. Why would Jews support gun-ownership in Israel but then push for gun-banning in the US? It’s because Israel is majority Jewish, and so, gun-ownership means well-armed Jewish nationalists.
In contrast, Jews are only 2% of Americans, which means being out-gunned 50 to 1. Therefore, Jews want guns to be monopolized by the state that they control through whore-politicians, ideological commissars, and tribal-minded judges.
As with everything else, Jewish Logic all comes down to “Is it good for Jews?” or more accurately, “Is it great for Jewish Supremacism?” Powerful Jews only feign concern for ethics and morality in their argumentation, the main objective of which is to ensure supremacy for the Jewish People. Then, one shouldn’t heed Jewish appeals to humanitarianism or what-must-be-done-for-the-children. They are all rhetorical smokescreens to push through an agenda that is really meant to consolidate Jewish Control and Power. It’s obvious why Jews are pro-guns in Israel. It means the majority of Jews out-gunning Arabs. And it makes sense why Jews are anti-guns in the US. Gun ownership means goyim outgunning Jews.
What goes for guns also goes for walls. Walls in Israel mean security for the Jewish state. Having extensive walls means Jews can keep out any people who are deemed hostile, burdensome, or troublesome. (Of course, even as Jews insist on defensive walls for Israel, they routinely violate the borders of their Arab neighbors, not just in the West Bank and Gaza but against Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.) Thus, Jewish nationhood is secured, and Israel may last forever as it favors a policy of Jewish-Immigration-Only while excluding non-Jews who might crash the Zionist Party, aka Zionism is pro-replenishment-immigration(or open to all Jews around the world) but anti-replacement-immigration(or non-Jews need not apply).
When it comes to walls in goy nations, Jews think differently. During World War II, the Wall came to symbolize the Jews trapped in the Warsaw Ghetto, a precursor to the current situation in Gaza according to pro-Palestinian advocates. Back then, Jews didn’t control the walls and decide who got in and who were kept out. With the walls, Nazis kept the Jews hemmed inside the ghetto, from which there was virtually no escape and no entry(except for the Germans carrying deadly arms).
Jews also hate the idea of Walls for Goy Nations as symbols of autonomy, independence, and sovereignty against Jewish-dominated globalism. It means limits on the Jewish Globalist penetration and takeover of those nations. It’s like the Portnoic Jewish penis hates the idea of well-protected goy vaginas. The Jewish Pud seeks free movement and penetration of the pooters of goyesses.
Jews often bitch about how nationalism and anti-open-borders policy are like Nazi Evil, but if anything, it was Nazi Germany that enforced its own version of Open Borders whereas non-German nationalisms were the best bets against Nazi aggression. Adolf Hitler wanted an Open Europe where Germans could move in and out of any nation at whim. If anything, Jews were safest in nations that still had effective national barriers against Nazi pan-Europeanism. It was following Germany’s Open Invasion of Poland and France that Jews in those parts found themselves in serious trouble. And Germany’s Open Invasion policy against Russia spelled doom for countless millions of Slavs and Jews. What saved the Jews was the nationalist push-back by the Russians and others who resisted the Nazi German Open Invasion policy.
Given what Open Invasion policies have done to Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen in recent years, why would any sane person oppose national sovereignty and secure borders? It was precisely because Iraq and Libya were unable to prevent foreign invasions that they ended up in the mess that they are. And there would have been no Syrian War if the Assad regime had firm control of its borders. But Saudis, Turks, Israel, the US, and myriad Jihadi groups all worked together to breach Syrian borders and tear that country apart.
Jews are willfully lying when they conflate nationalism and borders with Nazism and inhumanity. In nearly every case, erosion of national borders led to more tensions, conflicts, wars, and even genocides. Nazi Germany wasn’t content to mind its own borders and respect the borders of other nations. Its foreign policy turned into Open Borders Imperialism with devastating impact for all of Europe.
Jews are clearly disingenuous, even hysterical, when it comes to border security among goy populations. For example, when Hungarians prevent foreign migrant-invaders from barging in, they are not shutting their nation to foreign travel, investment, and business; and they sure as hell aren’t rounding up Jews to ship to death camps. Hungarians just don’t want their lovely nation inundated with law-breaking marauders who will surely cause lots of social problems(as well as change the very character of the nation).
So, why do Jews condemn Hungary? It’s because any show of national assertiveness signifies desire for national autonomy and independence. And that means a nation like Hungary belongs to Hungarians first and foremost. Non-Hungarians, be they goyim or Jewish, must respect this truth about Hungary.
Now, almost all goy nations(except those that cuck to Jews) are perfectly fine with Hungarian national rights, so why do Jews so fervently insist that Hungary doesn’t belong to Hungarians and that Hungarian-ness must be ‘fluid’(like 50 genders) and ‘inclusive’, i.e. any number of Muslims and Africans should be welcomed as the New Hungarians.
It’s because Jews are the premier globalist-imperialists in the world, and their power derives mainly from worldwide networking. Even though Jews do have a nation of their own, the fact is Israel, in and of itself, hardly constitutes a great power. The real foundation of Jewish Power is the Tribal penetration into and control of GOY nations, as well as the complex networking from NY to London to Paris to Tel Aviv to Berlin to Stockholm to Warsaw to Bueno Aires to Tokyo to etc. This is why Jews regard ANY sign of goy defiance against the Jewish Globo-Agenda with alarm, especially as it may have a domino effect.
After all, it is most unnatural, not to mention unjust, for a tiny minority to wield such disproportionate power over nations where the overwhelming majority populations are composed of non-Jewish races and cultures.
But in equal measures of arrogance and desperation, Jews are playing with fire in stoking the flames of radical globalism in goy nations because of the populist and/or nationalist backlash. (There is also the danger from the Real Left that is realizing the duplicity of Jewish Power that poses as ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ but often partners with the ‘right’ on a host of issues, especially pertaining to Israel and foreign policy, all the while suppressing leftist voices critical of Zion.)
Hungary’s only demand was border security against the invaders from Muslim and African lands. It was more than willing to work with the EU and US on most issues. But, Jewish Power in fits of Sorosian rage pushed ever harder, leaving Hungarian patriots no choice but to stand their ground and secure the borders .
Arrogant Jewish Supremacists have gotten so used to having their arses kissed(especially by America, the most powerful country in the world) that they became incapable of the smallest compromise. Their attitude is ‘our way or the highway’, or the way of the master who fears that even the slightest fissure in his authority may lead to a slave rebellion.
Given that such chutzpah is bound to piss off any non-Jewish group, Jews go about promoting Diversity so that they can play divide-and-rule among the goyim. After all, no matter how rich and well-connected the Jewish minority may be, they are no match for a united majority goy population with guns and pitchforks. Once the goy majority break free of the programming and realize what Jews are really up to, they may rise up and really stick it to the Jews.
This wouldn’t be a problem if Jewish Power was mostly sensible and responsible, worthy of respect and admiration, but it’s long been in gangster mode, and even ‘good’ or relatively better Jews now feel helpless to do anything about it and fear going down with the bad Jews. In their binary worldview of Jewish Gangsterism or the New Holocaust, they feel the former is their only option.
No wonder then that Jewish Power seeks to not only deracinate every goy national identity(and spread decadence and degeneracy) but to diversify the population so that the various goyim will be at each other’s throats than go after the Jews.
If Jews stopped acting crazy, none of this would be necessary. Most white goyim are more-than-willing to co-exist and cooperate with Jews, even as junior partners. But maybe there is something in the Jewish psyche that just can’t leave things alone. They just have to keep pushing for more and more. Ironically, Jews are rather like Adolf Hitler in this. Der Fuhrer’s insatiable ambition didn’t have a reverse gear.
Now, let’s consider the Pro-Wall argument from the Palestinian perspective. We know why walls have been good for Israel. We know that walls have effectively suppressed terrorist attacks in the West Bank. The walls make life for Jewish occupiers/settlers in much safer. The combination of walls, Zio-Apartheid restrictions, and IDF presence allows Jews to go about their business even in areas where they are outnumbered by (justifiably)angry Palestinians.
Pro-Israeli-Wall advocacy also allows the likes of Butt-Tucker Carlson to hold a mirror up to hypocritical Jewish Power that, by and large, is anti-wall for the West but pro-wall for Israel. It’s a handy way of opposing the Jewish Agenda while fending off accusations of ‘antisemitism’, i.e. “why would an ‘Anti-Semite’ support security for Jews in Israel?”
But what goes unspoken is that the Pro-Wall argument is just as, if not more, compelling when Palestinians are brought into the equation. For starters, how was Palestine wiped off the map from the river to the sea to make way for the new nation of Israel? It was because Palestinians had no effective walls, physical and political, to keep the Jewish-Zionist migrant-colonizer-invaders out. If Palestinians had walls like the Jews have today in Israel, there would have been no creation of Israel to destroy Palestine. The land would still be Palestine inhabited mostly by native Arabs.
The destruction of Palestine by endless waves of Jewish migration, culminating in the Nakba Pogroms of 1948, goes to show that political will and physical wall(natural or artificial) are necessary for any nation to survive. The creation of Israel not only proves the importance of walls but the danger of mass-migration. The wholesale ‘immigration’ of Jews to Palestine eventually led to ethnic cleansing. Much earlier, the same happened to the Serbians of Kosovo, now owned by Albanian Muslims.
Theoretically, Serbians could argue that they deserve to reclaim Kosovo as their ancient homeland, no less than the Jews with their Zionist project. But apparently, only Jews have the right to reclaim lost territory, even if it happened 2,000 years ago. Jews insist on all the world recognizing their ‘rightful’ takeover of Palestine and its transformation into Israel, but they denounce any attempt on the part of Serbians to reassert authority over Kosovo. It goes to show Jews are no friends to the white race or Christianity, which they loathe. The only thing that matters is the question, “Is it great for Jewish Supremacism?”, and as long as Jews see Serbs as allies of the much dreaded Russians, they will support the Albanian Muslims against the Christian Serbs, much like Israel gleefully supported ISIS killers beheading Christian Arabs who sought protection under Assad.
The importance of walls is demonstrable not only by the recounting of Nakba and destruction of defenseless Palestine but by what is going on in the West Bank right now. While Jews in Israel have effective walls against Palestinians in the West Bank, Palestinians in the West Bank have no effective walls against Jews in Israel. That means Israel can defend itself from Palestinian infiltrators and terrorists, but the West Bank cannot protect itself from Jewish colonists, invaders, and settlers.
It’s a question with an obvious answer. Which side has the advantage? Jews with effective Walls against Palestinians OR Palestinians with No-Walls against Jews? If two swordsmen square off, who has the advantage? The one with sword and a shield Or the one with only a sword, a wooden one at that? Walls mean security and survival. The ONLY reason Constantinople lasted as long as it did was because of its massive walls. When they were finally breached, it was all over.
Ideally, walls would not be necessary in a world governed by the Rule of Law and Word of Honor, where all peoples respect the borders of other nations in deference to laws or the honor system. And many people do have a sense of honor and obey rules. But then, many people don’t, and it’s not just a matter of economic desperation as the main enemies of walls in goy countries are the Jews, the richest and most privileged people on the planet.
In the 21st Century, two populations are the least mindful of laws and honor: Jewish globalists at the very top and the masses of Third Worlders who act like zombies in WWZ. Now, why would the uppermost elites work with the barbarian masses to destroy the Great White Middle? One reason is that both the elites and the barbarians have no respect for rules. Barbarians think and act like beasts driven by primitive drives and appetites. So, if Third World masses can invade the West and gorge on freebies, that’s just fine as far as they’re concerned.
As for the uppermost elites, they regard rules as for the ‘little guys’. They themselves feel as gods who are beyond the ‘petty’ conventions of ‘right and wrong’. Barbarians think in terms of ‘below the law’, whereas the Rulers, as globo-deities, think in terms of ‘above the law’.
But a more practical reason for the alliance of uppermost Jews and Third World hordes is because Jewish elites are convinced that the ONLY SURE WAY to secure Jewish supremacist domination in the West is via Diversity. Only Diversity may lead to conditions where the goyim are so divided that they will never be able to unite to challenge Jewish Dominance. In the West, Jews use nonwhites to hate on whites but can always rely on the majority of whites to defend Jews and Zionism against the ‘darkies’ or ‘browns’. If lower-class whites support Israel because they were weaned on Chuck Norris movies and Christian Zionism, upper-class whites suck up to Jews because their minds were molded by the Jewish-run media and academia.
Of course, Jews also exploit the class divisions between lower class whites and upper class whites(now overwhelmingly Democratic). Lower class whites have been turned ‘anti-socialist’ and see themselves as defenders of successful upper class whites from ‘communists’, while upper class whites have been made ‘anti-racist’ and see themselves as defenders of the people-of-color from the lower-class ‘white-trash-deplorables’. Whites sure are stupid from top to bottom.
Anyway, would you rather be Israelis with powerful walls against Palestinians in the West Bank OR Palestinians with powerless No-Walls against Jews in Israel? Who is invading whom? Are Palestinians in the West Bank invading and colonizing Israel OR are Jews in Israel(and around the world) invading and colonizing the West Bank? Which side has the force of walls?
The answer is, of course, clear as day. But because Jews seek to monopolize the power of walls for themselves, we are fed endless propaganda by the media(another powerful source monopolized by Jews) that walls are bad for goyim. How odd that whatever is good for Jews is bad for goyim. And whatever is bad for goyim is good for Jews. It’d be like Jews telling us that money is bad, but the moment we toss it aside, they pick it up and pocket it.
The fact that so many white goyim have been persuaded by Jews to see walls as a bad thing(despite the fact that Jews keep building more walls for Israel) is sad proof that a lot of whites are whummies or wheaks, either too dumb to get it or too weak to face the music. Haven’t they yet figured out that Jews are playing them like a fiddle and setting them against fellow white folks who are patriotic? Isn’t it telling that both most ‘right-wing’ Jews and most ‘left-wing’ Jews agree on the necessity of Israel’s walls, but the white population is divided between those who see the value of walls and those who think it’s an evil symbol of ‘xenophobia’?
But the fact that even relatively ‘red-pilled’ people like Ann Coulter and Butt-Tucker Carlson argue in favor of the Wall by only invoking Israel is a sure sign that they have yet to fully awaken to what is really going on. They are still under the delusion that Jews may accept them as partners(if not equals) even though Jews regard ‘fellow whites’, the dimwit goyim, as sheeple to mess with.
Even most patriotic types go to great lengths to demonstrate that they admire Jews and love Israel, but the fact remains most Jews in the West look upon white goyim in the way that Jews in Israel & West Bank look upon Palestinians: As an inferior people to subjugate, humiliate, and castrate.
White Patriots flatter themselves as being akin to White Zionists when, if anything, their condition is more akin to that of White Palestinians. With each passing day, it seems what Jews are doing in the West Bank is merely a dress rehearsal for what they have in store for all of the West. If Jews use their numerical and military advantage to take over the West Bank in the creation of Greater Israel, they intend to use hordes of Third World masses as proxy-armies of Jews. Just look at the current border policy under the Biden Administration that is totally run by Jews. Mayorkas, who’s supposed to be guarding the borders, is actually letting tons of invaders in.
Of course, these Third Worlders have no love for Jews, but they don’t have the brainpower to challenge Jewish power once they enter the West. Also, as the main conflict will be between whites and nonwhites, Jews can play off both sides. It’s like Jews whipped up white Christian soldiers into invading and destroying the land of the ‘muzzies’ but then encouraged Muslim migration-invasion to the West, characterizing the newcomers as dreamy-eyed immigrants against white ‘racist-supremacist xenophobes’.
Figures like Ann Coulter and Butt-Tucker Carlson need to start making a case for the Wall by invoking the history and the plight of Palestinians. Palestinians lost their homeland in the Nakba Pogroms because they had no effective walls or border security against the Jews who were favored by the Great Powers, the UK, the US, and the USSR.
And Palestinians in the West Bank are now losing what little remains of their homeland because they have no effective walls against Jews. In contrast, Jews have effective walls against Palestinians(and others), and that means Israel remains secure as the homeland for the Jews. Walls mean power, security, and survival. No Walls means no power, no security, and extinction.
It should be obvious by now that World Jewry works to deny the right of walls to white nations. Also, by promoting Afromania, Jungle Fever, Homomania, and Feminism, Jews seek to rob white men of balls. Whiteness itself shall be delegitimized, and whites shall have nothing to call their own. White lands? No such thing as they are to be colonized by all the world. White women? No such thing as white wombs shall be sexually colonized by black seed. White identity and culture? No such thing as whites shall be made to feel shame and guilt at the very notion of whites having a history and heritage of their own.
No-walls-and-no-balls is the future of the white race if the Jewish Globalist Hegemonists can help it. Because American Jews regard whites in the way that Israeli Jews regard Palestinians — and because the Jewish Plan for the white race is White Nakba on a massive scale — , it is about time white Americans came to identify more with Palestinians than with Jews.
Honestly, with whom do white Americans(and Europeans) have more in common? Jews have the power of walls and balls in Israel. Palestinians are denied the power of walls and balls. Do white people in the EU and US have walls and balls OR no walls and balls? They have no walls and balls.
Now, which people did most(via monopoly of key institutions and industries) to rob white people of walls and balls? Jewish Supremacists, of course. Then, it is about time that white people began to feel, think, and act in terms of WE ARE ALL PALESTINIANS. Not White(or Christian) Zionists but White Palestinians.
Just like it’d be great for Palestinians to have walls and balls, it’d be great for whites to regain their walls and balls.
But, which people are denying both Palestinians and whites the blessings of walls and balls? It’s the Jews. Whites keep thinking they are partners and allies of Jews when, if anything, Jews regard whites like they regard Palestinians: Slaves, servants, serfs, peons, or cattle.
What do Palestinians in the West Bank and Anglos in Texas have in common? Day by day, they continue to lose the demographic struggle against invasive populations. What Jewish colonizers do in West Bank, Mexicans and Central Americans(and people from all over the world) do in Texas and Southwest territories.
Now, do Jews side with Texan whites OR with the hordes of illegals? Isn’t it surreal that while Anglo-Texans root for Jewish colonizers in the West Bank, Jews root for the illegal alien colonizers in Texas? Whites root for Jews against Arabs, but Jews root for browns against whites. No wonder whites are losing. Texas enacted anti-BDS laws that forbid government workers to oppose the Zionist Occupation of the West Bank, but the great irony is that Jews are hellbent on doing to Anglo-Texans what they did to the Palestinians.
As crazy as this all sounds, white competitive zeal(or obsession with ‘winners and losers’) compels them to grovel at the feet of demonstrably superior groups. If in the past, white competitiveness insisted on whites-being-at-the-top(by hook and by crook), the new ‘anti-racist’ meritocratic policies catapulted blacks to the top in brawn power while catapulting Jews to the top in brain power, and whites gradually became acclimated to recognizing blacks and Jews as the true master races. So, it doesn’t matter if blacks rob and burn down cities; whites must cuck to the superstars of basketball, football, and rap culture. And it doesn’t matter if Jews push White Nakba and defame the white race because, as the rightful master race, they have the right to do anything. Whites in California witnessed over several decades the transformation of the state from majority white to majority non-white, and they surely know Jews had a big hand in this. But, even as the much-reduced minority race in California, they still suck up to Jews, even more than ever. How pathetic can you get?
Whites have become such worthless cucks. Among the elite whites, it’s mainly a matter of craven greed as they want more shekels from Jewish Power. Among white masses, too many are dimwit Evangelicals who worship Jews-as-the-Chosen or moronic gun-huggers whose worldview came from Hollywood movies where gung-ho Americans mow down a bunch of subhuman terrorist ‘muzzies’. They have no idea that Jews have no more regard for them than they do for Palestinians.
According to Jewish Logic, White Christian Soldiers exist to be shipped off to the Middle East to fight Wars for Israel and kill tons of ‘Muzzies’. These Jewish-instigated wars lead to much havoc and Muslims moving to the West. Then, Jews hug Muslims as ‘refugees’ and ‘immigrants’ and use them to berate white Americans as ‘xenophobes’ and ‘Islamophobes’.

According to Jewish Logic, White Christian Soldiers exist to be shipped off to the Middle East to fight Wars for Israel and kill tons of ‘Muzzies’. These Jewish-instigated wars lead much havoc and Muslims moving to the West. Then, Jews hug Muslims as ‘refugees’ and ‘immigrants’ and use them to berate white Americans as ‘xenophobes’ and ‘Islamophobes’.
It isn’t by chance that the US-and-Mexico situation is the reverse of the one in Israel-and-West-Bank. In the case of Israel and the West Bank, it is the bigger, richer, and more powerful party(Israel of course) that gets to defend itself while also invading the weaker territory. Palestinians in the West Bank can’t intrude into Israel, but Jews in Israel sure can trespass into the West Bank as they please and grab more territory. Tragic as it is for Palestinians, it seems natural because, historically speaking, the greater power gets to do as it wishes, e.g. defend its domain while invading other domains. The basic law of imperialism.
But between the US and Mexico, the situation seems to go against the grain of historical norms. The US is far bigger, richer, and more powerful than Mexico, but almost all the invasions are from south to north… and the US seems helpless to do anything about it.
If anything, Mexico has a tougher and more effective border policy(except when it willfully serves as conduit for the Caravandals between Central America and the US) than the US, where migration/immigration policy is all but broken. Donald Trump talked tough but was unable to enforce any effective border policy as the courts were dominated by Jews or their globo-homo commissars. And now, under the JAB, or Jews-around-Biden, the US border has been flung wide open, so much so that even blue city mayors are beginning to voice dissatisfaction.
Why is the bigger, richer, and stronger nation weaker in the equation? Why is the US like the West Bank vis-a-vis Mexico/Central America that acts like Israel with its endless reserves of invader-settlers? In the past, it was the big tough US that not only defended itself from non-white foreigners but invaded and took SW territories from Mexico(as well as other parts of the world). Back then, the US was like Israel, and Mexican territories were like the West Bank.
Today, the US is still many times richer and more powerful than Mexico but weaker when it comes to border security. Why is the US like the West Bank in its utter impotence to stop the invasion of migrant-settlers from the South?
Because the elite institutions of America are ruled by Jewish supremacist hegemonists and their brown-nosing globo-homo cuck-dogs. The US has the manpower and materials to stop the migration-invasion but is hamstrung from doing so due to diktats from ABOVE. The big tough body of America is now animated by the Jewish brain. Globalism says, “Jews can invade the West Bank, and browns/blacks can invade US & EU, but whites in EU and US better just give up and take it up the ass like the helpless Palestinians in the West Bank.”
In a strange way, Jews support mass non-white immigration-invasion as their own Pro-Wall policy. From the Judeo-Hegemonic Perspective, a huge mass of nonwhites amounts to a Human Wall or River-like Barrier against White Power(though when nonwhites on occasion get antsy about the Palestinian issue or Jewish abuses of power, the reliably idiotic white masses are summoned to serve as protective walls for Jews). Non-white masses are the demographic-electoral-economic barrier around the globo-homo Jewish Supremacist castle to keep out the white populist-nationalists with pitchforks. In war, flooding is sometimes used as a moveable wall to hold back the enemy. Dams are blown-up to let the water flow between your side and the opposing side. Jewish elites regard the non-white demographic flooding of the West as akin to the crashing waves that engulfed Pharaoh’s cavalry and spared the Hebrews from Egyptian wrath.
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